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Every API has its foundation when a building rises from the ground

2022-07-06 06:44:00 Alibaba cloud developers

brief introduction :6 month 30 On the afternoon of Sunday , Alibaba cloud WAF The product will be upgraded to 3.0 edition , Among them, it is aimed at the safety guarantee work during important festivals or large-scale activities , A special protective package for heavy maintenance scenarios will be released , Combine with basic product capabilities , Form a set of tens of millions IP The blacklist 、 One click regional ban 、 Scenario rules are automatically updated to effectively protect against new vulnerabilities , Open at the same time API The capability will help realize the integrated solution of automatic operation and maintenance .

Click to learn more about Alibaba cloud Web Application firewall 3.0 Release


Improper configuration , The internal interface is exposed

The code logic is flawed , Inadequate certification

The data reveal that ……

API Why is safety more and more important ?

API, Some applications call each other for convenience , Pre defined interfaces in the development process , For example, when you visit a shopping platform through wechat applet , The applet needs to pass API To connect the inventory of the mall 、 Order and other systems .


In the past, digital business was not rich , For an organization , Inside API The frequency of development and invocation is low , Less interaction with external systems and Applications , therefore API It's just complicated IT A trivial existence in the system , Its security is less concerned .


But now , More and more businesses have moved online , For organizations , Providing services on the Internet requires calling more external interfaces , Between different enterprise organizations API Mutual calls inevitably result in API Increased exposure ,API Safety is becoming more and more important .


The core risk caused by these risks is The data reveal that , With 《 Data security law 》、《 Personal information protection law 》 Have been introduced and formally implemented ,API As a core element in dealing with data, it needs to be focused .

Enterprises should do well API Where is the difficulty of safety ?

API One of the characteristics of is the business logic of the enterprise organization 、 Business scenario 、 Complexity is closely related . With the rapid development of digital services , It will also directly lead to API The number and safety demands are rising in a straight line .

existing API Unclear assets , newly added API Interface doesn't know

For traditional enterprises , Systems are often very complex , Which interfaces are called by whom , It's basically impossible to sort it out manually ; Even if it was born in API Emerging enterprises that have been widely concerned , It is not possible to check all interfaces before each version goes online . ideally , The business should be launched only when it is confirmed to be safe , But in fact, this is mission impossible, The risk is buried .

Besides ,API The R & D team is usually responsible for the development and maintenance of , Safety is the responsibility of the safety team , The information gap between the two sides , Make tradition API The gateway uploads interface information manually , It is bound to produce a large number of “ a fish escaped through the seine ”.


Richer digital services bring more complex API management

Enterprises API Safety construction opposite circuit 、 Aggregate analysis 、 Broadband 、 The consumption of computing resources is very high , Every change in digital business may bring API Number 、 Call logic 、 Changes in importance , There may be countless API Go online and fail , Not to protect API Safe and refuse business changes , Nor can it cause security risks due to business changes , How to balance the two is a necessary problem .

Alicloud native API Security solution : High performance 、 Super controllable 、 Extreme zoom 、 Minimalist and efficient

Alibaba cloud API Security is based on Alibaba cloud WAF A set of product construction revolves around API Comprehensive security solutions , It can completely cover OWASP API top 10 Risk response . stay WAF Press the previous key to open , Eliminate complex deployment costs , Support API Asset lifecycle management , And can directly play its original defense ability , Deal with malicious behavior to form a closed-loop scheme , Reduce cross product operation costs ,WAF The attack blocking ability of the product 、 Access frequency limit 、 Reptile protection 、 Special protection for account security 、 Security scanning protection 、 The ability to prevent leakage of sensitive data can be used API Safe disposal capability , Form feature schemes for specific scenes .


( Data reference OWASP API Security Top 10)

Extreme zoom

Combined with Alibaba cloud's global edge site network , Provide end users with the lowest possible API Request and response delays . Limit traffic and authorize API call , To ensure that back-end operations can withstand peak traffic , And will not unnecessarily call back-end systems .

If a customer one day 5000QPS, Millions of logs will be generated , Check millions of logs by manpower API risk , unimaginable , Automatic analysis with Alibaba cloud model , It can be finished in a few minutes ;

Easy monitoring

Monitor relevant information from Alibaba cloud control panel API call 、 The performance indicators and information of data latency and error rate help customers more intuitively monitor their calls to services . This console optimization , The visual aspect makes customers more clear about the asset life cycle 、 More convenient positioning of pre / Alarm and new / The old API Online and offline 、 More obvious dialysis data risks .

from API Asset discovery 、 Risk vulnerability detection and abnormal behavior detection are completed automatically , The user only needs to confirm and handle the alarm ;

Flexible control

There is no need to deploy detection nodes on the customer's business side , Adopt bypass static analysis , No business impact , It will not pollute business data . Alibaba cloud API Security solutions rely on the cloud WAF, Native access through cloud domain name , Static bypass analysis , Because all traffic flows through WAF,Web API The list of total assets is visible .

