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Construction of yolox based on paste framework

2022-07-06 05:43:00 Python's path to immortality

YOLOX Structure analysis and based on Paddle Network construction of

Ben Notebook Yes YOLOX The network structure of , And USES the PaddlePaddle Framework for YOLOX The network structure of .

notes : Ben Notebook Just discuss the building part of the network , Network training 、 The prediction process will follow NoteBook Have a discussion .

1. YOLOX brief introduction

YOLOX It's Kuangshi Technology (Megvii) stay YOLOv3 Improved on the basis of . The main improvements are Decoupled Head、Anchor Free、SimOTA、Data Aug. And for the sake of yolov5 contrast , Backbone network introduces yolov5 Of FOCUS、CSPNet、PAN Head、SiLU Activate .

1.1 Decoupled Head

Decoupled Head It is the standard configuration of a stage network in the academic field . However , The previous version of YOLO The prediction heads used are the same , Classification and regression are in one 1x1 Convolution .

The author found that End2End Of YOLOX Always better than the standard YOLOX low 4-5 A little bit , Accidentally put the original YOLO Head Switch to Decoupled Head, It is found that the gap has narrowed significantly , Think YOLO Head Your expressive ability may be lacking .

YOLOX in ,YOLO Head Realize classification and regression respectively , Only when the final prediction is made . After weighing the gains and losses of speed and performance , End use 1 individual 1x1 Convolution first reduces the dimension , And in the classification and regression branches 2 individual 3x3 Convolution .

1.2 Anchor Free

Anchor Free There are several advantages :

  1. Reduce the cost of time

    Anchor Based In order to pursue the best performance, the detector needs to anchor box Clustering analysis , Increased time cost .

  2. Reduce the complexity of detection head and the number of generated results

    Anchor Based The detector increases the complexity of the detection head and the number of generated results , A large number of test results from GPU Carry to CPU It is intolerable for edge devices .

  3. The code logic is simple , Readability enhancements

    Anchor Free The decoding code logic is simpler , More readable .

Anchor Free Technology can now be used YOLO, And the performance increases instead of decreasing , There is an inseparable connection with sample matching .

1.3 Sample matching SimOTA

Sample matching algorithm can naturally alleviate the problem of crowded scene detection 、 Alleviate the problem of poor detection effect of objects with extreme aspect ratio 、 Extreme size target positive sample imbalance problem 、 Alleviate the problem of poor detection effect of rotating objects .

The author believes that there are four important factors in sample matching :

  1. Loss/Quality/Prediction Aware

    Calculate based on the prediction of the network itself anchor box perhaps anchor point And Groud Truth Match relationship , Fully consider different structures / Complexity models may behave differently , It is a kind of dynamic sample matching .

    In contrast , be based on IoU threshold /In Grid(YOLOv1)/In Box or Center(FCOS) Both rely on artificially defining geometric priors to do sample matching , It belongs to the sub optimal scheme .

  2. Center prior

    In most scenes , The center of mass of the target is related to the geometric center of the target , Limiting the positive samples to a certain area in the center of the target for sample matching can well solve the problem of unstable convergence .

  3. Dynamic k

    For targets of different sizes, different numbers of positive samples should be set . Set the same number of positive samples for targets of different sizes , It will lead to a large number of low-quality positive samples for small targets or only a few positive samples for large targets .

    Dynamic k The key is to determine k,k Can be estimated by prediction aware Of , The specific author first calculates the closest of each goal 10 Forecast , Then put this 10 A prediction and Groud Truth Of IOU Add up to get the final k.

    Besides 10 This number is not very sensitive , stay 5-15 Adjustment between has little effect .

  4. Global information

    part anchor box/point At the junction between positive samples 、 Or the boundary between positive and negative samples , This kind of anchor box/point Positive and negative division of , Which positive sample does it belong to , Should consider the overall information .
    Final , Under the condition of weighing speed , The author only retains the first three points , Remove the optimal solution process , take OTA To SimOTA.

