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JDBC learning notes

2022-07-06 07:09:00 Not drunk in taste

What is? JDBC

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Personal understanding : In fact, when we are studying databases , Through the data client , But in fact, we can't log in to the client and execute the corresponding... Without logging in to the database once sqi sentence , But whenever the database needs to change , The program automatically executes the corresponding statement , This is it. jdbc The role of

JDBC The core idea of

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JDBC Environment building

  1. The first step must be to create one java engineering , stay java Create one below the project lib Document clip , And put our driver file Set the file to lib
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JDBC Development steps

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Detailed code

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Result Result set , Traverse the way

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Examples are as follows :
Get the row data according to the column value
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Get the row data according to the column name
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Common mistakes

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sql Injection problem

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Wrapper utility class

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