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The way of programmer architecture practice: how to design a sustainable evolution system architecture?
2022-08-03 10:49:00 【Zen and the Art of Computer Programming】
摄影图:Always kept a wary squirrel
本文的主题是:How to build properly deal with all kinds of changes in the system?
Modern business demand changing is inevitable,This needs us to design a kind of can cope with the change of system architecture——When the unpredictable changes,This architecture can still moving in the right direction.This architecture is the result of the team members to try,Is a process and development work together,It can respond to changing needs and at the same time the developer feedback——我们称之为“演进式架构”,Its embrace change in the form of agile.Drive the agile software methodologies engine is built-in feedback loop,如测试、Continuous integration and iteration, etc.
To build the core of evolutionary architecture is:Take steps to change,And then through the feedback loop,Let every member of the team constantly learn from the development of the system.The rise of continuous delivery makes evolutionary framework is feasible.
The architect's work
The architect's work就是理解和权衡那些“重要的东西”(无论它们是什么).如下图所示,业务需求与其他架构关注点(由架构师定义)并存.
On the various software architecture features list,如下.
在构建软件时,架构师必须明确哪些特征最重要.然而,许多因素是互相矛盾的.比如,让软件具备高性能的同时还要实现极大的伸缩性就很困难,因为实现这两者需要谨慎地平衡架构、运维及其他诸多因素.因此,在为架构设计做必要分析的同时,又要处理好各个因素之间不可避免的冲突,架构师在权衡每个架构设计方案的利弊时,Often need to make very difficult compromise.
近年来,The sustainable development of core software development engineering practice,Provides us with the conditions,Has enabled us to rethink architecture——With the passage of time how to change,And when the evolution of this happen“时,如何保护重要的架构特征.This article will link these parts,In a new way to think architecture and time.
Evolutionary architecture is,Support across multiple dimensions of instructive incremental changes the architecture of the.
In the human activity,“时间”Is the core of a what time we can not ignore changes.
为什么叫作演进式架构而不是别的?Such as incremental、持续式、敏捷式、Responsive or emergency,等等.这些术语都不够准确达意.这里所说的演进式架构包含了两个关键特征:增量和引导.
Guide reflects the architecture we want to realize the meaning of,即我们的最终目标.
生物世界中,环境因自然因素和人为因素而不断变化.20 世纪 30 年代初,澳大利亚的甘蔗受到甲虫危害,导致甘蔗作物严重减产,利润大减.1935 年 6 月,作为应对措施,当时的甘蔗实验站管理总局引入了甘蔗蟾蜍来捕食甲虫,这种蟾蜍原本只产于中美洲和南美洲.短暂喂养后,1935 年 7 月和 8 月在昆士兰州北部投放了甘蔗蟾蜍.因为它们的皮肤有剧毒,并且在当地没有天敌,很快这种蟾蜍就泛滥成灾了.如今,澳大利亚的甘蔗蟾蜍大约有 2 亿只.
在软件开发体系中,每一项创新或新实践都可能打破现状,迫使系统重新建立平衡.The architect is in constant balance to adapt to environmental changes.
持续交付这项工程实践使得这个平衡过程有了结构性的转变,它将过去孤立的功能(例如运维)合并到了软件开发的生命周期中,This allows us to change a new understanding of the meaning of.企业级架构师不能再依赖静态的五年计划了,因为整个软件开发体系在不断变化,任何一个长期计划都可能变得毫无意义.
即便对经验丰富的实践者来说,颠覆性的创新也是难以预测的.比如,像 Docker 这样的容器化技术的崛起就是一个不可预知的行业转变.但我们仍然可以通过一系列小的演进找到一些蛛丝马迹.以前,操作系统、应用服务器和其他基础设施都是商品,需要斥巨资购买使用许可.渐渐地,Linux 变得足以支撑企业及应用,The cost of buying makes the operating system zero.接下来,通过 Puppet 和 Chef 等工具自动配置服务器的 DevOps 实践使得 Linux Operational work also no longer need to cost.一旦开发环境免费并得到广泛应用,势必朝着更加通用和便携的方向发展,于是 Docker 应运而生.但如果没有之前所有的演进过程,容器化就不会发生.