1.4 Data Augmentation

Data enhancement continues Mosaic and Mixup Data enhancement technology , Four pictures are spliced to realize the enhancement in the data , It enriches the background of the detected object .

Mosaic Method in YOLOv4 It is proposed that , The main idea is to cut the four pictures randomly , Then splice it into a picture as training data . The advantage is to enrich the picture background , And the four pictures are spliced together to improve in disguise batch_size, It's going on batch normalization Four pictures will also be calculated when , On itself batch_size Not very dependent on .

For details, please refer to the paper :YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection

Mixup Methods a simple linear interpolation method was used to obtain the new extended data .

For details, please refer to the paper :mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization

2. Analysis of network structure

Reference resources B standing Up Lord Bubbliiiing Drawn network structure diagram , The whole network can be divided into three parts : Backbone network CSPDarknet、 Features enhanced PAN Head、 Detection head YOLO Head.

  • The main structures involved in the backbone network include ConvBlock( contain Conv、Batch norm、SiLU)、FOCUS、CSPLayer、SPPBottleneck Isostructure .
  • The main structures involved in the feature enhancement section include CSPLayer、UpSampling、DownSampling etc. .
  • YOLO Head This part mainly includes ConvBlock structure .
    Next, we will build the following parts one by one .
#  Import and stock in 
import paddle
from paddle import nn

2.1 Backbone network CSPDarknet

2.1.1 ConvBlock

The basic convolution block contains convolution 、 Batch normalization and activation functions . The basic convolution block is filled with equal size Same Padding, Contains general convolution (BaseConv) And depth separable convolution (DWConv) Two types of .

BaseConv Structure schematic

Batch Norm

Bottleneck Residual convolution block , Trunk adoption 2 Basic convolution block , The convolution kernel sizes are 1 and 3, The residual part keeps the original input , The sum of the result output trunk and the residual edge .

Bottleneck Structure schematic

BaseConv 1x1Identity
BaseConv 3x3
##  Building convolution blocks 
class BaseConv(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, groups=1, act='silu'):
        padding = (kernel_size-1)//2
        self.conv = nn.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding, groups=groups)
        self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2D(out_channels,momentum=0.03, epsilon=0.001)
        if act == 'silu':
            self.act = nn.Silu()
        elif act == 'relu':
            self.act = nn.ReLU()
        elif act == 'lrelu':
            self.act = nn.LeakyReLU(0.1)
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.act(self.bn(self.conv(x)))
##  Construct deep separable convolution 
class DWConv(nn.Layer):
    # Some Problem
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, act='silu'):
        self.dconv = BaseConv(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, stride, groups=in_channels, act=act)
        self.pconv = BaseConv(in_channels, out_channels, 1, 1, groups=1, act=act)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.dconv(x)
        return self.pconv(x)
##  Build residual structure 
class Bottleneck(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, shortcut=True, expansion=0.5, depthwise=False, act="silu"):
        hidden_channels = int(out_channels * expansion)
        Conv = DWConv if depthwise else BaseConv
        # 1x1 Convolution reduces the number of channels ( The reduction rate defaults to 50%)
        self.conv1 = BaseConv(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, stride=1, act=act)
        # 3x3 Convolution expands the number of channels ( feature extraction )
        self.conv2 = Conv(hidden_channels, out_channels, 3, stride=1, act=act)
        self.use_add = shortcut and in_channels == out_channels

    def forward(self, x):
        y = self.conv2(self.conv1(x))
        if self.use_add:
            y = y + x
        return y
##  Test convolution module 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
conv1 = BaseConv(3, 64, 3, 1)
conv2 = DWConv(3, 64, 3, 1)
block1 = Bottleneck(3, 64)
/opt/conda/envs/python35-paddle120-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/paddle/nn/layer/norm.py:653: UserWarning: When training, we now always track global mean and variance.
  "When training, we now always track global mean and variance.")

