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In English translation of papers, how to do a good translation?

2022-07-06 06:29:00 Yingxin translation company

   We know , This paper belongs to the academic field , Translation of papers is conducive to learning foreign advanced achievements 、 Attend international academic seminars , Promote academic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries . that , How to do thesis translation well , Thesis translation in English Translation , How to do a good translation ?

   Thesis translation in English Translation , First of all, we should master the translation method of the thesis , There are three main points , For your reference :

   First of all 、 The additional translation method of the thesis 、 Subtractive translation

   Take English translation as an example , Due to the thinking mode of two literary languages , Language habits , Different expressions , When translating , In order to ensure the integrity of grammatical structure and the accuracy of Translation , And prevent the translation from being lengthy 、 tedious . Sometimes you need to add or delete some words 、 Short sentences and so on , To ensure the quality of the translation .

   second 、 Transformation translation method of thesis

   In order to make the translation conform to the expression of the target language 、 Methods and habits , In the process of translation, the words in the original sentence 、 Sentence pattern 、 Voice conversion . For example, in terms of part of speech , Nouns are converted into pronouns 、 Adjectives, etc . Clause composition , The subject consists of an adverbial 、 Attribute, etc , The predicate is transformed into the subject 、 Attribute and predicate , It can make the translation of papers simpler 、 The smooth .

   Third 、 The forward translation of the thesis 、 Reverse translation

   Positive translation refers to translating sentences into English in Chinese order or expression . The so-called reverse translation is to translate Chinese in the opposite order . In Chinese , Attributive modifiers and adverbial modifiers are often placed before the modifier , And in English , Many modifiers are often placed after the modifier , Therefore, in the process of translating papers , You need to rearrange the word order of the full text . Pros and cons are often used in English Translation , Is to replace long English sentences according to Chinese habits , In order to conform to the logical narrative order of modern Chinese .

   secondly , It is necessary to polish and modify the translation of the thesis

   A good academic paper , There is no lack of retouching and modification services . Professional translation company , I will match the most suitable translator according to the professional field involved in the thesis , after , Polished and modified by senior editors , So as to successfully complete the thesis translation task entrusted by the customer .


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