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The most effective seven performance testing techniques of software testing techniques
2022-08-05 03:26:00 【Programmer Weizi】
进入互联网时代,The performance test is more and more important,移动应用、webAnd the Internet of things application need performance testing and performance tuning,For performance and load testing can produce a large amount of data,These data is difficult to analysis.除了数据分析,We will encounter some difficulties and challenges.
Today we will introduce seven high performance engineering(测试)Technology to help you cope with the challenge,Can effective data analysis,Efficiently complete performance testing and performance tuning.
1、Identification based on the layer of engineering affairs
In a typical performance test tool,Load the script will contain the transaction or orderlyAPI调用,To complete the business workflow.例如,We are a iot applications to create a performance management tool,This script will contain represents a device of the transaction logic or behave.
Engineering script contains for the specific layer of deployment(如网络层、应用层、消息层、数据库层等)A single transaction processing.By discovering engineering transaction degradation,We can isolate need to focus on the deployment of the layer.为此,We need to determine which transaction to which layer.如果在这方面有困难,Will have to develop or infrastructure support team for help.
Each deployment is unique,But here we might encounter some related problems and level:
- ● Web层:To obtain the static the cache file transaction.
- ● 应用程序层:To execute a method and create the object transaction,But to stay here,Does not have to access the database layer.
- ● 数据库层:Need from the database query transaction.
Let each project issues have their own script,So we can respectively mapped the percentage in each project issues(TPS)And response time value.Before each project transaction using a constant thinking time(例如15秒)To execute time interval,And create a consistent sample rate.
前端KPI(关键性能指标)By associating user load、TPS、Response time and error rate to display the current capacity.被监视的KPICan fully explain why application on a certain level of workload started downgrading.Shooting and idle resources are two of each server hardware or software is instructiveKPI.
Shooting will change with the change of the workload and.In the increasing load test,随着工作负载的增加,The shooting also will increase.The following is a can monitor shooting sample:
- ● 操作系统:TCP连接速率
- ● Web服务器:每秒请求数
- ● 消息传递:入队(Enqueue)和出队(dequeue)统计
- ● 数据库:每秒查询数
请记住,Each deployment is the only,So what is the need to make sure that each server's good shot,And then connected the required monitoring.
Generally we tend to monitor idle resourcesKPI,Because with the use of resources in different,The trend of the idle resources in contrast to the workload.正因为如此,Can easily identify bottlenecks on the diagram(But if the free resources do not count,Have to use the resources).Regardless of the target is which resource,If it had queuing strategy,Please make sure to add a line counter to display the waiting request.The following is a can monitor free resources:
- ● 操作系统:CPUThe average free
- ● Web服务器:等待请求
- ● 应用服务器:Free of worker threads
- ● 消息传递:进入/Quit the queue waiting time
- ● 数据库:In the thread pool free connection
To determine the related monitoringKPIOr will they connect,First of all to study the deployment architecture diagram.Receive or transform the data of every contact point is the bottleneck of potential,Therefore is monitoring the candidate object.所监视的KPI越相关,Performance description more clear.
To start the engineering performance testing script,Complete business workflow load test.To set a slow growth test(例如,每15S a user,最多增加200个虚拟用户).测试完成后,将所有监控的KPI绘制成图表,And make sure them with the test reportTPS/Direct or inverse relationship between workload.要有耐心,Draw everything.Collecting information from this test,On the recognition performance bottlenecks are very valuable.
另外,Set the monitor interval to collect three values of each continuous load.在本例中,因为每15Seconds to add a user,So I hope every5Seconds to obtain load test tool sample,Because three values will serve as a platform to figure,While a single peak value will be as a figure,Three values to form the trend.
Maybe not all resources will be captured during the review of architecture diagram,So start a rapid growth load testing,To find some new resources or newKPI.This is just a probe,See which processes and operating system activities will start.If notice an external process,就可以作为一个KPICandidate is added to the script.
3、Reduce the number of transactions to
Has entered the phase of analysis,We need to significantly reduce the draw and used to analyze the transaction number.Tried to analyze the business affairs of hundreds of tagged is inefficient.All of these business transactions using the deployment of resources sharing,So just select some of the transaction,Can avoid analysis paralysis.When it comes to choosing what matters,Depending on the application characteristics of.
For example, oriented to the single user load test results,Select to access the page、登录、The longest business transaction response time and response time the shortest transaction.
Also include and draw all engineering matters.The number of engineering affairs depends on how much of the deployment layer:5层等于5A project issues.