我们所使用的编程平台也在持续演进.新的编程语言提供了更好的应用编程接口(API),提高了对新问题的灵活性和适用性.新的编程语言还提供了不同的范式和概念.例如,引入 Java 替代 C++,降低了编写网络代码的难度并改善了内存管理.回顾过去的 20 年,很多语言一直在持续改进它们的 API,与此同时,新的编程语言往往用于解决新的问题.
Multi-dimensional architecture
——Donella H. Meadows
The ancient Greek physics,Through the analysis of the fixed point the universe,Finally by Newton developed into the classical mechanics.但是到了 20 世纪初,随着仪器越来越精密,现象越来越复杂,人们逐渐从经典力学转向相对论(爱因斯坦).科学家意识到之前被视为孤立的现象其实是相互影响的.
自 20 世纪 90 年代起,Inspired by the architects are increasingly will software architecture as a“多维的”.持续交付也将运维纳入了软件架构的范畴.软件架构师往往关注技术架构,但那只是软件项目的维度之一.如果架构师想构建可演进的架构,就必须考虑系统中所有会受变化影响的部分.正如物理学所讲的,万物都是相关联的,架构师深知软件项目是多维的.
为了构建可以不断演进的软件系统,Architects need to consider many dimensions of things:
技术架构:架构中的实现部分:框架、Rely on libraries and implementation language and so on.
Performance and user experience
从概念上划分架构的方法有很多,比如 IEEE 的软件架构定义中的 4+1 视图模型.它关注不同角色的不同视角,The whole system is divided into logical view、开发视图、进程视图和物理视图.
System is not the sum of its part of,But the product of the interaction between each part.
Whole system fitness function allows architects thinking different problems by unified mechanism,Capture and retain important architectural features.如下图.
Full system fitness function is vital for architecture evolution,It provides architects to compare and evaluate different architecture characteristics of.
The architect determines the audit can be、数据、安全性、性能、Legitimacy and scalability, etc,是该应用的关键架构特征.随着业务需求不断变化,每个架构特征都通过适应度函数来保护其完整性.
我们强调架构整体的重要性,但也应意识到,A large part of the technical architecture model and evolution of architecture,比如耦合和内聚.
耦合不只和软件项目的结构元素有关.The influence of team structure for architecture is also very big.这正是“康威定律”.
1968 年 4 月,梅尔文 • 康威在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了一篇名为“How Do Committees Invent?”的论文.在这篇论文中,康威提出:
Conway description to,在设计的最初阶段,People need to first vision to think:How to divide responsibilities for different model.人们很难改变其职责范围外的事情.团队分解问题的方式会左右他们之后的选择,This is conway's law.
——梅尔文 • 康威
所以,作为架构师,不要只关注软件架构和设计,还应关注团队之间委派、分配和协调工作的方式.Architects need to focus on team division of labor pattern,从而使架构目标和团队结构保持一致——构建与目标系统架构相仿的团队结构,这样项目会更容易实现.
The discussion of the architecture is often attributed to the coupling——Architecture of each part is how to connect to and depend on each other.Many architects think coupling is a necessary evil,But if you do not depend on other components(Coupled with)It is difficult to build complex software again.
演进式架构注重适当的耦合,: how to determine which architectural dimension should be mutual coupling between,Thus with the minimum cost and maximum benefit cost.
平台不同,Code reuse mechanism is different,But they all support the related code of module.A logical grouping of modular describes the relevant code.Can be encapsulated in different physical way module.Component is the physical module encapsulation.Module means logical grouping,And components means that physics division.
Library is one kind of component,It often and the calling code running within the same memory address,Through the programming language function calls mechanism to communicate.Libraries are commonly used for compile-time rely on.
Because most of the complex application is composed of a variety of components,So there are a lot of in the application architecture and related problem.
