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Digital procurement management system for fresh food industry: help fresh food enterprises solve procurement problems and implement online procurement throughout the process

2022-07-07 23:26:00 Digital commerce cloud network

At present , Due to the short shelf life of fresh products 、 High loss rate 、 Food safety and other issues , Fresh food purchasing has always been a business difficulty for fresh food retail enterprises . The traditional fresh food purchasing mode is inefficient and difficult to supervise , Thus restricting the operation and development of fresh food enterprises . How to realize fresh food purchase management more efficiently , Improve business efficiency , It is an urgent problem for fresh food enterprises to think about and solve .

The pain points of China's traditional fresh food procurement mode

Compared with general commodities, fresh products have strong seasonality 、 Short shelf life 、 High loss rate 、 Large price differences and other characteristics , Accordingly, it also increases the difficulty of fresh food procurement :

1、 Purchase statistics and purchase tasks are calculated by hand , Purchasers use paper purchase orders to purchase , Manual operation is time-consuming and error prone ; For supplement , Buyers and supervisors take photos through wechat , Contact by telephone , The accuracy of supplementary purchase orders is prone to problems , And it is easy to make mistakes when delivering messages .

2、 The buyer was not assessed , And the purchasing situation will not be kept on file , Buyers are prone to get kickbacks , Difficult to regulate ; There is no coordination between procurement and warehouse management , The cost of procurement is difficult to calculate , Unable to analyze the cost of procurement .

3、 Because the price of fresh food changes greatly , This makes it difficult for buyers to purchase prices in the market , And because the quality of fresh food is difficult to standardize , This makes it difficult for the purchasing department to compare and control the quality of manufacturers , It also leaves room for buyers to reduce quality for personal gain . Due to the strong seasonal , Coupled with the uncertainty of output caused by relying on nature for agricultural products , This makes it difficult to predict the variety and quantity of fresh food purchased .

4、 Increased procurement risk , Because of fresh food , Especially fresh three fruits , Operating costs 、 Big loss , The operation is complicated , If the purchase management is careless , Fresh food retail enterprises may suffer losses or increase losses due to the operation of fresh food , unsustainable .

5、 Reduce the scale of procurement , Due to the short shelf life of fresh food , Some can only be saved 1-2 God , In addition, many fresh food retail enterprises have not formed scale operations , This shortens the purchasing radius of fresh food , Many fresh food retail enterprises , In particular, fresh food retail stores operating across regions purchase goods by themselves , It reduces the economies of scale that chain operation can obtain in unified and centralized procurement .

By building a digital commerce cloud procurement management system , Help fresh food enterprises replace the traditional handwritten procurement , Monitor and manage the whole procurement process , Make the procurement process more open and transparent . Analysis of purchasing big data recorded by digital purchasing management system , Help fresh food enterprises better control procurement costs , Reduce wastage , Improve business efficiency .

The use value of digital commerce cloud procurement management system

1、 The procurement management system helps enterprises optimize the procurement process , control risk

Use the digital procurement management system to help fresh food enterprises improve their procurement 、 plan 、 Comparison of quality and price 、 The whole business process of order and receipt / issue , Report the purchasing information to relevant departments in a timely manner , The procurement management system effectively monitors procurement requirements 、 Implementation of the plan and arrival and warehousing , Improve the quality and efficiency of procurement work , Ensure timely supply of materials , Reduce the total cost of the enterprise .

2、 Fresh food enterprises can track orders at any time , Control the whole procurement process

The digital procurement management system assists fresh food enterprises in formulating sound procurement plans , Ensure the foresight and rationality of the procurement work , The purchasing department can take the initiative to control the purchasing progress , At the same time, avoid inventory backlog , Reduce the waste of customers' resources . Fresh food purchasing personnel can follow up the order execution and material warehousing , And dynamically adjust the order status , Generate graphical business reports from purchase data , And share it with relevant personnel in time , The digital procurement platform effectively monitors the implementation of procurement business , Reduce process risk , Ensure that the procurement process is efficient and smooth .

3、 Digital procurement platform helps enterprises realize supplier selection , Comparison of quality and price

Digital purchasing system can help fresh food enterprises establish an effective supplier management system , Strengthen the ability evaluation of suppliers 、 Comparison of qualification and technical inspection of supplied products , Let purchasing personnel choose high-quality suppliers to purchase , Ensure the quality of purchased materials .

The fresh food purchase management system helps enterprises establish a sound price and quality comparison system , Establish the supply price list of cooperative suppliers for enterprises , Improve the price comparison system for purchased materials , Solidify the price approval process , Control the inflated purchase price , Ensure transparent management of supply price .

4、 Fresh food purchasing system provides enterprises with information early warning mechanism and intelligent reminder

The digital procurement management system can timely remind fresh food enterprises of their upcoming overdue procurement plans , If the purchase plan is overdue but not completed , Fresh food buyers will be reminded by automatic messages , Supervise and urge the purchasing personnel to complete the purchase and order according to the plan , The procurement system strengthens the tracking and control of the implementation of the procurement plan , Ensure timely procurement of required materials .

For example, there are orders that have not been warehoused as scheduled , The purchasing system will automatically push the overdue information to the corresponding purchasing personnel , Let the purchasing personnel follow up the supplier's supply progress in time , Urge suppliers to supply goods , Strengthen the tracking and control of purchase order execution , Ensure the timely supply of purchased materials of the enterprise .


The fresh food retail market is unpredictable , Online and offline are still hot , Fresh food enterprises want to stand out in the fierce market competition , Eat the big cake of fresh food market , We must find a way to solve the problem of traditional fresh food procurement . And the establishment of digital procurement management system in fresh food industry , It can help enterprises realize the digital transformation of fresh food procurement , Improve purchasing efficiency , Reduce the cost of purchasing , Lead the fresh track .

< In this paper, the number quotient cloud • Original by cloud craftsman , Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization , For non-commercial reprint, please indicate : Digital cloud original >


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