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Biomedical English contract translation, characteristics of Vocabulary Translation

2022-07-06 06:32:00 Yingxin translation company

   We know , Contract language (Contract language) It belongs to legal language , The translation of biomedical English contracts strives to be rigorous in language , Accurate expression , Try to avoid possible misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the contents or terms of the contract , Ensure the rigor of biomedical contract translation 、 Accuracy and authority . For biomedical English Contract Translation , English letter translation gives the following three suggestions .


   First of all 、 Use modal verbs correctly

   The words used in English contracts are generally formal 、 Standard language . More common modality Verbs mainly include shall and should Two . But they are respectively expressed in the contract Different meanings .shall Used to represent Responsibilities and obligations that must be performed in law , Failure to perform the terms of the contract will result in breach of legal responsibilities and obligations The consequences of , Its meaning is equivalent to Chinese ” Should “ or ” must “.shall The negative form of shall not It is often expressed in English contracts Behavior that must not happen . It should be noted that ,shall In the said “ should ” Don't use it casually should Instead of ,should Although it also means “ should ”, But it only means general obligation or moral obligation , Sometimes it even means “ Originally ” The meaning of .

   second 、 Use formal written vocabulary correctly

   Biomedical English contract belongs to legal style , namely “ Solemn style ”(frozen style) Or formal style , Its wording is usually formal and conservative . The words used in the contract usually have clear meanings 、 Words without ambiguity . for example :Submit, confirm, endorse, abide by, maintain,promote Equivalent words . These words are more formal , Solemnity , Less used in other styles , There is no associative meaning , Clear meaning , It meets the strict requirements of the style of contract for language .

   Third 、 Use common words with special meanings correctly

   Most words in English have polysemy , The same word in different contexts , It often has different meanings . However, some commonly used words have special meanings in biomedical English contracts , Can't understand according to the meaning of everyday language . for example :Neither party hereto shall assign this contract. In this sentence “assign” Express “ Transfer the possession of ”, Not in everyday language “ Assignment ” The meaning of .

   All in all , When translating biomedical contracts , Understand and master modal verbs 、 The exact meaning of written words and ordinary words with special meanings , It is helpful to correctly understand the contents of English contract terms , Then translate the English contract properly .


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