[1, 64, 640, 640]
[1, 64, 640, 640]
[1, 64, 640, 640]

2.1.2 Focus

Focus As early as YOLOv5( No papers ) It is proposed that , The specific operation is to get a value every other pixel in a picture , Similar to adjacent down sampling , So you get four pictures , The four pictures complement each other , take W、H The information is concentrated in the channel space C, The input channel is expanded to 4 times , The stitched picture is relative to the original RGB The three channel mode becomes 12 Channels , Finally, the new image will be convoluted , Finally, the double down sampling characteristic map without information loss is obtained .

FOCUS schematic

Focus The function is to speed up , The author mentioned the use of Focus Layer can reduce parameter calculation , Reduce Cuda Using memory .

## Focus layer 
class Focus(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ksize=1, stride=1, act="silu"):
        self.conv = BaseConv(in_channels * 4, out_channels, ksize, stride, act=act)

    def forward(self, x):
        #  respectively 4 individual 2 Times the sampling result 
        patch_1 = x[...,  ::2,  ::2]
        patch_2 = x[..., 1::2,  ::2]
        patch_3 = x[...,  ::2, 1::2]
        patch_4 = x[..., 1::2, 1::2]
        #  Splice along the channel 4 Next sampling result 
        x = paddle.concat((patch_1, patch_2, patch_3, patch_4), axis=1)
        #  Convolution of splicing results 
        out = self.conv(x)
        return out
##  test FOCUS modular 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
layer = Focus(3, 64)
[1, 64, 320, 320]

2.1.3 CSPLayer

CSPLayer The main structure is shown in the figure below , On the basis of conventional structure , Introduce a branch similar to the residual structure .

The trunk part adopts 1 Basic convolution block + The stack N individual Bottleneck Residual block structure extraction feature , The residual part adopts 1 Basic convolution block , Finally, merge the two branches and act on the basic convolution block again .

CSPLayer Structure schematic

BaseConv 1x1BaseConv 1x1
Bottleneck(x N)
BaseConv 1x1
## CSPLayer
class CSPLayer(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, n=1, shortcut=True, expansion=0.5, depthwise=False, act="silu",):
        hidden_channels = int(out_channels * expansion)  
        #  The basic convolution block of the trunk 
        self.conv1  = BaseConv(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, stride=1, act=act)
        #  Basic convolution block of residual edge part 
        self.conv2  = BaseConv(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, stride=1, act=act)
        #  The basic convolution block after splicing the trunk and residual 
        self.conv3  = BaseConv(2 * hidden_channels, out_channels, 1, stride=1, act=act)

        #  Build multiple residual block bottleneck structures according to the number of cycles 
        res_block = [Bottleneck(hidden_channels, hidden_channels, shortcut, 1.0, depthwise, act=act) for _ in range(n)]
        self.res_block = nn.Sequential(*res_block)

    def forward(self, x):
        #  The main part 
        x_main = self.conv1(x)
        x_main = self.res_block(x_main)
        #  Residual edge part 
        x_res = self.conv2(x)

        #  Stack the trunk part and the residual side part 
        x = paddle.concat((x_main, x_res), axis=1)
        #  Convolute the stacked results 
        out = self.conv3(x)
        return out
##  test CSPLayer modular 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
layer = CSPLayer(3, 64, 5)
[1, 64, 640, 640]

2.1.4 SPPBottleneck

SPPBottleneck The main structure is shown in the figure below , Use convolution block 1+4 Access road + Splicing + Convolution block 2 Overall structure .

Convolution block 1 Reduce the number of channels by half ;4 The down sampling of channels is the original input and the window size is 5,9,13 Maximum pooling of ; Splice along the channel ; Convolution block 2 Adjust the number of output channels .

