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User management summary of mongodb

2022-07-07 13:12:00 cui_ yonghua

The basic chapter ( Can solve the problem of 80% The problem of ):

  1. MongoDB Overview 、 Application scenarios 、 Download mode 、 Connection mode and development history, etc

  2. MongoDB data type 、 Key concepts and shell Commonly used instructions

  3. MongoDB Various additions to documents 、 to update 、 Delete operation summary

  4. MongoDB Summary of various query operations

  5. MongoDB Summarize the various operations of the column

  6. MongoDB Summary of index operations in

Advanced :

  1. MongoDB Summary of aggregation operations

  2. MongoDB Import and export of 、 Backup recovery summary

  3. MongoDB Summary of user management

  4. MongoDB Copy ( Replica set ) summary

  5. MongoDB Slice summary

  6. MongoDB meet spark( Integration )

  7. MongoDB Internal storage principle

Other :

  1. python3 operation MongoDB Various cases of

  2. MongoDB Command summary

One . mongodb user

1.1 User management interface

To add users , You can use MongoDB Provided db.createUser() Method . When adding users , Users can be assigned roles to grant permissions .

Be careful : The first user created in the database should be a user administrator with the authority to manage other users .

You can also update existing users , For example, changing passwords and granting or revoking roles .

1.2 Verify database

When adding users , You can create users in a specific database . The database is the database of user authentication .

Users can have permissions across different databases ; That is, the user's authority is not limited to the authentication database . By assigning user roles to other databases , Users created in one database can have operation permissions on other databases .

The user name and authentication database are used as the unique identifier of the user . in other words , If two users have the same name , But create... In a different database , They are two different users . If you plan to have a single user with multiple database permissions , Create a single user with a role in the applicable database , Instead of creating users multiple times in different databases .

1.3 Authenticated user

To authenticate users , You can also connect to mongod or mongos Use the command line authentication option when instantiating ( for example :-u,-p,–authenticationDatabase) First connect to mongod or mongos example , Then run against the authentication database authenticate Order or db.auth() Method .

To authenticate , The client must authenticate the user's authentication database .
for example , If you use mongo shell As a client , You can use –authenticationDatabase Option to specify the authentication database for the user .

Two 、 Configure account and password

2.1 Open authentication

MongoDB After the default installation , Only local connections are allowed , At the same time, you can connect directly without using any account and password MongoDB, In this way, it is easy to be hacked , Let's pay some bitcoin , So in order to avoid these unnecessary troubles , So we need to give Mongo Set an account password ;

2.2 Create administrator user

> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.createUser({
Successfully added user: {
     "user" : "admin", "roles" : [ "root" ] }

2.3 Authentication login

> db.auth("admin", "password")

2.4 MongoDB role type

Database user role (Database User Roles)
    read: grant User Access to read-only data
    readWrite: grant User Access to read and write data

Database management role (Database Administration Roles):
    dbAdmin: At present dB To perform management operations
    dbOwner: At present DB Arbitrary operation in
    userAdmin: At present DB In the management User

Backup and restore roles (Backup and Restoration Roles):

Cross library roles (All-Database Roles):
    readAnyDatabase: Grant permission to read data on all databases
    readWriteAnyDatabase: Grant permission to read and write data on all databases
    userAdminAnyDatabase: Grant administration on all databases User Authority
    dbAdminAnyDatabase: Grant permission to manage all databases

The role of cluster management (Cluster Administration Roles):
    clusterAdmin: Grant the highest authority to manage the cluster
    clusterManager: Grant authority to manage and monitor clusters ,A user with this role can access the config and local databases, which are used in sharding and replication, respectively.
    clusterMonitor: Grant monitoring cluster permission , The monitoring tool has readonly Authority
    hostManager: management Server

2.5 Add database users

> use flowpp
switched to db flowpp
> db.createUser({
    user: "flowpp", pwd: "flopww", roles: [{
     role: "dbOwner", db: "flowpp" }]})   #  Create user flowpp, Set the password flopww, Set up characters dbOwner

2.6 View system users

> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.system.users.find()  #  Display the current system user 
     "_id" : "admin.admin", "user" : "admin", "db" : "admin", "credentials" : {
     "SCRAM-SHA-1" : {
     "iterationCount" : 10000, "salt" : "9jXmylyRAK22TZmzv1Thig==", "storedKey" : "z76cVrBjX/CTFmn5RujtU+dz7Nw=", "serverKey" : "JQGonM84iDMI1nIXW7FdyOE55ig=" } }, "roles" : [ {
     "role" : "root", "db" : "admin" } ] }
     "_id" : "flowpp.flowpp", "user" : "flowpp", "db" : "flowpp", "credentials" : {
     "SCRAM-SHA-1" : {
     "iterationCount" : 10000, "salt" : "KvocqWZA9E2tXBHpKpdAeQ==", "storedKey" : "50Kxc3LEgCSVN1z16S8g4A6jVp8=", "serverKey" : "0RSnsxd/7Yzmqro/YOHf/kfbHCk=" } }, "roles" : [ {
     "role" : "dbOwner", "db" : "flowpp" } ] }

2.7 Delete user

#  When deleting a user, you need to switch to the database managed by the user before deleting ;
1. Switch admin , Delete user flowpp , Delete failed > use admin
switched to db admin
> db.dropUser("flowpp")
false2. Switch flowpp , Delete user flowpp, Delete successful 
> use flowpp
switched to db flowpp
> db.dropUser("flowpp")

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