现在,Not analysis in simulation of the actual load load test execution of all affairs,But only to draw a subset,Response time of the chart will not be so confusion,也更容易分析.But when to create performance reports,Need to include all business transaction response time.
Use analytical skills to see which project issues first started downgrading.Hit ratio and response time will reveal the need to focus on local.
4、To ensure repeatable results
对于每个测试场景,Run the same load test three times until he finished.For the three test execution,Do not adjust or change any content of performance test tool:Do not modify the runtime Settings、Do not modify the test script、Do not modify the test duration、Do not modify load patterns,More do not modify the performance test environment.Only allow data reset or server recovery,And only allow the restoration of the environment to baseline between test run.
Each test scenario run three times,并进行初步分析,To verify the results at the same time orTPS平台.
增加负载,Is to create concurrent user load scenarios.To create a slow growth ladder scene,It allows for each load set capture three monitoredKPI值.换句话说,Before a group of users under the add,Configure users of slow slope in order to maintain a continuous time.例如,If every time you add10或100个用户,并每隔5秒收集KPI,So before the increase to the next load,Each load set run at least15秒.是的,The extended test(By slowing down the slope),But the result is more easy to explain.不能持续的KPIIndicators and is not a trend.
When the performance test,遵循“一半-两倍”Law will greatly simplify performance engineering method.Starting from the realization of the goal of half load,If the application can be loaded into the half load,Double then you can put it into the target load.If not loaded into the half load,Then again to halve the load.如果有必要,Can do it again and again.Continue to reduce half,Until you get a scalable test,即使只有10个用户,And although the goal is10,000!
6、Use visual to find abnormal
If you know what is a fully scalable applications like,We can quickly find abnormal.因此,Study the architecture diagram,Look at in a fully scalable application what should happen,And comparing with the test results.
- ● 会发生什么?
- ● What will happen,What is not going to happen?
The answers to these questions will tell where we should focus on.例如,随着用户负载的增加,应该看到web每秒请求数、The activities of the application server session、数据库连接数、CPUUtilization and increase.Through the use of the powerful features of the visual,Can significantly reduce the survey time,Because you to quickly find does not represent scalable application conditions.
Particle size forKPIMonitoring and visualization analysis are crucial.通常,If a test run for a long time,Load tools when rendering results chart will use the more granular interval.拥有更多的KPI数据点,Make it easier for analysis,But a clear chart also may distort the result.
7、寻找KPITrends and stagnation,To determine the bottleneck
When the resources to be reused or release(就像JVMGarbage collection or thread pool),KPIValue, there will be ups and downs.Focus on the trend of the numerical change,Rather than absolute deviation on.Through our analysis eyes to judge the trend,To determine the first appear the bottleneck of reliable technology is to use the diagrams show the frontKPIThe minimum response time.Using particle size analysis and recognition from the bottom of the first mutation.Ascension does not have obvious change within the minimum response time,And once resources saturated,Will break through the minimum response time,So for the first time, mutations that will be more accurate.As the bottleneck deployed close to appear for the first time,TPSOr hits per second will stabilize,Response time will decrease or increase,Error rate is cascade symptoms.Shooting the first appeared in stable period shows throughput have limits,So we work only in the monitor shootingKPITo identify it in the first graph platform,That is why advocates collecting three monitoring indicators for each continuous load.A data point value can only give a peak,But three data points can present a stable range,And this is the key,Help us to found the system is restricted,Either the software restrictions,Either hardware restrictions,But the vast majority of bottlenecks are software restrictions,Any hardware can solve this problem.
By tuning can improve the scalability,Through the optimization to improve throughput,Further reduce the software to limit,Allows the application to the cloud deployment effectively upward and outward extension,Can save a lot of operating costs for the company.So suggest to load testing peak load conditions,Then pay attention to which resources have been assigned to adapt to the workload.Then these resources devoted to deploy.In the case of more than expected peak load only use elastic cloud.
记住,Isolation first appearedKPI是很重要的.Don't stay in the accidental discovery of the first plateau,And then declare victory,Because this may be a symptom,而不是根本原因.Early to conclusions will make us in the configuration change and retest waste hours of time,Only to find the performance degradation at the same time,This means that the load encountered the bottleneck of the same.
注意:If there are two or moreKPILooks like a race condition,Usually can coverKPIChart to get more clear visual,To see which platform period first appear.如果这不起作用,Then design a new load test,When load is close to the same peak load capacity slow loading speed.Slowly move down to collect more data points,This will make the results more clearly.
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