SPPBottleneck Structure schematic

BaseConv 1x1
IdentityMaxPool 5x5MaxPool 9x9MaxPool 13x13
BaseConv 1x1
## SPPBottleneck
class SPPBottleneck(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_sizes=(5, 9, 13), activation="silu"):
        hidden_channels = in_channels // 2
        self.conv1      = BaseConv(in_channels, hidden_channels, 1, stride=1, act=activation)
        self.pool_block = nn.Sequential(*[nn.MaxPool2D(kernel_size=ks, stride=1, padding=ks // 2) for ks in kernel_sizes])
        conv2_channels  = hidden_channels * (len(kernel_sizes) + 1)
        self.conv2      = BaseConv(conv2_channels, out_channels, 1, stride=1, act=activation)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.conv1(x)
        x = paddle.concat([x] + [pool(x) for pool in self.pool_block], axis=1)
        x = self.conv2(x)
        return x
##  test SPPBottleneck modular 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
layer = SPPBottleneck(3, 64)
[1, 64, 640, 640]

2.1.5 CSPDarknet

CSPDarknet by YOLOX The backbone network of is used for network feature extraction , The result will output three feature layers ( Input is [3, 640, 640], The dimensions of the three feature layers are [256, 80, 80], [512, 40, 40], [1024, 20, 20]). Its main structure is shown in the figure below , The main blocks involved are Focus、BaseConv、CSPLayer、SPPBottleneck Are implemented above , Now assemble these parts :

CSPDarknet Structure schematic

Input(-1, 3, 640, 640)
Focus(-1, 12, 320, 320)StemNone
Conv(-1, 64, 320, 320)
Conv(-1, 128, 160, 160)ResBlock1
CSPLayer(-1, 128, 160, 160)
Conv(-1, 256, 80, 80)Resblock2
CSPLayer(-1, 256, 80, 80)feature[dark3]
Conv(-1, 512, 40, 40)ResBlock3None
CSPLayer(-1, 512, 40, 40)feature[dark4]
Conv(-1, 1024, 20, 20)ResBlock4None
SPPBottleneck(-1, 1024, 20, 20)
CSPLayer(-1, 1024, 20, 20)feature[dark5]
## CSPDarknet
class CSPDarknet(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, dep_mul, wid_mul, out_features=("dark3", "dark4", "dark5"), depthwise=False, act="silu",):
        assert out_features, "please provide output features of Darknet"
        self.out_features = out_features
        Conv = DWConv if depthwise else BaseConv

        # Image Size : [3, 640, 640]
        base_channels   = int(wid_mul * 64)  # 64
        base_depth      = max(round(dep_mul * 3), 1)  # 3
        #  utilize focus Network feature extraction 
        # [-1, 3, 640, 640] -> [-1, 64, 320, 320]
        self.stem = Focus(3, base_channels, ksize=3, act=act)

        # Resblock1[dark2]
        # [-1, 64, 320, 320] -> [-1, 128, 160, 160]
        self.dark2 = nn.Sequential(
            Conv(base_channels, base_channels * 2, 3, 2, act=act),
            CSPLayer(base_channels * 2, base_channels * 2, n=base_depth, depthwise=depthwise, act=act),

        # Resblock2[dark3]
        # [-1, 128, 160, 160] -> [-1, 256, 80, 80]
        self.dark3 = nn.Sequential(
            Conv(base_channels * 2, base_channels * 4, 3, 2, act=act),
            CSPLayer(base_channels * 4, base_channels * 4, n=base_depth * 3, depthwise=depthwise, act=act),

        # Resblock3[dark4]
        # [-1, 256, 80, 80] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        self.dark4 = nn.Sequential(
            Conv(base_channels * 4, base_channels * 8, 3, 2, act=act),
            CSPLayer(base_channels * 8, base_channels * 8, n=base_depth * 3, depthwise=depthwise, act=act),

