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Leecode-c language implementation -15 Sum of three ----- ideas to be improved

2022-07-06 07:25:00 Sunshine clover lxgzxj

One 、 subject

 Insert picture description here

Two 、 Their thinking

(1) Ideas need to be improved

 For example, the array is :{

(1) Construct a -10^5 To 10^5 Array of , Put the data one by one , Here for the convenience of writing -5 To 5.

(2) Define multiple variables to record the maximum and minimum subscripts and indexes when placing .

 The number :-5  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  1  2  3  4  5
 frequency : 0   0   0   0   1  1  1  0  1  0  0
 Indexes : 0   1   2   3   4  5  6  7  8  9  10
                      min         max
 The length of the array :11
MinIndex = 4
MaxIndex = 6
TempIndex = 4
MaxValue = 3
MinValue = -1

(3) If the minimum value is greater than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value .

(4) If the maximum value is less than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value .

(5) If twice the minimum plus the maximum is still greater than 0, It shows that this maximum value is definitely not in the final answer .

-1 * 2 + 3 > 0
MaxIndex Minus one 
MaxIndex = 6

(5) If twice the maximum plus the minimum is still less than 0, It shows that this minimum value is definitely not in the final answer .

(6) Judgment logic :MaxValue  + MinValue + TempValue = 0, recorded TempIndex by 5 .
             -1 + 1 + 0 = 0

(7) To determine  TempIndex=5 The corresponding value is 1, Explain that there is only one in the array 0, And it does not coincide with the maximum and minimum values , Meet the requirements .
    MaxIndex Minus one 
    MaxIndex = 6
     Finally, add an array to the two-dimensional array :{
    -1  0  1 } }
(8) To determine : 
     MinValue : -1 , MaxValue :  0 ,  TempValue :  1 
      Find out TempValue :  1  exceed MaxValue :  0, For repeating elements , Kicked out .

(9) To determine :
     MinValue :  0 , MaxValue :  1 , TempValue : -1 
      Find out TempValue :  1  exceed MinValue :  0, For repeating elements , Kicked out .

(10) To determine :     
     MinValue :  0 , MaxValue :  0 , TempValue :  0 
      Find out 0 There are only two values , Here I took it three times , Kicked out .

3、 ... and 、VS Test code

(1) Ideas need to be improved

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define INITARRAYSIZE 10000

void PrintfArr(void *arr, int size, int elementsize);
void PrintfHeadVal();
void Printf2DimensionArray(int** Array, int num1, int num2);

int** threeSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int* returnSize, int** returnColumnSizes);

int main()
    int nums[] = {
     -1,0,1,0,3 };
    int numsSize = sizeof(nums) / sizeof(int);
    int returnSize = 0;
    int** returnColumnSizes = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*));
    PrintfArr(nums, numsSize, sizeof(int));
    threeSum(nums, numsSize, &returnSize, returnColumnSizes);
    return 0;

/*  For example, the array is :  The number :-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5  frequency : 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 2 4 5 1  Indexes : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9 10 min max temp  The length of the array :11 (1) Construct a -10^5 To 10^5 Array of , Put the data one by one . (2) Define two variables to record the maximum and minimum subscripts when inserting . (3) If the minimum value is greater than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value . (4) If the maximum value is less than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value . (5) That is, there are three variables ,MaxIndex,MinIndex,TempIndex. (6) Judgment logic :max Value  + min Value  + temp Value  = 0, recorded . max Value  + min Value  + temp Value  != 0, Don't record . (7)min <= 0, max >= 0, temp Value  = 0 - min Value  - max Value , To judge temp The index of the bit . (8)temp Whether the corresponding index bit is 0, If   by 0, Don't record .  by 1 You need to judge whether it is with max、min coincidence , Coincident exit , Non coincident records . Greater than, etc 2, Record . */

int** threeSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int* returnSize, int** returnColumnSizes) {
    *returnSize = 0;
    if (numsSize < ELEMENTSIZE)
        return NULL;
    int** ResArray = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * INITARRAYSIZE);
    int* RecordArray = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 + 1));
    *returnColumnSizes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * INITARRAYSIZE);
    int MaxIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[0];
    int MinIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[0];
    int TempValue = 0;
    int MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    int MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    int TempIndex = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int Flag = 0;

    // Initialize array RecordArray
    for ( i = 0; i < RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 + 1; i++)
        RecordArray[i] = 0;

    // take nums The values in the array are recorded in the array RecordArray in 
    // Record the maximum and minimum values and index 
    for ( i = 0; i < numsSize; i++)
        MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        if (nums[i] > MaxValue)
            MaxIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i];

        MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        if(nums[i] < MinValue)
            MinIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i];
        RecordArray[RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i]]++;
    MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

    printf(" The number :");
    PrintfArr(RecordArray, RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 + 1, sizeof(int));
    printf("MaxIndex : %d , MaxValue : %d , MinIndex : %d , MinValue : %d\n", MaxIndex, MaxValue, MinIndex, MinValue);

    // If the minimum value is greater than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value .
    // If the maximum value is less than zero , It means that no addition in the array can be 0, Returns a null value .
    if (MaxValue < 0)
        return NULL;

    if (MinValue > 0)
        return NULL;

    // The following two cycles can reduce the following for Number of cycles , Speed up program efficiency .
    // It's OK to , The efficiency is not improved .

