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Oracle connection pool is not used for a long time, and the connection fails

2022-07-07 03:01:00 Proud cat sauce

background :

I use python  Oracle.SessionPool() Encapsulates the connection pool . After starting the project , It can be used for a period of time ,

Don't use it after a few hours , Trigger again , The connection of the connection pool fails .

reason :

The practical examples I encountered are as follows :
Web There is a security firewall between the server and the database , This firewall will check the connection regularly , If a connection takes a long time (30 minute ) There's no data flowing through , Will be shut down . This closure makes it possible to detect that the connection is still open , But it can't be carried out sql sentence . But if the connection has data flow all the time , Will not be closed .
After setting the periodic detection , It solves this problem better .

Oracle There is such a setting in the implementation of , That is, give a test statement to test the database connection . Commonly used select 1 from dual . Another setting is how often to detect . General Settings 15 minute .
in other words Oracle Implementation method of , This statement will be automatically and regularly used to detect the connection of the database , Once a connection failure is detected , Close the connection and re-establish the connection .
Therefore, I suggest that the landlord can consider such a mechanism . After all, the network connection is completely possible to be disconnected .

Specific solutions , We should explore by ourselves , I'm not done .

Original address :

Connection pooling issues , The connection will not work after a long time .-CSDN Forum


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