        # Resblock4[dark5]
        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 1024, 20, 20]
        self.dark5 = nn.Sequential(
            Conv(base_channels * 8, base_channels * 16, 3, 2, act=act),
            SPPBottleneck(base_channels * 16, base_channels * 16, activation=act),
            CSPLayer(base_channels * 16, base_channels * 16, n=base_depth, shortcut=False, depthwise=depthwise, act=act),

    def forward(self, x):
        outputs = { 
        x = self.stem(x)
        outputs["stem"] = x
        x = self.dark2(x)
        outputs["dark2"] = x
        # dark3 Output feature layer :[256, 80, 80]
        x = self.dark3(x)
        outputs["dark3"] = x
        # dark4 Output feature layer :[512, 40, 40]
        x = self.dark4(x)
        outputs["dark4"] = x
        # dark5 Output feature layer :[1024, 20, 20]
        x = self.dark5(x)
        outputs["dark5"] = x
        return { 
    k: v for k, v in outputs.items() if k in self.out_features}
##  test CSPDarknet modular 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
net1 = CSPDarknet(1, 1)
print(net1(x)['dark3'].shape, net1(x)['dark4'].shape, net1(x)['dark5'].shape)
[1, 256, 80, 80] [1, 512, 40, 40] [1, 1024, 20, 20]

2.2 Feature enhancement pyramid YOLOPAFPN

YOLOPAFPN by YOLOX The characteristics of the network strengthen the part , Integrated FPN and PANET. The three feature layers obtained from the backbone network are fused through multiple up sampling and down sampling , Combine the characteristic information of different scales .YOLOPAFPN The overall structure is as follows :

  • The underlying characteristics [1024, 20, 20] Conduct 1 Time 1X1 Convolution is obtained after adjusting the channel P5 features [512, 20, 20],P5 Upsampling and middle-level features [512, 40, 40] Combine , And then use CSPLayer Feature extraction is carried out to obtain P5_upsample features [512, 40, 40].
  • P5_upsample features [512, 40, 40] Conduct 1 Time 1X1 Convolution is obtained after adjusting the channel P4 features [256, 40, 40],P4 Perform up sampling and upper layer features [256, 80, 80] Combine , And then use CSPLayer Feature extraction P3_out features [256, 80, 80].
  • P3_out features [256, 80, 80] Do it once. 3x3 Convolution down sampling , After down sampling, compare with P4 The stack , And then use CSPLayer Feature extraction P4_out features [512, 40, 40].
  • P4_out features [512, 40, 40] Do it once. 3x3 Convolution down sampling , After down sampling, compare with P5 The stack , And then use CSPLayer Feature extraction P5_out features [1024, 20, 20].

YOLOPAFPN Structure schematic


class YOLOPAFPN(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, depth = 1.0, width = 1.0, in_features = ("dark3", "dark4", "dark5"), in_channels = [256, 512, 1024], depthwise = False, act = "silu"):
        Conv                = DWConv if depthwise else BaseConv
        self.backbone       = CSPDarknet(depth, width, depthwise = depthwise, act = act)
        self.in_features    = in_features

        self.upsample       = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')

        # [-1, 1024, 20, 20] -> [-1, 512, 20, 20]
        self.lateral_conv0  = BaseConv(int(in_channels[2] * width), int(in_channels[1] * width), 1, 1, act=act)
        # [-1, 1024, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        self.C3_p4 = CSPLayer(
            int(2 * in_channels[1] * width),
            int(in_channels[1] * width),
            round(3 * depth),
            depthwise = depthwise,
            act = act

        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 256, 40, 40]
        self.reduce_conv1   = BaseConv(int(in_channels[1] * width), int(in_channels[0] * width), 1, 1, act=act)
        # [-1, 512, 80, 80] -> [-1, 256, 80, 80]
        self.C3_p3 = CSPLayer(
            int(2 * in_channels[0] * width),
            int(in_channels[0] * width),
            round(3 * depth),
            depthwise = depthwise,
            act = act

        # Bottom-Up Conv
        # [-1, 256, 80, 80] -> [-1, 256, 40, 40]
        self.bu_conv2       = Conv(int(in_channels[0] * width), int(in_channels[0] * width), 3, 2, act=act)
        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        self.C3_n3 = CSPLayer(
            int(2 * in_channels[0] * width),
            int(in_channels[1] * width),
            round(3 * depth),
            depthwise = depthwise,
            act = act

