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JS realizes the animation effect of text and pictures in the visual area
2022-07-03 04:04:00 【jingde528】
utilize wow.min.js, animate.css Displayed when the user scrolls the page CSS Animation effect .
Official website :Animate Chinese net – Animate install 、Animate Use 、Animate download
Download address :http://www.bootcdn.cn/wow/
Case presentation :animate.css The demo _dowebok
1、 Join in animate.css
> or
2、 Join in wow.js .( No need to quote jQuery)
<script src=
Be careful new WOW().init(); Medium WOW Use capital letters , Otherwise it won't work .
3、 element class
"wow animated tada"
4、wow.js Used querySelectorAll Method ,IE The lower version will report an error . For better compatibility , It's better to add a browser and version judgment .
<script src=
(!(/msie [6|7|8|9]/i.test(navigator.userAgent))){
5、 You can join data-wow-duration( Animation duration ) and data-wow-delay( Animation delay time ) attribute , Such as .( stay css below js Write the elements that need animation above ( Must be set to block or inline block ! Must be set to block or inline block ! Must be set to block or inline block !), And add class Class name .)
<div class="wow slideInLeft" data-wow-duration="2s" data-wow-delay="5s" data-wow-offset="10" data-wow-iteration="10"></div>
Before the class name wow Every element with animation has to be added ,slideInLeft It's about animation styles . hinder data-wow-duration( Animation duration )、data-wow-delay( Animation delay time )、data-wow-offset( How many pixels from the bottom of the element after its position is exposed ) and data-wow-iteration( Animation execution times ) These four attributes are optional . Enclosed animated Animation of class attribute
fade: {
title: ' Fade in and out ',
fadeIn: ' Fade in ',
fadeInDown: ' Fade down ',
fadeInDownBig: ' Fade down quickly ',
fadeInLeft: ' Fade in to the right ',
fadeInLeftBig: ' Fade in quickly to the right ',
fadeInRight: ' Fade left ',
fadeInRightBig: ' Fade quickly to the left ',
fadeInUp: ' Fade in ',
fadeInUpBig: ' To fade in quickly ',
fadeOut: ' Fade out ',
fadeOutDown: ' Fade down ',
fadeOutDownBig: ' Fade down quickly ',
fadeOutLeft: ' Fade to the left ',
fadeOutLeftBig: ' Fade out quickly to the left ',
adeOutRight: ' Fade to the right ',
fadeOutRightBig: ' Fade quickly to the right ',
fadeOutUp: ' Fade up ',
fadeOutUpBig: ' Quickly fade up '
bounce: {
title: ' Bounce class ',
bounceIn: ' Bounce into ',
bounceInDown: ' To spring down into ',
bounceInLeft: ' Bounce right into ',
bounceInRight: ' Bounce left into ',
bounceInUp: ' Jump up into ',
bounceOut: ' Bounce out ',
bounceOutDown: ' Bounce down to exit ',
bounceOutLeft: ' Bounce left to exit ',
bounceOutRight: ' Bounce right to exit ',
bounceOutUp: ' Bounce up and out '
zoom: {
title: ' Zoom class ',
zoomIn: ' Zoom in ',
zoomInDown: ' Zoom down into ',
zoomInLeft: ' Zoom right into ',
zoomInRight: ' Zoom left into ',
zoomInUp: ' Zoom up into ',
zoomOut: ' Zoom out ',
zoomOutDown: ' Zoom down to exit ',
zoomOutLeft: ' Zoom left to exit ',
zoomOutRight: ' Zoom right out ',
zoomOutUp: ' Zoom up and out '
rotate: {
title: ' Rotation class ',
rotateIn: ' Turn clockwise to enter ',
rotateInDownLeft: ' Screw in... From the left ',
rotateInDownRight: ' Screw in... From the right ',
rotateInUpLeft: ' Screw in... From the left ',
rotateInUpRight: ' Screw in... From the right ',
rotateOut: ' Turn clockwise to exit ',
rotateOutDownLeft: ' Spin out to the left ',
rotateOutDownRight: ' Spin out to the right ',
rotateOutUpLeft: ' Turn left and up ',
rotateOutUpRight: ' Spin out to the right '
flip: {
title: ' Flip class ',
flipInX: ' To turn horizontally into ',
flipInY: ' Flip vertically into ',
flipOutX: ' Flip horizontally to exit ',
flipOutY: ' Flip vertically to exit '
strong: {
title: ' Emphasis class ',
bounce: ' bounce ',
flash: ' flashing ',
pulse: ' pulse ',
rubberBand: ' elastic ',
shake: ' Weak shaking left and right ',
swing: ' Swing up and down ',
tada: ' Scale swing ',
wobble: ' Strong shaking left and right ',
jello: ' Stretching jitter '
example : The following is to achieve image lazy and animation effects
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<link href="js/test/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/test//wow.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://afarkas.github.io/lazysizes/lazysizes.min.js"></script>
if (!(/msie [6|7|8|9]/i.test(navigator.userAgent))){
new WOW().init();
<title> Lazy loading and animation effects </title>
<div style="height: 100rem"></div>
<div class="img-wrap">
<img class="lazyload wow bounceInDown" data-wow-duration="1s" data-src="imgsrc" /><br>
<img class="lazyload wow fadeInUpBig swing" data-wow-offset="50" data-src="imgsrc2" />
Before loading
After loading
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