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Embedded point test of app

2022-07-06 05:59:00 Test Xiaozha

Preface :

A recently developed product app The buried point test was carried out . In this process, I want to sum up my learning and understanding of buried point testing .

Text :

One 、 Concept

Buried point test is just a term of data acquisition , Data collection is provided to operators to understand mobile phones app For some modules 、 User usage of the scenario , A trigger burial point , The process of reporting the data collected at the buried point . Collecting data is just the starting point , Analyze the data 、 Arrangement 、 Summary and report presentation , Finally, it is concluded that the user is right app Generally speaking, the use behavior , So as to achieve app User oriented improvement is the goal , In order to better meet the needs of users, experience is the end .

The following is the process of buried point test 、 skill 、 Methods

Two 、 Testing process

every last app Completion , The joint efforts of all parties are indispensable , Attend to each one's own duties . Such as : The product manager meets the supply needs and confirms app Finally, show the effect , R & D personnel are responsible for code development app, The tester is responsible for testing app Whether it meets the needs . For a better explanation , I drew a flow chart :


3、 ... and 、 Test technique

1. Understand what language the development uses for different modules . If you use RN Language , You only need to test one end .

Now common app Development is using native programming languages ( Such as :ios End use objective-C,Android End use Java)+RN. and RN It is an open source cross platform mobile application development framework , It completely encapsulates all kinds of js Built in method , be rn When encoding, call js Processing logic layer processing events , and js Will be translated into object-c and java. In fact, to put it simply , We code and develop at the top app You can be in Android and ios End use . Because the same set of code , For the buried point test, only one end needs to be tested , This improves efficiency . But because RN Incomplete components , Some special functions cannot be solved , You still need their own native languages to code . About rn Use a rough map for reference :


in the light of RN The popularity of language , I specially went to consult the R & D personnel . The R & D staff said , Now common business modules are used RN code , Reduce code redundancy . Except for some special functions , such as : Verification Code 、H5 page .

2. When it is found that the buried point is missing , Position and analyze all aspects .

such as , We test ios End of the tool used xcode Not very mature . So if there is a buried point at one end , There is no burial point in the other section , The problem may come from :a. The phone version is incompatible ;b. xcode Version incompatible ;c. There is a problem with the Chinese log .

3. If it is buried, there is really no , You can independently pull the code to run the code to check the buried point .

Once the problem is discovered , Try to confirm whether it is bug, Avoid personal mistakes , Cause yourself to be in a passive state , At the same time, it is not easy for the project to progress .

Four 、 The test method

In fact, we have a data acquisition system that can count buried point data , The data is analyzed and summarized , The presentation is very intuitive . however , Platforms cannot distinguish between Android End or ios End trigger , And the data is often not updated from time to time , So for testing , There is no guarantee whether the embedding point is completed , Data is not assessable . So at present, most companies connect computers through mobile phones , Check the log to locate the buried point . Now we're going to Android End sum ios Let's talk about the test method of the end :

Android End

1. Environment building : build ddms Environmental Science , have access to android studio, Or use it directly android sdk Internal band monitor.

2. testing procedure :

1) stay Android Install the installation package with embedded points on the mobile phone

2) Open on the computer Android studio, At the same time through usb Connect the phone

3) View the buried point field table , Perform the corresponding operation with buried points , such as : if app The landing point . Then if in app Click login button, Under normal circumstances, the corresponding burial point can be found by looking up the log .


4) Check whether the buried point is correct , There are errors :

a) Missing buried point . such as , If you execute a Step find the burial point a; perform b step , But I can't find the burial point b. The probability is buried b Not buried .

b) Multiple buried points . such as , If you only operate once , But found multiple burial points .

c) The buried point does not correspond to the operation type , such as , Click on “ confirm ”, But reported “ return ”

ios End

1. Environment building : install xcode

2. testing procedure :

1) stay Android Install the installation package with embedded points on the mobile phone

2) Open on the computer xcode, At the same time through usb Connect the phone

3) Click on xcode Of window —>devices



4) View the buried point field table , Perform the corresponding operation with buried points , Check the accuracy of the embedding point .

summary :

Although the buried point test is relatively simple in the whole test process , Less time consuming , But it is still an indispensable part of software testing , Ensure the normal operation of the buried point . The report form fed back after the summary of buried points , It can scientifically and effectively plan a APP The future of , Better meet the needs of user experience .

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