        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 20, 20]
        self.bu_conv1       = Conv(int(in_channels[1] * width), int(in_channels[1] * width), 3, 2, act=act)
        # [-1, 1024, 20, 20] -> [-1, 1024, 20, 20]
        self.C3_n4 = CSPLayer(
            int(2 * in_channels[1] * width),
            int(in_channels[2] * width),
            round(3 * depth),
            depthwise = depthwise,
            act = act

    def forward(self, input):
        out_features            = self.backbone(input)
        [feat1, feat2, feat3]   = [out_features[f] for f in self.in_features]

        # [-1, 1024, 20, 20] -> [-1, 512, 20, 20]
        P5          = self.lateral_conv0(feat3)
        # [-1, 512, 20, 20] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40] 
        P5_upsample = self.upsample(P5)
        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] + [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 1024, 40, 40]
        P5_upsample = paddle.concat([P5_upsample, feat2], axis=1)
        # [-1, 1024, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        P5_upsample = self.C3_p4(P5_upsample)

        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 256, 40, 40]
        P4          = self.reduce_conv1(P5_upsample) 
        # [-1, 256, 40, 40] -> [-1, 256, 80, 80]
        P4_upsample = self.upsample(P4) 
        # [-1, 256, 80, 80] + [-1, 256, 80, 80] -> [-1, 512, 80, 80]
        P4_upsample = paddle.concat([P4_upsample, feat1], axis=1) 
        # [-1, 512, 80, 80] -> [-1, 256, 80, 80]
        P3_out      = self.C3_p3(P4_upsample) 

        # [-1, 256, 80, 80] -> [-1, 256, 40, 40]
        P3_downsample   = self.bu_conv2(P3_out) 
        # [-1, 256, 40, 40] + [-1, 256, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        P3_downsample   = paddle.concat([P3_downsample, P4], axis=1) 
        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        P4_out          = self.C3_n3(P3_downsample) 

        # [-1, 512, 40, 40] -> [-1, 512, 20, 20]
        P4_downsample   = self.bu_conv1(P4_out)
        # [-1, 512, 20, 20] + [-1, 512, 20, 20] -> [-1, 1024, 20, 20]
        P4_downsample   = paddle.concat([P4_downsample, P5], axis=1)
        # [-1, 1024, 20, 20] -> [-1, 1024, 20, 20]
        P5_out          = self.C3_n4(P4_downsample)
        return (P3_out, P4_out, P5_out)
##  test YOLOPAFPN modular 
features = paddle.ones([1, 256, 80, 80]), paddle.ones([1, 512, 40, 40]), paddle.ones([1, 1024, 20, 20])
net2 = YOLOPAFPN()
print(net2(x)[0].shape, net2(x)[1].shape, net2(x)[2].shape)
[1, 256, 80, 80] [1, 512, 40, 40] [1, 1024, 20, 20]

2.3 Detection head YOLOX Head

YOLOX Head when YOLOX Network detection head , At the same time, it plays the role of classifier and regressor , Compared to traditional yolo Detection head ,yolox head The detection head is decoupled , Classification and regression are divided into two branches for processing , Finally, the integration will be carried out at the time of prediction , Strengthen the recognition ability of the network .

YOLOX Head Structure schematic


## YOLOX Head
class YOLOXHead(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, num_classes, width = 1.0, in_channels = [256, 512, 1024], act = "silu", depthwise = False,):
        Conv            = DWConv if depthwise else BaseConv
        self.cls_convs  = []
        self.reg_convs  = []
        self.cls_preds  = []
        self.reg_preds  = []
        self.obj_preds  = []
        self.stems      = []

