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Zhongqing reading news
2022-07-06 06:55:00 【There is a picture in the picture】
In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence recommendation to the news has become more and more popular , Especially the headlines , NetEase , Interesting headline , Things like Zhongqing's highlights are very good , Most of them are read by hand , It will waste a lot of time , Today I will use a completely different method , Reading is realized directly by configuring parameters without programming , The implementation steps are as follows :
Create auto build
Enter ice fox intelligent assistance on the web 「 Mobile 」/「 Build scripts automatically 」 Create a new one in “ structure ”.
Auto fill modules and parameters
An exact build can be copied directly through metadata . On the right side of the build created in the previous step, click “ Metadata ” Button , Copy and save the following metadata , At this time, the system will automatically complete the module parameter configuration according to the metadata .
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"class": 1,
"target": "item",
"descendant": [],
"conditions": "[email protected]#precise:@#",
"children": [{
"type": "click",
"desc": " Click on the control ",
"class": "2",
"mode": "1",
"descendant": [],
"beforeWait": "0",
"afterWait": "1000",
"target": "item"
}, {
"type": "break",
"desc": " Out of the loop "
}, {
"type": "windowChange"
}, {
"type": "notification",
"children": []
"desc": " Root module ",
"debug": false
Compile operation
1. On the web side 「 Mobile 」/「 Build scripts automatically 」 Click... On the right “ compile ” Button , Compile the auto build to the same name as the auto build js Script .
2. On the web side 「 Mobile 」/「 Mobile script 」 Click... On the right “ Release ” Button release script .
3. On the web side 「 Mobile 」/「 Mobile script 」 Click... On the right “ function ” Button , And select the device , And then execute .
- The difference between get and post request types
- The ECU of 21 Audi q5l 45tfsi brushes is upgraded to master special adjustment, and the horsepower is safely and stably increased to 305 horsepower
- (practice C language every day) reverse linked list II
- Entity Developer数据库应用程序的开发
- pymongo获取一列数据
- 雲上有AI,讓地球科學研究更省力
- 接口自动化测试实践指导(上):接口自动化需要做哪些准备工作
- 简单描述 MySQL 中,索引,主键,唯一索引,联合索引 的区别,对数据库的性能有什么影响(从读写两方面)
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- Due to high network costs, arbitrum Odyssey activities are suspended, and nitro release is imminent
基于PyTorch和Fast RCNN快速实现目标识别
Reflex WMS medium level series 3: display shipped replaceable groups
Proteus -- Serial Communication parity flag mode
AttributeError: Can‘t get attribute ‘SPPF‘ on <module ‘models. common‘ from ‘/home/yolov5/models/comm
18. Multi level page table and fast table
A method to measure the similarity of time series: from Euclidean distance to DTW and its variants
Brief introduction to the curriculum differences of colleges and universities at different levels of machine human major -ros1/ros2-
Apache DolphinScheduler源码分析(超详细)
C language_ Double create, pre insert, post insert, traverse, delete
The ECU of 21 Audi q5l 45tfsi brushes is upgraded to master special adjustment, and the horsepower is safely and stably increased to 305 horsepower
Do you really know the use of idea?
编译,连接 -- 笔记 -2
Huawei equipment configuration ospf-bgp linkage
Day 248/300 关于毕业生如何找工作的思考
A brief introduction of reverseme in misc in the world of attack and defense
Classification des verbes reconstruits grammaticalement - - English Rabbit Learning notes (2)
[brush questions] how can we correctly meet the interview?
Introduction to ros2 installation and basic knowledge
女生学软件测试难不难 入门门槛低,学起来还是比较简单的
Machine learning plant leaf recognition
基于PyTorch和Fast RCNN快速实现目标识别
The registration password of day 239/300 is 8~14 alphanumeric and punctuation, and at least 2 checks are included
Prefix and array series
成功解决AttributeError: Can only use .cat accessor with a ‘category‘ dtype
Apache dolphin scheduler source code analysis (super detailed)