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Usage of test macro of GTEST

2022-07-06 05:57:00 panamera12

1. TestCase Introduction to
Gtest There are several case Methods to test different use cases . The main common ones are TEST/TEST_F And TEST_P Use of macros . At every TestCase The method provided by assertions can be used to control whether the expected direction of the program is the expected result , So as to determine the correctness of the program . In the same TestCase Cannot appear at the same time TEST and TEST_F Mix the two ; secondly TEST_F Than TEST What is strong is that it will inherit ::testing::Test Generate a new class , And this is necessary . In the new class, you can use void SetUp(); and void TearDown(); Create and clear relevant resource data ;

2. TEST macro
TEST The macro is used to create a simple test , It defines a test function , You can use any... In this function C++ Code and use the provided assertions to check .

TEST Grammar definition :
TEST(test_case_name, test_name)

  • test_case_name The first parameter is the test case name , Usually take the test function name or test class name
  • test_name The second parameter is the test name, which is arbitrary , But it's better to take a meaningful name
  • When the test is completed, the test results will be displayed in " Test case name . Test name " Given in the form of
// SharedUnique.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

// A custom make_unique templete class
#include <Memory.h>

using namespace sampleCXX::common;

class Base {
	Base(std::string name):m_name{name} {
		std::cout << "name: " << m_name << std::endl;

	std::string getName() {
		return m_name;
	~Base() {
		std::cout << "destory base" << std::endl;
	std::string m_name;

void getNameFunc(std::shared_ptr<Base> base) {
	std::cout << __func__ << " : usercount: " << base.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << __func__ << " : name: " << base->getName() << std::endl;
	// EXPECT_EQ(2, base.use_count());

TEST(Base, createInstance) {
	std::unique_ptr<Base> instance = make_unique<Base>("SvenBaseUnique");
	//  Test created instance Whether the instance is not nullptr
	EXPECT_NE(instance, nullptr);
	//  test instance Whether the instance is nullptr
	EXPECT_EQ(instance, nullptr);

TEST(Base, getName) {
	std::unique_ptr<Base> instance = make_unique<Base>("BaseUnique");
	EXPECT_NE(instance, nullptr);
	auto name = instance->getName();
	//  Test acquired name Whether the value is equal to the given value 
	EXPECT_STREQ(name.c_str(), "BaseUnique");
	EXPECT_EQ(instance, nullptr);

TEST(Base, shared_ptr) {
	std::shared_ptr<Base> instance = std::make_shared<Base>("BaseShared");
	EXPECT_NE(instance, nullptr);
	std::cout << "shared_ptr.use_count: " << instance.use_count() << std::endl;
	//  test instance Whether the number of citations is 1
	EXPECT_EQ(1, instance.use_count());
	EXPECT_EQ(1, instance.use_count());

TEST(Base, unique_ptr) {
	std::unique_ptr<Base> instance = make_unique<Base>("BaseUnique");
	EXPECT_NE(instance, nullptr);
	EXPECT_EQ(instance, nullptr);

 Insert picture description here

 3. TEST_F macro
TEST_F It mainly carries out various tests , It's a test in many different situations TestCase It will only be used when the same test data will be used in .
That is to test different behaviors with the same data , If the TEST Macros will be tested for different tests case Create a data .TEST_F Macros will share one copy, avoiding duplicate copies and having flexibility .

The syntax is defined as :
TEST_F(test_case_name, test_name);
test_case_name The first parameter is the test case name , You must take the class name . This and TEST Macro different
test_name The second parameter is the test name, which is arbitrary , But it's better to take a meaningful name
Use TEST_F Must inherit ::testing::Test class . And this class provides two interfaces void SetUp(); void TearDown();
void SetUp() function , Prepare objects for testing .
void TearDown() function Destroy object resources after testing .
The following procedure tests one Base Class , They all share the same data (Base Class object ):
Procedure passed BaseTest Class to create a common data resource , This will not need to be created separately for no test cases when testing Base object .

