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How do programmers remember code and programming language?

2022-07-06 06:27:00 IT1124

The first thing to know is , It's no use remembering a code completely except for the exam , You memorize words all day long, and people can find them by typing an initial , What about the whole code , Is it useful to remember it ? The answer is : Useful , You saved Search for Time for .

Take the simplest package for example , Remember, it's nothing more than being able to type it silently , Don't remember, that is, open the browser and search , Search more, hit more, and finally remember .

Learning by rote at the beginning is not very helpful to study and work , Instead, it consumes your energy and time , There is a kind of programmer : They type very little code , Most of the code is copied and pasted from elsewhere to change , But the procedure they finally made was nothing wrong and stable . You might think :“ Don't you just copy and paste with your hands , Where are the skills of these people ?”

Their technology is embodied in :“ Search for what 、 Copy what 、 Paste what 、 Modify what 、 What to discard ”, They don't copy like headless flies , Every replication is planned , Copy what 、 Where to paste , I thought about it from the beginning .

Most of these people don't memorize , But it still works smoothly , It can be seen that whether it is the whole section or a single , It is far less important to remember the help that code brings to work than work experience .

Of course , There is always no harm in learning more , If you have extra energy and time , It is naturally good to remember some key commonly used code .

Now that you know the use of remembering code , Let's talk about how to remember code , What are the ways ?

One 、 Rote learning

Rote memorization is also known as Mechanical memory , It is the traditional copying of memory content 、 The process of reciting to memory , It is the most common and extensive method , Although very boring , But simple, rough and effective , Focus on one “ back ” word .

shortcoming : boring , There is no technicality . Not recommended !

Two 、 Associative memory

Use the connection between things in the way of association to remember . Association refers to remembering another related thing through what you currently feel or think , Or another thing triggered by one thing that comes to mind . Strengthening memory through association is a very common method . One of the main functions of memory is to establish connections in relevant experiences , The more active the association in thinking , The stronger the connection of experience . For example if 、else Connect with men's and women's toilets .

shortcoming : I need to have some imagination and Logical thinking . It is recommended to use !

3、 ... and 、 Drawing memory method

The human brain processes pictures much faster than words , The content that can be covered on the photo may need thousands of words to explain . This is what we often say that one picture wins ten thousand words .

Not to mention the speed of memory . Human brain is naturally interested in colorful things like animation , Memory speed is also very fast , It's unforgettable to see it once . Words are boring , It's hard to stimulate the cerebral cortex , Naturally, it's hard to remember . If you can show the boring political books in the form of cartoons , Is it easy to remember a lot ?

shortcoming : Interesting picture textbooks are scarce , To draw by yourself, you need to learn this knowledge point with words first , stultify oneself .

Four 、 Proficiency in memory

Just like what we said above , Because the code can be typed through search even if you don't remember it well , So you can ignore the memory code first , Normal work and study , If you type too many codes, you will remember them naturally , Even if I don't remember everything, I will remember probably .

shortcoming : Memory speed is slow , Memory accuracy is low .