        for i in range(len(in_channels)):
            #  Preprocessing convolution : 1 individual 1x1 Convolution 
            self.stems.append(BaseConv(in_channels = int(in_channels[i] * width), out_channels = int(256 * width), kernel_size = 1, stride = 1, act = act))
            #  Classification feature extraction : 2 individual 3x3 Convolution 
                Conv(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = int(256 * width), kernel_size= 3, stride = 1, act = act), 
                Conv(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = int(256 * width), kernel_size= 3, stride = 1, act = act), 
            #  Classified forecast : 1 individual 1x1 Convolution 
                nn.Conv2D(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = num_classes, kernel_size = 1, stride = 1, padding = 0)
            #  Regression feature extraction : 2 individual 3x3 Convolution 
                Conv(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = int(256 * width), kernel_size = 3, stride = 1, act = act), 
                Conv(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = int(256 * width), kernel_size = 3, stride = 1, act = act)
            #  Regression prediction ( Location ): 1 individual 1x1 Convolution 
                nn.Conv2D(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = 4, kernel_size = 1, stride = 1, padding = 0)
            #  Regression prediction ( Whether it contains objects ): 1 individual 1x1 Convolution 
                nn.Conv2D(in_channels = int(256 * width), out_channels = 1, kernel_size = 1, stride = 1, padding = 0)

    def forward(self, inputs):
        #  Input [P3_out, P4_out, P5_out]
        # P3_out: [-1, 256, 80, 80]
        # P4_out: [-1, 512, 40, 40]
        # P5_out: [-1, 1024, 20, 20]
        outputs = []
        for k, x in enumerate(inputs):
            # 1x1 Convolution channel integration 
            x           = self.stems[k](x)

            # 2 individual 3x3 Convolution feature extraction 
            cls_feat    = self.cls_convs[k](x)
            # 1 individual 1x1 Convolution prediction category 
            #  Output, respectively, : [-1, num_classes, 80, 80], [-1, num_classes, 40, 40], [-1, num_classes, 20, 20]
            cls_output  = self.cls_preds[k](cls_feat)

            # 2 individual 3x3 Convolution feature extraction 
            reg_feat    = self.reg_convs[k](x)
            # 1 individual 1x1 Convolution prediction position 
            #  Output, respectively, : [-1, 4, 80, 80], [-1, 4, 40, 40], [-1, 4, 20, 20]
            reg_output  = self.reg_preds[k](reg_feat)
            # 1 individual 1x1 Convolution predicts whether there is an object 
            #  Output, respectively, : [-1, 1, 80, 80], [-1, 1, 40, 40], [-1, 1, 20, 20]
            obj_output  = self.obj_preds[k](reg_feat)

            #  Integration results 
            #  Output : [-1, num_classes+5, 80, 80], [-1, num_classes+5, 40, 40], [-1, num_classes+5, 20, 20]
            output      = paddle.concat([reg_output, obj_output, cls_output], 1)
        return outputs
##  test YOLOX Head modular 
features = paddle.ones([1, 256, 80, 80]), paddle.ones([1, 512, 40, 40]), paddle.ones([1, 1024, 20, 20])
net3 = YOLOXHead(10)
print(net3(features)[0].shape, net3(features)[1].shape, net3(features)[2].shape)
[1, 15, 80, 80] [1, 15, 40, 40] [1, 15, 20, 20]

2.4 Structural integration YOLO Body

class YoloBody(nn.Layer):
    def __init__(self, num_classes, kind):
        depth_dict = { 
    'nano': 0.33, 'tiny': 0.33, 's' : 0.33, 'm' : 0.67, 'l' : 1.00, 'x' : 1.33,}
        width_dict = { 
    'nano': 0.25, 'tiny': 0.375, 's' : 0.50, 'm' : 0.75, 'l' : 1.00, 'x' : 1.25,}
        depth, width    = depth_dict[kind], width_dict[kind]
        depthwise       = True if kind == 'nano' else False 

        self.backbone   = YOLOPAFPN(depth, width, depthwise=depthwise)
        self.head       = YOLOXHead(num_classes, width, depthwise=depthwise)

    def forward(self, x):
        fpn_outs    = self.backbone.forward(x)
        outputs     = self.head.forward(fpn_outs)
        return outputs
##  test YOLO Body modular 
x = paddle.ones([1, 3, 640, 640])
net4 = YoloBody(10, 'x')
print(net4(x)[0].shape, net4(x)[1].shape, net4(x)[2].shape)
[1, 15, 80, 80] [1, 15, 40, 40] [1, 15, 20, 20]

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