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

#include <Memory.h>

using namespace sampleCXX::common;

class Base {
	Base(std::string name):m_name{name} {
		std::cout << "Create constructor name: " << m_name << std::endl;

	std::string getName() {
		return m_name;

	void setName(const std::string &name) {
		m_name = std::string(name);

	~Base() {
		std::cout << "Destory base" << std::endl;
	std::string m_name;

class BaseTest : public ::testing::Test {
	//  Prepare data objects for testing 
	void SetUp() override {
		m_base = std::make_shared<Base>("SvenBaseTest");
	//  Clear resources 
	void TearDown() override {

	std::shared_ptr<Base> m_base;

TEST_F(BaseTest, testCreateInstance) {
	std::unique_ptr<Base> instance = make_unique<Base>("SvenBaseUnique");
	EXPECT_NE(instance, nullptr);
	EXPECT_EQ(instance, nullptr);

TEST_F(BaseTest, testGetName) {
	auto name = m_base->getName();
	EXPECT_STREQ(name.c_str(), "SvenBaseTest");

TEST_F(BaseTest, testSetName) {
	auto name = m_base->getName();
	EXPECT_STREQ(name.c_str(), "NewSvenBase");

 Insert picture description here

5. EXPECT_* and ASSERT_* Macro introduction of
5.1.gtest The assertion of
To test a class or function , We need to make assertions about their behavior . When an assertion fails ,Google Test The source file where the code is located and its location line number will be output on the screen , And error messages . You can also write assertions , Provide a custom error message , This information will be appended to... In case of failure Google Test After the error message .
Assertions often come in pairs , They all test the same class or function , But it has different effects on the current functions .ASSERT_* A fatal failure occurs when a version of the assertion fails , And end the current function .EXPECT_* Version of the assertion produces a non fatal failure , It does not abort the current function . Generally, it is more recommended to use EXPECT_* Assertion , Because they run a test and more than one error can be reported . But if you are writing an assertion, if it fails , There is no need to continue the test , You should use ASSERT_* Assertion . Because of the failure ASSERT_* The assertion will immediately return from the current function , You may skip some of the cleaning code that follows , This may lead to space leakage .

gtest The macro of interrupt words can be divided into two types : One is ASSERT macro , The other category is EXPECT Macro .
1、ASSERT_* series : Exit the current function if the current point detection fails
2、EXPECT_* series : If the current point detection fails, continue to execute

5.2. gtest Assertion classification


7. Call notes
TEST() and TEST_F() Use googletest Implicitly register their tests . therefore , With many others C ++ Different test framework , You don't have to list all the defined tests again to run them .

After defining the test , You can use RUN_ALL_TESTS() It runs them ,0 If all tests are successful ,1 Then return them . Please note that , In linked cells RUN_ALL_TESTS() Run all tests - They can come from different test cases , Even different source files .

Invocation time ,RUN_ALL_TESTS() macro :

Save all googletest Flag status
Create a test fixture object for the first test .

By initializing it SetUp().

Run the test on the fixture object .

By cleaning the fixture TearDown().

Delete fixture .

Restore all googletest Flag status

Repeat the above steps for the next test , Until all tests have been run .

If a fatal failure occurs , Next steps will be skipped .

Important note : You cannot ignore the return value RUN_ALL_TESTS(), Otherwise, you will receive a compiler error . The basic principle of this design is that the automated test service determines whether the test has passed according to its exit code , Not according to its stdout / stderr Output ; So your main() Function must return value RUN_ALL_TESTS().
Besides , You should RUN_ALL_TESTS() Call only once . Calling it multiple times will be associated with some advanced googletest function ( For example, thread safe death test ) Conflict , So not supported .

Actually Gtest comparison Gmock The use of is much simpler , The main reasonable use of the above assertions can write an automated test process for their own programs ;


