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Win10 cannot operate (delete, cut) files

2022-07-06 06:13:00 Yidamu salty alcohol

The prompt as shown in the figure appears when deleting or cutting files :
 The operation cannot be completed , Because the folder or file in it has been opened in another program , Please close this folder or file , And then try again

Because I am a front-end developer , I encountered a shear today node_modules We encountered this problem while processing this file , After a search, I found that there are programs in the background using this file ( At this time, I am even cmd、git Tools 、 Even open the folder vscode It's all off , Still can't cut )

At this time, you need to go to the task manager : performance - Open the resource listener -CPU- See the associated handle search file name , Then find the program corresponding to your file , Finally, right click End procedure
 Insert picture description here

 Insert picture description here

Finally, go back and operate the file .


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