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Online interview, how to better express yourself? In this way, the passing rate will be increased by 50%~

2022-07-07 22:55:00 Xiaowu knock code

With the improvement of the epidemic , Enterprises gradually return to work , The demand for recruitment is also on the agenda , In order to avoid dense personnel , Many enterprises choose online interview to select the right employees at this special moment , Especially for job seekers who have taken the initial examination , First, it can not only save time for both sides , Second, it can improve the efficiency of the interview . Insert picture description here
But for many interviewers , I have been used to offline interviews for many years , Many people can't adapt well to this change , Not only will be “ Frequently interrupted by accidents ”“ Interview voice 、 Poor picture effect ” And other external factors , How to better show yourself in front of the camera has also become a problem that requires homework .

The emergence of online interview , Let the interviewer unilaterally control the interview environment , It has become an interview environment jointly created by recruiters and job seekers . alike , Recruiters also need to change themselves to adapt , In order to show the best state .

When facing online interview , What interview skills do we need to master , To improve the winning rate , Avoid being eliminated ? We can start from the following points .

01、 External factors

1) Commissioning interview equipment , Make sure the interview process is smooth

I believe many friends who have experienced online interview have experienced such experience , In the and HR When the conversation is in full swing , The net suddenly went black , It has been a long time since it was finally connected , For the heavy recruitment task HR for , It is undoubtedly a waste of time for both sides , It is inevitable to deduct some impression points .

So before the interview , Be sure to adjust your interview equipment as much as possible , Prepare the contact information of relevant personnel in advance 、 Familiar with interview equipment 、 Software App All the functions of . Qualified friends suggest using high-quality audio equipment , This will make your voice appear more energetic . Insert picture description here
During the interview , Adjust the angle of the camera , Try to highlight your face and shoulders , Last , In case of technical failure , Tell the interviewer the situation at the first time , So that the other party can have the next step .

2) Pay attention to your personal image

Same as offline interview , The first impression is very important , Proper and formal dress can make people feel , You attach importance to this interview .

besides , During our online interview , There are a few points to note , The first is sitting posture , If you interview online , We chose a chair with a back , Make sure you only sit in the front half of the chair , Never touch the backrest . Of course , Try to choose a chair without a back .

Doing so can help us maintain a straight sitting posture , Offline interview , Because it is a strange environment , So we will unconsciously ask ourselves to keep sitting , But at home , Comfortable environment , If you sit on a chair with a back , Before you know it, you will lean back , Sitting posture is very ugly in the video .

Besides , During the interview , We should also pay attention to the control of our own expression and movement range , Because the screen of mobile phones and computers will be smaller than the actual , Will magnify our little moves , Let's not look calm , therefore , When interviewing online , Consciously reduce the range of body movements , For example, when you want to show concern , Just lean forward a few degrees , Just turn your head slightly .

3) Pay attention to the environmental image

Environmental image is the biggest difference between offline interview and online interview , It is also the place that the interviewer needs to pay attention to most , In fact, on the whole , Just find a background where your image fits , Not only make each other feel comfortable , Can also leave for each other “ detailed ”、“ Seriously ” Your impression is divided into . To describe it in two words is ,“ clean ”、“ Orderly ”.

besides , It's best to find a stable environment , Although the environment of the coffee shop is very good , But you can't make sure that in case of any conflict with guests , Affect your interview , therefore , It's best to create an independent 、 Quiet interview environment . Don't let any unexpected situation interrupt your relationship with HR Communication , Don't let any moving person or object move HR Your attention .

02、 Internal factors

1) Grasp the interview rhythm

Here I want to emphasize two points . One is to avoid interrupting the interviewer's questions ; The other is not to pretend to understand . The latter sentence must be understood by everyone , I won't go into that . Here we mainly talk about the first half .

In the process of interview questions , Even if you are in the middle of what he said , I know what he will say next , Also listen carefully to the interviewer's questions . Then pause for a few seconds before answering .

Put yourself in other people's shoes , If you were the interviewer , Do you like being interrupted all the time ? Insert picture description here
2) Try to control the field

Especially when the interviewer asks you questions you won't answer , Be sure to keep calm . First of all, I may not know this very well , Besides, I know the relevant content , And try to make the interviewer interested in your topic , So as to bypass the embarrassment in front .

for example , Although I have no experience in safety testing related projects , But I have taught myself about safety testing , And participated in relevant simulation exercises . therefore , I think I just lack a chance to do safety testing , I believe I can do this job .

3) Candidate questions

If the first half of the interview goes well , I suggest that interviewees try not to ask too many questions . perhaps , You can ask some technical questions . Like salary 、 welfare 、 Holidays and other issues , Don't ask questions . Because if you can pass the technical interview , The rest of the personnel will talk to you , There is no need for these problems , Lower your impression score .

4) Don't argue about right and wrong

Here we have to say something , Even the interviewer who gives you a technical interview , It is not necessarily someone who is very familiar with the position you are applying for . therefore , Don't argue with them about right or wrong , On winning or losing . such as ,IT The head of the Department will interview you , His specialty may be development , therefore , When describing some test details , Maybe it's not as accurate as you . At this time , If you argue with him about right or wrong , The end result is just one , That is the failure of application .

03、 At the end

In fact, in addition to the above points , Online interview and offline interview are quite different , Just do the above , A decent 、 Calm online interview , It will definitely make you stand out from many interviewers , Leave a deep impression on the interviewer .

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , The following online link is also a very comprehensive one that I spent a few days sorting out , I hope it can also help you in need !

 Insert picture description here

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