RPC 服务
Another type of component is known as“服务”,Tend to run in its own address space,Through the low-level network protocol(比如 TCP/IP)、More advanced network protocol(Such as simple object access protocol (soap),SOAP),Or declarative state transition(REST)进行通信.Service related problems tend to appear in integration architecture,Because it caused the runtime depends on.
All modules mechanism helps to code reuse,In any level try to reuse the code is a wise choice,Whether it is a single function,Or packaged good business platform.
Software system in various ways each other.The software architect through many different perspective analysis software.But the component-level coupling is not is the only way to join software.Many business concepts in various parts of the semantic connection system,The function of cohesion is produced.If you want to make the software successfully evolution,Developers must consider all the coupling point can break.
In the modern software project,Relational and other types of data storage is everywhere,This form of coupling is usually more than architecture coupling problem.When in the evolution of building a framework,Need to consider this important dimension data.
Build real evolution of the system
Given the existing structure evolution ability depends on three factors:Component coupling、The project practice of maturity,And the developer to the difficulty of the construction of fitness function.
Coupling between components largely determines the evolution of the technical architecture ability.然而,If the data model rigid、僵化,Even the most evolutionary technical architecture also is doomed to failure.Evolution of clear decoupling of the system is easy to,Full of coupled system evolution will hinder.Want to build a real evolution of the system,Architects must consider the architecture in all of the dimensions of the affected.
In addition to the technical level of coupling,The architect must also consider and protect the function of the system components in cohesive.When the move from an architecture to another kind of architecture,The cohesion and sexual function determines the component reconstruction after the final particle size.
Before choosing the architecture,You need to understand business problems.
This does not mean that architects can follow one's inclinationsly decomposition components,But based on specific problem context,The size of the components should be appropriate.例如,Some business problem is higher than other coupling problem,Such as have a lot of affairs system.Trying to build extremely decoupling structure conflicted with this kind of problem,Therefore in vain.
Many architects from monomer eventually migrated application architecture based on service.Consider the migration as shown in the figure below initial state.
“共享一切”Architecture is the starting point of the migration of monomer.
In the new project to build fine-grained services is simple,But may be difficult to build in existing projects.因此,How we will be shown above the architecture of the migrated to service-oriented architecture(见下图)呢?
“As little as possible to share”、Service-oriented architecture is a migration target.
Implementation of the architecture of the migration as shown,Will bring a series of challenges:服务粒度、事务边界、Database problem and how to handle Shared components, etc.
The architect must know the cause of the implementation of the migration,And make sure not blindly follow the fashion.The architecture is divided into areas,Plus a better team structure and operational isolation,Will make it easier for incremental change,This is a key component of evolutionary architecture,Because of work the emphasis and the actual output is match each other.
During decomposition monomer architecture,Determine the correct service granularity is the key.Create large service can alleviate some problem,For example, a transaction context and service orchestration,But you can't apply monomer into smaller particle size.Particle size is too small components will lead to excessive service choreography and message communication overhead and service brought by the interdependence between.
Define a new service boundaries
In order to take the first step in the migration of architecture,Developers to define a new service boundaries.Teams can be resolved through a variety of classified methods applying monomer into service.
A business function group
Companies may have a clear business division directly corresponding to the IT 能力.Imitation of the current business levels to build software to communicate,There is no doubt that fulfilled conway's law.
Many business need attached to a large number of transaction boundaries.When the separation of monomer,Architects often find transaction coupling is the most difficult to solve.
Incremental changes to allow developers to selectively according to the different plan release code.例如,Compared to the inventory department,Marketing Department may want to update more frequently.If operational rules are very important,For example, release speed,Then divided over operational service is reasonable.类似地,Some part of the system may have acme of request for operational characteristics(Such as scale).Needs of operational goal down enables developers to(通过适应度函数)Tracking service health status and other operational services index.
Larger service granularity means many coordination problems inherent in the micro service couldn't exist,Because the greater the service,The more a single service contains the business context,But at the same time also more difficult(An example of the trade-offs again).
计算机科学领域的任何问题都可以通过增加一个间接的中间层来解决,Unless the problem is caused by indirection too much.
