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Play video with Tencent video plug-in in uni app

2022-07-06 06:18:00 Miapenso

Playing video in small programs is a very common function . In this article , Let's take a look at how to develop a function of playing video in wechat applet . This article will use uni-app+ Tencent video to achieve .


uni-app It's a use Vue.js (opens new window) Develop a framework for all front-end applications , Developers write a set of code , Can be posted to iOS、Android、Web( Response type )、 And all kinds of little programs ( WeChat / Alipay / Baidu / headlines / anonymous letter /QQ/ Well quickly / nailing / TaoBao )、 Fast application and other platforms .

uni-app In hand , Don't worry about doing anything . Even if it doesn't span ends ,uni-app It's also a better framework for small program development ( See (opens new window))、 better App Cross platform framework 、 More convenient H5 Development framework . No matter what kind of project leaders arrange , You can deliver fast , There's no need to change development thinking 、 No need to change development habits .

Tencent video plug-in

ThumbPlayer-Miniprogram Tencent video applet player SDK, Applicable to hands Q And the player plug-in of wechat applet , Out of the box without configuration . It only supports the upload content playback of its own Tencent video creation number . Tencent video plug-ins are divided into 1.x Version and 2.x edition , because 2.x Version provides video playback 、 Pause 、 Instructions for the use of replay and other functions , In this article, we will use 2.x Version to achieve .

Apply for Tencent video plug-in

Want to use Tencent video plug-in , You must first apply for the use of this plug-in in wechat applet .

open WeChat public platform , Use the wechat administrator account of the applet to scan the code to log in , At the bottom of the menu bar on the left , Find settings .

Select the third party Settings tab , Add plug-ins in plug-in management

  Click Details to view the document , And get the plug-in appid With version number

Click development documentation , See how to introduce and use this plug-in . 

Create project

uni-app have access to HBuildX As a development tool , Click on HBuildX Download link Download and install . It also needs to be installed Wechat development tools .

HBuildX After the installation , Open file => newly build => project , choice uni-app Project creation

  The directory structure after creation is shown in the figure , choice mainfest.json File for editing , It will be saved automatically after editing .

Click basic configuration , obtain uni-app Of AppId

Click wechat applet configuration , Enter the name of the wechat applet AppId 

Click the source view , Introduce Tencent video plug-in code package

"mp-weixin" : {
   "appid" : "",
   "setting" : {
       "urlCheck" : false
    "usingComponents" : true,
        "player": {
            "version": "2.1.1",
			"provider": "wxa75efa648b60994b"

choice pages.json Editing , Insert plug-ins in the page

"pages": [ 
        "path": "pages/index/index",
        "style": {
            "navigationBarTitleText": "uni-app",
            "usingComponents": {
                "player-component": "plugin://player/video",

In this way, we can use Tencent video plug-in to play videos in the page , First, upload or find a video you want to play on Tencent video website , obtain vid, such as Life tips : Cherry is a common fruit , Very nutritious , But some people can't eat

		<player-component vid="p0743x9grjv"></player-component>

  Control video playback / Pause

Sometimes we need to play the video 、 Pause for control . Here are some commonly used api

#  Get player instance 
const store = requirePlugin('player')
// index.wxml  in  <video id="tvp-id" playerId="tvp">
const player = store.get('tvp');
//  or 
const player = this.selectComponent('#tvp-id');

#  open / Close the debug log 

#  Play 
const player = store.get('player')
player.play() //  Call the applet videoContext.play()
player.play(' Want to play vid') //  Playback assignment vid
player.play(' Want to play vid', { startTime: 5 }) //  Specify the start time 

#  Jump / Pause / stop it 
const player = store.get('player')
player.pause(); //  Pause , Same as videoContext.pause()
player.stop(); //  stop it , Same as videoContext.stop()
player.seek(5); //  Jump , Same as videoContext.seek()

#  to replay 
const player = store.get('player')

#  Set sharpness 
const player = store.get('player')
player.setLevel('fhd').catch(error => {
  // error Handle 

#  The player supports video Tag event 

#  The player supports video Tag attributes 
   *  Specify the initial video playback location 
  initialTime: {
    type: NumberConstructor,
    value: number, // 0
     *  Whether to use ui, Here is the overall setting UI switch .
  controls: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
     *  Mute playback or not 
  muted: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
     *  Set the direction of the video when the screen is full , If not specified, it will be judged automatically according to the aspect ratio 
  direction: {
    type: NumberConstructor,
    value: number, // -1
     *  Screen lock 
  showScreenLockButton: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
     *  When the video size and  video  When the container size is inconsistent , Video representation 
  objectFit: {
    type: StringConstructor,
    value: string, // 'contain'
     *  Whether to turn on the playback gesture , Double click to switch playback / Pause 
  enablePlayGesture: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
     *  When you jump to other pages of this applet , Whether to automatically pause the video playback of this page 
  autoPauseIfNavigate: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
     *  When you jump to other wechat native pages , Whether to automatically pause the video on this page 
  autoPauseIfOpenNative: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
     *  Whether to turn on the full screen automatically when the mobile phone is horizontal , It takes effect when the system setting turns on automatic rotation 
  enableAutoRotation: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
     *  Whether to turn on the screen projection 
  showCastingButton: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
     *  Volume in non full screen mode / Brightness gesture 
  vslideGesture: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // false
  /**  Volume in full screen mode / Brightness gesture  */
  vslideGestureInFullscreen: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
     *  Whether to use progress bar gesture 
  enableProgressGesture: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
   *  Auto play or not 
  autoplay: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true
  /**  Whether to display the progress bar  */
  showProgress: {
    type: BooleanConstructor,
    value: boolean, // true

