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USB (XIV) 2022-04-12

2022-07-07 23:25:00 Xiao Xiao and evening rain Xiao Xiao

                                FX3 chip FPGA One of the developments

1. Content abstract

From this section on , Enter into FPGA End of the introduction , That is, firmware and FPGA adopt GPIF II Interface interaction . Before learning this section , Answer Cyusb3014 The principle of chip is familiar , Including various terms and concepts in firmware , And the mapping of each part in the data flow, that is, configuration .

About this part , The purpose is to make the firmware and FPGA The data transmission of can be carried out correctly , It also includes uplink data and downlink data . For this purpose , The contents to be introduced are as follows :① Specify the configuration of firmware . A simple example ,GPIF II Designer The name of the pin can be set in , You can also set different states and conditions for state switching , Therefore, different firmware configurations should be adapted to different logic codes , Specifying the firmware configuration means that I have all FPGA The relevant theory is based on this specific configuration .② Timing analysis , Including read-write timing analysis , And the short package mentioned in the chip principle section , Zero package , And introduce the short package 、 Application and essence of zero package .③ Analyze some phenomena , For example, buffer switching ;pclk Clock inversion 180° Why ; official AN65974xilinx Code errors, etc .④ Introduce the use of signs , The principle of firmware mentions that there are three signs , How to operate when using , What are the precautions ?⑤ Logic development , Some programming experience sharing . The above content will be interspersed in the article , Please take your seat according to the number when reading .

2. Firmware configuration


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