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Supporting title of the book from 0 to 1: ctfer's growth road (Zhou Geng)

2022-07-06 06:52:00 Borrow ZJ article [de]bvxie

Here is the custom directory title

Common collection

Release prompt :
 Insert picture description here
Use dirbuster Tool for web directory scanning ,⼯ Yes kali⾃ belt ,
 Insert picture description here

cd /usr/share/dirbuster
java -jar DirBuster-1.0-RC1.jar

use URL Fuzz, You can specify a directory , Specify scan admin All the files under the directory ,dir Represents every line of the dictionary
 Insert picture description here
/admin/{dir}.php This is blasting admin All under directory php file
 Insert picture description here
Or is it dirsearch course ,
forehead , The environment was also checked ,,, Didn't sweep it out , Try to do it yourself


 Insert picture description here
Get a hint , Visit available :flag1:n1book{info_1


 Insert picture description here
Get a hint , Visit available :flag2:s_v3ry_im


You'll get a file
 Insert picture description here
I read this question wp, The software still doesn't understand , Try again in a few days .

Careless Xiao Li

 Insert picture description here
Git test , Use GitHack The script tests it , course !kali It has its own Git、Python2 and Python3. Switch to virtual machine … Mainly in the second half of the day GitHack, Failed all the time !
 Insert picture description here
We found the reason !!! Not solve , Looking around for information, I found another tool scrabble Can replace it , Tutorial links !
Open terminal in folder ,
 Insert picture description here
./scrabble + website
 Insert picture description here
ls see
 Insert picture description here
cat + file
 Insert picture description here

SQL Inject -1

Find the injection point ,
 Insert picture description here


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