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One of the anti climbing methods

2022-07-07 23:38:00 m0_ thirty-seven million eight hundred and eighty-one thousand

Add request header

import requests

headers = {
    'token': '----------------------------',
    'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.82 Safari/537.36',
    'aliyungf_tc': '7c8190ef77edb47fb5c719e345ea289fb080edc262ea06f68231a2714bab8d40',

r = requests.get(
datas = r.json()
 Return without request header 
    'traceId': '65005003b7cf4d96ad3246ac82a5f199', 'status': '1007', 'msg': ' Please contact the person in charge to add a role group in Fuxi system !', 'data': {
 Return with request header 
    'status': '0', 'msg': ' success ', 'data': {
    'deptInfoId': 15439, 'teacherId': 15439, 'deptName': '---------', 'continuePurchaseNum': 0, 'teachingClassNum': 128, 'unfinishClassNum': 808, 'firstConnectRateInfo': '3/4', 'firstConnectRate': 75.0, 'houClassStudentNum': 0, 'averageHouClassTime': 0, 'liveChapterNum': 0, 'liveAttendStudentRateInfo': '0/0', 'liveAttendStudentRate': 0, 'formalLiveAttendStudentRateInfo': '0/0', 'formalLiveAttendStudentRate': 0, 'playbackAttendStudentRateInfo': '0/0', ......

Notice the three parameters in the request header , It is likely to change .


本文为[m0_ thirty-seven million eight hundred and eighty-one thousand ]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