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Hypothesis testing learning notes

2022-07-06 06:03:00 Zhan Miao

1. The basic concept of hypothesis testing

1.1. The null hypothesis ( Null hypothesis )

The assumption made about the distribution of the population is H_0 Express , It is also called original hypothesis or null hypothesis

When the overall distribution type is known , Statistical assumptions involving only unknown parameters in the population distribution , It is called parameter hypothesis
When the overall distribution type is unknown , Statistical assumptions about the type of population distribution or some characteristics of population distribution , It is called nonparametric hypothesis

1.2. Two types of errors in hypothesis testing  


2. Significance test of single normal population parameter

  Yes, hypothesis H_0 A test of depends entirely on small probability events A The choice of .

2.1. μ test  

  When the variance is known, the significance test of the mean value of a normal population can be summarized into the following steps :

 2.2. t test

2.3. \chi^2 test

3. Significance test of two normal population parameters

3.1. F test  

Significance test table of normal population parameters

4. Nonparametric hypothesis test

\chi^2 Goodness of fit test

Pearson statistics  


To sum up, use \chi^2 Goodness of fit test to test the hypothesis about the overall distribution , Steps are as follows :


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