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Engineering organisms containing artificial metalloenzymes perform unnatural biosynthesis

2022-07-06 06:24:00 Zhiyuan community

Synthetic biology enables microbial hosts to produce complex molecules from rare or difficult to cultivate organisms , But the structure of these molecules is limited to the structure formed by natural enzyme reaction . Artificial metalloenzymes that catalyze unnatural reactions (ArMs) Integration into the metabolic network can expand the cache of molecules produced by biosynthesis .
ad locum , Researchers from the University of California and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have collaborated , An engineering microbial cell expressing heterologous biosynthesis pathway is reported , This pathway contains natural enzymes and ArM, It can produce unnatural products with high diastereoselectivity . Researchers have designed E. coli with heteroterpene biosynthesis pathway and iridium - Porphyrin complex ArM, The complex is transported to the cell through a heterologous transport system .
Researchers through evolution ArM And selecting appropriate gene induction and culture conditions to improve the diastereoselectivity and product titer of unnatural products . This work shows that , Synthetic biology and synthetic chemistry can combine natural and artificial enzymes in the whole cell to produce molecules that were previously unavailable in nature .
The research 「 Unnatural biosynthesis by an engineered microorganism with heterologously expressed natural enzymes and an artificial metalloenzyme」 entitled , On 2021 year 10 month 14 Published on 《 Nature Chemistry》.
Thesis link : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-021-00801-3
Relevant reports : https://phys.org/news/2021-10-synthetic-biology-realm-unnatural.html

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