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Hydra common commands

2022-07-06 06:55:00 qq_ thirty-nine million five hundred and eleven thousand and fi

grammar :
hydra < Parameters > <IP Address > < service name >

Description of common parameters
-l Specify user name
-L Specify the user name dictionary ( file )
-p Specify password cracking
-P Specify a password dictionary ( file )
-s Specify a non default port
-e n Use an empty password
-e s The password used is the same as the user name
-e ns The combination of the above two
-t Specify the number of threads , The default is 16 Threads
-T The total number of parallel connections for the task ( The default is 64)
-vV Show detailed process
-f When a password is cracked, it stops
-C Specifies that the format used is "user:password" Dictionary file
-M Specify the target file to crack , If it's not the default port , Keep up ": port"
-o Will crack the successful user name : Write the password to the specified file
server The goal is ip、 Some segment
service Designated Services / Name of agreement
OPT Some modules support additional inputs

remarks :hydra Do not apply to http(s) Crack
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