——Dave Wheeler 和 Kevlin Henney
当然,The more developers to increase the indirection,Navigation between the service will become more complicated.
In the application from monomer architecture to architecture based on service,The architect must pay attention to the existing system of module connection.The classified methods of immature leads to serious performance issues.
Monomer connection points became the integrated architecture of application,With the delay、Availability, and other problems.因此,Instead of one-time complete the transfer,More practical approach is to apply monomer into service step by step,Focus on transaction boundaries、Structure coupling and other inherent characteristics to create a number of architectural rebuild iteration.
Apply monomer first broken down into several large pieces of,Repair the integration point,And then clean up and repeat the process.Migration is a preferred way of migration in the field of micro service step by step.
When the application migration from monomer,Start by building a few large service.
At the top to build new layer
The evolution of the mind is not in the ideal of pure environment,Its ability to also never elaborate.相反,Each layer of the brain are based on its original layer below.Humans from all parts of the brain most of the core of autonomous behavior master,例如呼吸、饥饿等,The reptilian brain makes no difference.Evolution is not the core mechanism of the overall change,But at the top to build new layer.
在大型企业中,Software architecture follow a similar pattern.Instead of rebuilding the ability,Most companies will try to adapt to all existing.Although we like to discuss architecture in pure ideal environment,But in the real world tend to show a contrary chaos,技术债、Priority conflicts are common and limited budget.
在大型企业中,Architecture as well as the human brain:The underlying system is still dealing with the key business details,But also with the past baggage.Companies are not willing to give up working system,This leads to the challenges of integration architecture rising.
Given the existing structure evolution ability very challenging.这是因为,If the developer never architectural building to be easy to change,So evolution ability appears unlikely to naturally.
The architect can't easily turn big mud pie into modern micro service architecture,No matter how talented he may be.Yet by add some flexibility for project,Can not change the overall architecture of improvement projects.
The control point(关注点)
External dependence is a common feature of all development platform,Including tool、框架、Libraries and other from the Internet and(更重要的)Through the Internet update assets.Software development in the high layers of abstraction above,Each layer of abstraction based on the lower abstract.例如,The operating system is the developer uncontrollable external dependencies.Unless the company to write their own operating system and all other support code,Otherwise, they must rely on external dependencies.
Through the build tools,Most projects will rely on third-party components in a wide range of.Developers like external dependencies,Because they can benefit,But for many developers ignore the resulting price.When we rely on third-party code,Developers defensive measures must be taken to prevent possible accidents,For example, destructive changes、Deleted without notice, etc.Management project of the external components is the key to build a evolutionary architecture.
Build instant anticorrosive layer to isolate library update.
Using coating help system evolution.While the architect cannot predict the future,But at least can reduce the cost of change,From too much negative impact.
Control of the application of the coupling point,Especially the external resources,Is one of the key role of the architect.
When you need to add rely on.作为架构师,Need to remember that rely on to provide benefits at the same time,Will impose constraints.Make sure get the benefits of more than update and management depends on the cost.
The breaking point
When the coupling point prevented the evolution or other important architectural features,通过forkComponent code or repeated to the breaking point.
Micro service architecture is designed to be Shared nothing architecture——Between components as possible decoupling,Follow the principle of bounded context.To avoid coupling between service components mainly involves areas of object、The database schema and other will hinder the evolution of the coupling point.
然而,为了确保一致性,Development teams often hope that certain aspects of unified management technology coupling(这遵循了“Remove unnecessary variability”的建议).Such as component monitoring、Log and other diagnostic tools.Due to the micro service architecture components in changing,Therefore these tools is very important to the architecture.When the operations staff must manage thousands of service,If service team forgot to add monitoring ability,可能导致灾难性后果.Once the service deployment,May disappear in the black hole,因为在这些环境中,If the service cannot be monitored,That would be invisible.But in the highly decoupled environment,Consistent team how to?
