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PMP project management exam pass Formula-1

2022-07-07 23:10:00 Zhang Peifu's stone

In particular , About pithy formula , Some love it. , Some people don't like . Some people think that pithy formula is a good thing , Some people feel that memorizing the pithy formula itself adds another burden . Memory on the basis of understanding PMP Knowledge point , Feet on the ground , Instead, slow is fast .


( One ) Key words

The first 1 Chapter Introduction

1. notice “ Driving change ”—— Find... In the options “ The state of the future ”
2. notice “ Dependency relationship ”—— Find... In the options “ Project management ”
3. notice “ Maximize value ”—— Find... In the options “ Portfolio Management ”
4. notice “ feasibility study ”—— Find... In the options “ Business argument

The first 2 Chapter Project operation environment

1. notice “ frame ”、“ function ”、“ The process ”—— Find... In the options “ Project governance ”
2. notice “ All power ”—— Find... In the options “ Project type ”
3. notice “ More power ”—— Find... In the options “ Strong matrix ”
4. notice “ Little power ”—— Find... In the options “ Weak matrix ”
5. notice “ The company has had similar projects ”—— Find... In the options “ Organizational process assets ”
6. notice “ Consultant role ”—— Find... In the options “ Supportive ”
7. notice “ Demand obedience ”—— Find... In the options “ Control type ”
8. notice “ Direct management and control ”—— Find... In the options “ Command type ””

The first 3 Chapter The role of the project manager

1. notice “ Allow self-determination ”—— Find... In the options “ Laissez-faire ”
2. notice “ Reward ”、“ Exception management ”—— Find... In the options “ Transactional ”
3. notice “ Service commitment ”、“ Focus on others ”—— Find... In the options “ Service type ”
4. notice “ Promote innovation ”—— Find... In the options “ Transformational ”
5. notice “ Motivate others ”、“ self-confidence ”、“ Persuasive ”—— Find... In the options “ Charm type ”

The first 4 Chapter Project Integration Management

1. notice “ The new project ”、“ Power and responsibility of project manager ”—— Find... In the options “ Project Charter ”
2. notice “ Is it worth investing ”—— Find... In the options “ Business argument ”
3. See the constraints ( Or suppose )—— Find... In the options “ Hypothesis log ”
4. notice “ Corrective actions 、 Preventive measures 、 Defect remedy 、 to update ”—— Find... In the options “ Change request ”
5. notice “ The plan has been made ”、“ The constitution has been made ”—— Find... In the options “ approval ”
6. notice “ Version of the problem ”—— Find... In the options “ Configuration Management ”
7. notice “ New project manager ”—— Find... In the options “ Project Charter ”
8. notice “ Project completion ” or “ End ”—— Find... In the options “ Lessons learned ”
9. notice “ Someone is very experienced ”—— Find... In the options “ Expert judgment ”
10. notice “ Consider all opinions ”、“ Established decision making process ”—— Find... In the options “ guide ” 11. notice “ Share knowledge ”—— Find... In the options “ information management ”

The first 5 Chapter Project scope management

1. notice “ It can't be broken down for the time being ”、“ Incomplete information ”—— Find... In the options “ Rolling planning ”
2. notice “ Exclusions ”、“ Scope boundaries ”、“ A detailed description of the deliverable ”—— Find... In the options “ Project scope Enclosed instructions ”
3. notice “ demand ( opinion ) atypism ”—— Find... In the options “ Guided workshops ”
4. notice “ one-on-one ”、“ Access to confidential information ”—— Find... In the options “ interview ”
5. notice “ Understand expectations and attitudes ” —— Find... In the options “ Focus group ”
6. notice “ The audience is diverse ”、“ Finish quickly ”、“ Geographically dispersed ”、“ Suitable for statistical analysis ”—— choose Find “ The questionnaire survey ”
7. notice “ Best practices ”—— Find... In the options “ Benchmarking ”
8. notice “ exceed 50%” —— Find... In the options “ Most agree that ”
9. notice “ The candidates exceed 2 More than ” —— Find... In the options “ The relative majority agreed that ”
10. notice “ Creative groups ”—— Find... In the options “ Affinity graph ”
11. notice “ Creative integration ”、“ Reaction commonness and difference ”、“ Inspire new ideas ”—— Find... In the options “ Mind mapping ”
12. notice “ Voting arrangement ”、“ Prioritization ”—— Find... In the options “ Nominal group technology ”
13. notice “ Find problems earlier and solve them faster ”—— Find... In the options “ guide ” 14. See business goals, etc —— Select the requirement tracking matrix

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