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Market segmentation of supermarket customers based on purchase behavior data (RFM model)
2022-07-06 06:39:00 【Nothing (sybh)】
subject :
Market segmentation of supermarket customers based on purchase behavior data : Existing supermarket customers' purchasing behavior RFM Data sets ( Data files :RFM data .txt), Please use various clustering algorithms to segment customer groups . Complete the following questions :
1) Analyze customers' purchasing behavior RFM Data set ,R\F\M What are the distribution characteristics of these three variables ?(10 branch )
2) Try to divide the purchase into 4 class , And analyze the buying behavior characteristics of each customer .(10 branch )
3) Evaluation model , And analyze and gather 4 Whether the class is appropriate .(30 branch )
One 、 What do you mean RFM?
RFM It is a model for clustering user quality , Corresponding to three indicators
R(Recency): The time interval of the user's last consumption , Measure whether users are likely to lose
: The cumulative consumption frequency of users in the recent period , Measure user stickiness
M(Money): The user's accumulated consumption amount in the recent period , Measure users' spending power and loyalty
Two 、 clustering
# Item 1 : E-commerce user quality RFM Clustering analysis
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn import metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import preprocessing
# Import and clean data
data = pd.read_table('RFM data .txt',sep=" ")
# data=pd.read_table("RFM data .txt",encoding="gbk",sep=" ")
# data.user_id = data.user_id.astype('str')
X = data.values[:,1:]
# Data standardization (z_score)
Model = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
X = Model.fit_transform(X)
# iteration , Choose the right one K
ch_score = []
ss_score = []
inertia = []
for k in range(2,10):
clf = KMeans(n_clusters=k,max_iter=1000)
pred = clf.fit_predict(X)
ch = metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(X,pred)
ss = metrics.silhouette_score(X,pred)
# Make a comparison
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132)
plt.title(' Profile factor ')
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['SimHei'] # Set the normal display of Chinese
This time, we use 3 The clustering quality is comprehensively determined by three indicators ,CH, Contour coefficient and inertia fraction , The first 1 And the 3 The bigger the better , The contour coefficient is closer to 1 The better , Taken together , Gather into 4 Class effect is better
CH The bigger the indicator , The better the clustering effect is
clf.inertia_ It is a clustering evaluation index , I often use this . Talk about his shortcomings : This evaluation parameter represents the sum of the distances from a certain point in the cluster to the cluster , Although this method shows the fineness of clustering when the evaluation parameters are the smallest , But in this case, the division will be too fine , And it does not consider maximizing the distance from the point outside the cluster , therefore , I recommend method 2 :
Use the contour coefficient method K Choice of value , Here it is , I need to explain the contour coefficient , And why the contour coefficient is selected as the standard of internal evaluation , The formula of contour coefficient is :S=(b-a)/max(a,b), among a Is the average distance between a single sample and all samples in the same cluster ,b Is the average of all samples from a single sample to different clusters .
# According to the best K value , Clustering results
model = KMeans(n_clusters=4,max_iter=1000)
labels = pd.Series(model.labels_)
centers = pd.DataFrame(model.cluster_centers_)
result1 = pd.concat([centers,labels.value_counts().sort_index(ascending=True)],axis=1) # Put the cluster center and the number of clusters together
result1.columns = list(data.columns[1:]) + ['counts']
result = pd.concat([data,labels],axis=1) # Put the original data and clustering results together
result.columns = list(data.columns)+['label'] # Change column names
pd.options.display.max_columns = None # Set to show all columns
print(result.groupby(['label']).agg('mean')) # Calculate the mean value of each index in groups
# Map the clustering results
fig = plt.figure()
ax1= fig.add_subplot(131)
plt.title('R indicators ')
ax2= fig.add_subplot(132)
plt.title('F indicators ')
ax3= fig.add_subplot(133)
plt.title('M indicators ')
3、 ... and 、 Result analysis
1. Losing customers : Long consumption cycle 、 Less consumption 、 Consumption capacity is almost zero
2. Active customers : The consumption cycle is short 、 More times of consumption 、 Strong consumption ability
3.VIP customer : The consumption cycle is general 、 Consumption times are average 、 Consumption capacity is very strong
4. Wandering customers : The consumption cycle is general 、 Less consumption 、 Average spending power
1. Losing customers : Long consumption cycle 、 Less consumption 、 Consumption capacity is almost zero
2.vip customer : The consumption cycle is short 、 More times of consumption 、 Consumption capacity is very strong
3. Ordinary customers : The consumption cycle is general 、 Consumption times are average 、 Average spending power
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