Service template is to guarantee the consistency of the common plan.Contains a series of public infrastructure library,例如服务发现、监控、日志、度量、认证 / 授权等.Use service template will only part of architecture suitable coupling together,Such as infrastructure components,Teams can benefit from the coupling.Service template is part of the micro service architecture,To solve the technical architecture problems in micro service architecture.
在大型组织中,By sharing infrastructure team management service template.Service development team will template as scaffold project,In writing business behavior.If logging tools need to upgrade,The Shared infrastructure can be independent of the service team and management team update,Service team don't know(关心)The occurrence of the change.If destructive changes have taken place in,Then the deployment pipeline will fail when preparing the environment,And as soon as possible to the developers warn.
Developers build abstraction to get rid of in the bottom of the endless thinking.If developers need to convert binary digits from hardware drivers to text for programming,They will not be able to complete any work.One of the reasons for the success of modern software is that we can establish an effective abstract.
At the other end of the scope of abstract there is another kind of reuse trap,It's hidden in a suite、The frame of the platform and the.
20 世纪 90 年代后期,IBM A group of developers to design a series of reusable business component,These components is to use the time of the enterprise Java 编写的,And all the business functions encapsulated into broad categories,Such as books、库存、销售等.IBM Once claimed that the project is the world's largest Java 项目.In the project delivery after the first few core modules,Developers are starting to use this framework,Find a lot of functions are redundant,At the same time, missing many key functions——Finally the framework towards the death.
San Francisco project embodies the ultimate delusion architects and developers,They want to resort to their natural instincts to will classify all things.But neat solution can't solve some chaos in the real world of things,例如业务流程.
San Francisco project ended in failure,Because people get to know a fact that is of deep:
That no matter how hard the developer,They all can't will refine fine enough things,This is part of the infinite regression problems:Some proposition depend on other propositions and set up,没有止境.
在软件领域中,Infinite regression show the people want to use the ultimate details are described in detail in anything,But there is always another layer under any existing detail finer details.
Reusing software more like organ transplants than assembled lego.
——John D. Cook
Although development language designers have been promised developers is that“乐高积木”,But it seems that we are still only“器官”.It is difficult to reuse software and will not automatically appear.Many managers are optimistic that the developer to write any code reusable,但事实并非总是如此.Many companies to try and really write reusable code to success,But this is intentional and difficult.Developers often spend a lot of time trying to build reusable modules,The result is almost impossible to reuse.
讽刺的是,Developers to code reuse efforts backfire.为了复用代码,Need to introduce additional options and decision point to adapt to the different USES.Developers to realize the more reusable add the hook,The greater the damage to basic code availability.
代码复用性越高,The lower the availability.很多时候,复制粘贴(代码),Than design patterns work.
换句话说,The ease of use and reuse of code sex is often inversely proportional to.When developers build reusable code,They must be for the future developers to add features a variety of ways to use the code to.All according to the characteristics of the future will make it even more difficult for developers to code for single purpose.
Repetition is better than that of coupling
Micro service to avoid code reuse,Follow the repeat is better than that of the concept of coupling.The idea that reuse means coupling,So the service architecture is extremely decoupling.然而,The goal of micro service is not the pursuit of repeat,But the entity in the field of isolation.
The benefits of reuse is unreal,In addition to its own defects,It will also introduce the coupling.因此,Although architects understand repeat faults,But they use repetition too offset by coupling the architecture of local damage.
Reuse code can be assets,May also be a potential liability of the.We want to make sure that the code won't and other architecture was introduced in the point target conflict.例如,Micro service architecture often use service template to all parts of the coupling together,Help a particular architectural concerns,Such as monitoring and log.
Don't do it for architecture and building architecture,Building architecture is to solve the problem.
Before selecting architecture,Always understand the problem domain,不要本末倒置.
Evolution of building type has confidence in the architectural layer architecture means the team to carry out incremental changes.Business people afraid of destructive changes.If developers build allows incremental changes、More powerful than the old structure architecture,Will have a win-win business and engineering.
[美] 尼尔 • 福特 [美] 丽贝卡 • 帕森斯 [澳] 帕特里克 • 柯 译者:周训杰. “演进式架构”
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