    while ((MinValue * 2 + MaxValue > 0) && (RecordArray[MaxIndex] != 0))
        MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

    while ((MinValue + MaxValue * 2 < 0) && (RecordArray[MinIndex] != 0))
        MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

    for (i = MinIndex; i <= RECORDARRAYSIZE; i++)
        if (RecordArray[i] == 0)
        MinValue = i - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        while ((MinValue * 2 + MaxValue > 0) && (RecordArray[MaxIndex] != 0))
            MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        for ( j = MaxIndex; j >= RECORDARRAYSIZE; j--)
            if (RecordArray[j] == 0)

            MaxValue = j - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
            TempValue = 0 - MinValue - MaxValue;
            TempIndex = TempValue + RECORDARRAYSIZE;

            printf(" i : %2d , MinValue : %2d ,j : %2d , MaxValue : %2d , TempIndex : %2d , TempValue : %2d , RecordArray[TempIndex] : %2d\n",
                     i, MinValue, j, MaxValue, TempIndex, TempValue, RecordArray[TempIndex]);

            if (RecordArray[TempIndex] > 0)
                if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 1) && (j > TempIndex) && (i < TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 2) && (j > TempIndex) && (i <= TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 2) && (j >= TempIndex) && (i < TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] > 2) && (j >= TempIndex) && (i <= TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;

                if (Flag)
                    printf("*returnSize : %d\n", *returnSize);
                    (*returnColumnSizes)[*returnSize] = ELEMENTSIZE;//*returnColumnSizes Put it in parentheses 
                    ResArray[*returnSize] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * ELEMENTSIZE);
                    ResArray[*returnSize][0] = MinValue;
                    ResArray[*returnSize][2] = MaxValue;
                    ResArray[*returnSize][1] = TempValue;
                    //printf("data : (%d , %d , %d)\n", ResArray[*returnSize][0], ResArray[*returnSize][2], ResArray[*returnSize][1]);
                    Printf2DimensionArray(ResArray, *returnSize, ELEMENTSIZE);
                    Flag = 0;
    Printf2DimensionArray(ResArray, *returnSize, ELEMENTSIZE);
    Printf2DimensionArray(returnColumnSizes, 1, *returnSize);
    return ResArray;

void Printf2DimensionArray(int** Array, int num1, int num2)
    int i, j;
    for ( i = 0; i < num1; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < num2; j++)
            printf("%2d ", Array[i][j]);
        printf("} ");

    printf("} \n");

void PrintfHeadVal()
    int i;
    printf(" Header :");
        printf("%3d ", i);
    printf(" Indexes :");
    for (i = 0; i <= RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 ; i++)
        printf("%3d ", i);

void PrintfArr(void *arr, int size, int elementsize)
    if (elementsize == sizeof(int))
        int *tmparr = (int*)arr;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            printf("%3d ", tmparr[i]);
    else if (elementsize == sizeof(char))
        char *tmparr = (char*)arr;
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            printf("%c ", tmparr[i]);

Four 、VS Running results

 Insert picture description here

5、 ... and 、leecode Submission code

#define INITARRAYSIZE 20000
#define RECORDARRAYSIZE 100000

int** threeSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int* returnSize, int** returnColumnSizes) {
    *returnSize = 0;
    if (numsSize < ELEMENTSIZE)
        return NULL;
    int** ResArray = (int**)malloc(sizeof(int*) * INITARRAYSIZE);
    int* RecordArray = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 + 1));
    *returnColumnSizes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * INITARRAYSIZE);
    int MaxIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[0];
    int MinIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[0];
    int TempValue = 0;
    int MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    int MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    int TempIndex = 0;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int Flag = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < RECORDARRAYSIZE * 2 + 1; i++)
        RecordArray[i] = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < numsSize; i++)
        MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        if (nums[i] > MaxValue)
            MaxIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i];

        MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

        if(nums[i] < MinValue)
            MinIndex = RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i];
        RecordArray[RECORDARRAYSIZE + nums[i]]++;
    MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    if (MaxValue < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (MinValue > 0)
        return NULL;
    while ((MinValue * 2 + MaxValue > 0) && (RecordArray[MaxIndex] != 0))
        MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;

    while ((MinValue + MaxValue * 2 < 0) && (RecordArray[MinIndex] != 0))
        MinValue = MinIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
    for (i = MinIndex; i <= RECORDARRAYSIZE; i++)
        if (RecordArray[i] == 0)
        MinValue = i - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
        while ((MinValue * 2 + MaxValue > 0) && (RecordArray[MaxIndex] != 0))
            MaxValue = MaxIndex - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
        for ( j = MaxIndex; j >= RECORDARRAYSIZE; j--)
            if (RecordArray[j] == 0)
            MaxValue = j - RECORDARRAYSIZE;
            TempValue = 0 - MinValue - MaxValue;
            TempIndex = TempValue + RECORDARRAYSIZE;
            if (RecordArray[TempIndex] > 0)
                if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 1) && (j > TempIndex) && (i < TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 2) && (j > TempIndex) && (i <= TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] == 2) && (j >= TempIndex) && (i < TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                else if ((RecordArray[TempIndex] > 2) && (j >= TempIndex) && (i <= TempIndex))
                    Flag = 1;
                if (Flag)
                    (*returnColumnSizes)[*returnSize] = ELEMENTSIZE;
                    ResArray[*returnSize] = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * ELEMENTSIZE);
                    ResArray[*returnSize][0] = MinValue;
                    ResArray[*returnSize][2] = MaxValue;
                    ResArray[*returnSize][1] = TempValue;
                    Flag = 0;
    return ResArray;

6、 ... and 、 Running results

 Insert picture description here


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