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Brief introduction to the curriculum differences of colleges and universities at different levels of machine human major -ros1/ros2-

2022-07-06 06:44:00 zhangrelay

The difference is very big , Here's an example :

Take the head University as an example ( strong 9-8-5 class ):

involve ROS Robotics course , Usually arrange 2 credits About innovative practice , Submit reports and design cases .

Most theories and designs need students to complete by themselves .

Give me a direction , After students study independently , Complete the project design independently .

To exclude 9-8-5 Strong 2-1-1 Take similar colleges and universities as an example :


I will talk about some in the course ROS Knowledge point .

But it's just a passing , Most are 8 A class hour . 

Give direction and proper guidance , Students complete independently according to the requirements . 

And the application-oriented undergraduate colleges , Open a separate ROS Programming course .

ROS1/2 Summary of robot programming practice kinetic/melodic/noetic foxy/galactic/humble

Students generally feedback that the course is too difficult , The assessment result is not very good .

Why almost all the course efforts have failed ?→ Robot engineering ←

The course content needs to be arranged in detail , And design the experimental process from simple to deep , Projects that have not been explained but fall within the scope of the course , It is difficult for students to complete independently . 

In the following article :

ROS2 Robot practice teaching and creative design ( Graphic version ) 


There are also great differences between undergraduate courses and vocational and technical courses , And the application-oriented undergraduate has been sampling and splicing on both sides .

Take some key undergraduate courses as theoretical teaching and some higher vocational teaching courses as practice , Lack of real suitable for students , Adjust measures to local conditions , Customized applied undergraduate courses . 

When students are not interested in the course , Or get rid of students' acceptance ability , Too difficult or too easy , Will make students feel tired of learning .

These depend on schools and some teachers , In fact, there will be no good way in a short time .


