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Interview Question: Implementing Deadlocks
2022-07-31 23:32:00 【Jade-faced Jiaolong】
The idea of implementing deadlock is very simple:
1. First, there must be two resources 1 and 2, and two threads A and B.
2. Thread A grabs resource 1, and thread B grabs resource 2.
3. At the same time, if thread A wants resource 2, he has to wait for thread B to give up resource 2 in his hand; if thread B wants resource 1, he has to wait for thread A to give up resource 1 in his hand.locked.
public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {//two resourcesObject a = new Object();Object b = new Object();// a threadnew Thread(() -> {//go to get a firstsynchronized (a){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": i got a!");//Sleep for two seconds to ensure that another thread can grab another resourcetry {Thread.sleep(2000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}// go to get bsynchronized(b){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": i got b!");}}}).start();// another threadnew Thread(()->{//go to get b firstsynchronized(b){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": i got b!");try {Thread.sleep(2000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}// go to get asynchronized (a){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": i got a!");}}}).start();}}
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