Minimalist and efficient

There is no need to configure one click on 、 Cloud management . Take full advantage of the native advantages of cloud , Combined with business logic , No mating or probe is required , Problems can be found 、 Detailed observation 、 Processing closed-loop one key start while assisting in optimizing business logic .

【 What is noteworthy is that this time it is aimed at API Console capability optimization , Make the asset life cycle clearer 、 Positioning problems is more convenient 、 The data problem is more obvious .】

Alibaba cloud automatically analyzes API Access log , Creatively for each API Automatically Put on the business label , from “ Interface type + Sensitivity level + Authentication capability ” Three dimensions , Comprehensive definition API Interface importance , Realize to API Classification and hierarchical management .

At present, Alibaba cloud provides nearly 20 Business labels , It basically covers the common business types of customers .


API Another advantage of classification and hierarchical management is that it can help optimize business logic . for example , In the anti climbing scene , If an interface is detected to be brushed , You can see the business scenario corresponding to the interface , So as to find out and optimize the homogeneous business scenarios in the alarm .

API Risk vulnerability identification

Alibaba cloud API Security can be identified, including brute force cracking 、 Safety risks such as anti climbing , Combined with the importance of the interface, the risk is divided into high, medium and low levels , Cover traffic 、 Online retailers 、 Financial insurance 、 Catering, retail and other different industries .

At the same time, we can actively and timely discover the natural problems existing in the development and design API Exposure risk , Prevent data leakage before it happens .

From the perspective of sensitive data API Call exception monitoring

Sensitive data identification is accurate judgment API Whether the call will lead to data disclosure , Based on the sensitive data identification capability of Alibaba cloud data security center , every time API call , Can clearly see whether sensitive data is involved , Prevent leakage .

meanwhile , The powerful computing power of the cloud can get rid of the traditional practice of judging exceptions by rules , With the help of intelligent model, from IP source 、 Access link 、 Parameters used by the access procedure 、 Comprehensive analysis of different dimensions such as the types of sensitive data obtained , Greatly reduce false positives and omissions .


Customer practice

Case a : A third-party financial software provider ,OA System interface public network exposure risk

Hidden danger : The customer has not used effective API Control tools , Yes API I don't know about assets and their protection mechanism . And the safety awareness of the team is weak , The business side believes that as long as the interface authority control is well done , Even if the API There is no risk in opening to the public network .


Find the problem : Access Alibaba cloud API Safety products , The customer found that there were tens of thousands API Interface exists , And detected internally used OA The address book query interface of an employee in the office system is exposed on the public network , And unauthorized access . Through this interface , Get the names of all employees of the enterprise 、 Contact information 、 Organization structure and other core sensitive information .

Verified , Confirm that the customer exists API risk , Alibaba cloud immediately takes security measures :

  • adopt WAF Console , Configure for this API Interface ACL Visit the white list ( Only its corporate office network is allowed IP Visit , Ban all others IP The interview of );
  • Inform the business team in charge of the system of this information for rectification , The next day, the business team fixed the vulnerability of unauthorized access to the interface ;
  • according to API Safety analysis results , adopt WAF For all its internal use API Interface configuration ACL Access control , Restrict access to sources

Case 2 : A catering enterprise Unauthorized access to customer consumption information

Consumer's name 、 Information such as mobile phone number is 《 Personal information protection law 》 Specify the personal privacy data to be protected , Its consumption data is the core business data of enterprises .

The customer accesses Alibaba cloud API The security product has detected that one of its interfaces for querying customer consumption records can be accessed without authorization , Through this interface , You can get the name of any customer according to your mobile phone number 、 Contact information 、 Records of consumption 、 Consumption habits and other core sensitive information of enterprises and customers .

Although the customer has been conscious of protecting this part of data , However, due to the code logic defects of the interface authentication part , On the surface, , The request of the interface needs to carry the identity field for authentication , However, this field is not verified in the actual code , This leads to unauthorized access to the interface 、 The risk of unauthorized access .


Customers are concerned about API After the risk vulnerability alarm and abnormal behavior event alarm , Quickly contacted Alibaba cloud security team to check and confirm the API The existence of risk loopholes , Confirm the attack attribute of the abnormal access behavior at the first time . The security team immediately passed WAF Console , All access to this interface is blocked to stop bleeding urgently , And inform the business team of the system of this information for rectification , A week later, the business team fixed the vulnerability , The interface is re enabled to provide services , Avoid a potential data leakage event .

Link to the original text :https://developer.aliyun.com/article/979780?

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