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Large chain best freight d audit with what software?What are the functions?

2022-08-04 04:20:00 Xingyun Butler

[Introduction] Large department store chains usually have many systems for sales, invoicing, store management, etc. IT assets are available locally and in the cloud. Asset operation and maintenance include both headquarters employees and local operation and maintenance teams. At the same time, enterprise information management hasClear operation and maintenance internal control and compliance audit requirements, and need to meet the normative requirements of the national security policy.Therefore, an easy-to-use and practical operation and maintenance audit software is very important.So what software is the best for large-scale chain Baiyun freight maintenance audit?What are the functions?

What is the best software for the maintenance audit of a large chain Baiyun?What are the functions?

[Answer]: I recommend Xingyun Manager, a large-scale chain Baiyun freight maintenance audit software, and its related functions are as follows:

1. Multiple user sources and authentication

Xingyun Manager supports local/WeChat/DingTalk/AD domain/RADIUS/OIDC and other user sources, and supports password strength, USB, KEY, SMS/WeChat verification code, OTP two-factor authentication, etc. in terms of authentication security policies.It can effectively ensure the security of identity authentication.

2. Organizational structure permissions

According to the common four-layer departmental organizational structure of department stores, function authorization and data authorization are carried out to realize the purpose of hierarchical management, fine division of authority and control. In addition, it also supports functions, resources, grouping, script library, task library and other super functions.Fine-grained authorization.

3. Host/database account password hosting

It can host host and database account passwords, support automatic modification of account passwords, regular updates, batch distribution, etc. In the LINUX environment, the cloud housekeeper provides fool-like SSH key pair configuration and management capabilities, making the configuration process easierSimple and safe.

4. Host/database operation and maintenance strategy

Supports defining different operation and maintenance strategies for different users and target devices, and can customize host operation and maintenance strategies for up to 10 scenarios. For databases, we also provide IP restrictions, access period restrictions, tool restrictions, and data desensitization., high-risk SQL interception and other database access control strategies.

5. Remote assistance and consultation

Xingyun Butler provides enterprises with enhanced operation and maintenance features such as multi-person collaborative consultation.Enterprises can use Xingyun Manager to realize IT fault diagnosis, collaborative consultation and other scenarios. Only one link is needed, no password, no software installation, free switching of control rights, and full audit of cloud video recording.

6. Prior authorization, in-process monitoring, and post-audit

Xingyun Butler has a built-in cloud fortress module, which can audit and record the operation and maintenance process, so that each operation can be traced back and can be held accountable.Control and audit the entire life cycle of operation and maintenance operations.

7. Monitoring alarms

Xingyun Butler covers and supports almost all monitoring indicators, including more than 20 CPU, memory, disk, process, network processes, etc., monitoring data storage for up to 30 days, and supports SMS, email, WeChat/enterprise WeChat, DingTalk and other real-time alarm methods.

8. Host physical examination

Xingyun Manager can analyze and mine the operating data of the host in the last 24 hours, analyze the running status of the host from the four dimensions of system security, network security, performance load, and trend prediction, and generate medical reports for filing and security analysis.

[Summary]: Xingyun butler is good for the maintenance audit of large-scale chain Baiyun, with complete functions, which can not only effectively solve the internal control problems of operation and maintenance, but also provide many convenient management functions, and also provide the ability of operation and maintenance compliance auditing.Comply with the relevant national security requirements.


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