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How to choose the appropriate automated testing tools?

2022-07-07 22:25:00 Fried broad beans eat bouncing beans

Automated testing is one of the most important practices in the field of high-quality software delivery . In today's agile development methods , Almost any software development process requires automated testing at some point in the development phase , To speed up the work of regression testing . Automated testing tools can help testers and the entire team focus on their own tasks that automated tools cannot handle , But the hard part is choosing automation tools . in fact , The most common problem for testers is , How to choose appropriate automated testing tools ?

In this paper , We will discuss in detail how to choose an automated testing tool . But before going on , Let's emphasize the importance of automated testing tools .

The importance of choosing the best automated test tool

If you want to test the project successfully , Identifying the right automation tools is critical . Choosing the right tools for project automation testing is one of the best ways to get the results required by the project . Let's take web Application development as an example , Better understand the importance of automated testing tools .

Suppose you are developing a website for your business . Now? , In the first place , If you start a business at a low level , You don't need any automated tests . All tests can be done manually . however , When your business begins to grow and gain recognition from a wide audience , You may need to automate some processes , Such as web Cross browser testing of applications , To ensure that it provides a similar experience for all users .

Suppose you are developing a website . If the initial stage is at a low level , That doesn't require any automated testing , All tests can be done manually . But when business starts to grow , And widely recognized by users , You may need to automate some processes , Such as cross browser testing this web application , To ensure that it provides a similar experience for all users .

Besides , If regression testing is required , Then you also need to perform automated tests . This is why it is necessary to choose an automated tool that can provide all these functions .

Types of automated testing tools

There are usually three types of automated testing tools to choose from . The following is a brief description of each type :

1.  Open source automated testing tools

Open source tools are basically free platforms , Allows you to access and use source code , You can also modify its original design . There is no cost or expense in using open source tools .

Besides , Open source tools can be used at any stage of the testing process , Such as test case management 、bug track 、 Commissioning, etc . Of course , Generally speaking , Compared with commercial testing tools , Open source automation tools have less functionality .

2.  Business automation test tools

Commercial testing tools are specially designed and produced for commercial purposes . Many large enterprises will choose to use commercial automated testing tools , Because of their extensibility and support from the technical team .

3. Customized tools or self-developed tools

For niche test projects , The test environment and test process have some special characteristics , This cannot be achieved by open source or commercial automated testing tools . therefore , The test supervisor needs to consider the development of customized tools . These types of tools are rarely used by a few organizations , Because they need to be explicitly developed .

Factors to consider when choosing automated testing tools

Choosing the right automated test setup depends on several factors . Each test setup is unique at the beginning , As the project develops, it may evolve into something completely new . Choosing the right settings that will grow with the size of the project is as important as choosing the right technology stack for developing applications . Here are a few factors that influence the decision :

  • Does the tool support your testing activities , And whether it is available in the market .
  • Which automated testing tool best suits your project needs and budget .
  • Does the team have the skills needed to use the tool , without , After you buy the test tool , Who will use the tool .
  • Whether the automation tools are accurate for the project environment and technology you are using .
  • Is there a free trial version of this tool , In order to analyze its performance before purchase .
  • As the project grows , What are the costs and development work involved in expanding the test platform .
  • How difficult it is to maintain and manage old tests to use updates in projects .

Although there are many factors involved in choosing automation tools , But we believe these are the basic factors you need to consider before looking for automated testing tools . Let's explore the concept of choosing the best automated testing tool in more depth .

Selection criteria for automated testing tools

No matter what your project requires for automated testing tools , There is always a simple and effective way to choose the best automated testing tool for your project .

1. Comprehensively analyze the project requirements

Maintaining the quality of the project by providing flawless products is critical to the success of the project . Automated testing is the best way to improve the quality of any project and increase the depth and scope of testing . however , Before implementing automated testing , Please clearly understand your project requirements , for example :

  • What is the type of project ? It is web/ desktop / Mobile applications or other types of projects ?
  • What is the scope of the project after it is released ?
  • Before the process starts , Analyze the strength of the test team in code language .

Generally speaking , There is no completely good or bad automation tool , But if you want the tool to have good ROI, It all depends on the project needs , For example, what actually needs to be automated and how many test cases need to be automated .

For most projects , It is generally believed that manual and automated testing are important for web、 Testing of mobile and desktop applications is essential . therefore , You can choose to integrate seamlessly with project planning and test management tools , And the learning speed is fast 、 Easy to use tools .


2. Compare existing automation tools as benchmarks

If you are using something like Selenium Open source automation tools like Test Automation , Then it can be used as a benchmark to evaluate and determine the best automated testing tool for the project . So , We need to understand Selenium Advantages and disadvantages of automation tools .



for example ,Selenium Is an open source free tool , Allow users to test their web Apps and websites . It also provides unique functions for automated testing , For example, record playback to create a record playback test script , And language support for multiple languages . however ,Selenium WebDriver Can't provide good customer support .

Selenium It is the first choice for testers who are familiar with coding technology and test their website through the user interface . Besides ,Selenium The maintenance of the suite is not easy , Especially for testers who often supervise manual and automated tests . Use Selenium Another possible challenge is web Browser compatibility test of application , Because it is impossible to cross browser 、 Automatic cross browser testing of multiple combinations of operating systems and devices .

therefore , It is crucial to select the current testing tool as a benchmark and compare it with the tool you decide to purchase for automated testing .

3. Verify the key criteria that are appropriate for the project

Before determining the best automation tool for the project , The following points need to be considered :

  • For any project member , Test execution must be simple , So that members can run tests efficiently when needed . Besides , For non-technical users with little technical knowledge , It should also be easy .
  • The test report generated by the tool must be intuitive for the management team 、 Simple , So that they can understand the test process .
  • Automated testing tools must support all three platforms , Include web、 Desktop and mobile applications .
  • The development and maintenance of test scripts must reduce human and time resource management .
  • When it comes to web Cross browser testing of applications , Automation tools must support multiple browsers and platforms .
  • Support Keyword Driven Testing , Because it acts as an extension of the data-driven testing framework .
  • Automation tools must support the language needed for the project , So that testers can easily write code .
  • When selecting automated test tools , Technical support and assistance is the primary task , Please ensure that the tool can receive continuous technical support .
  • If it contains other functions, it is a bonus , Such as screen shot test 、 Visual appearance test 、 Real time testing, etc .

Compare these key factors of different automation tools , Then choose the best factor .

4. Consider the budget before purchasing tools

After comparing different automation tools according to the above standards , Finally, confirm the budget . Budget is one of the key issues , This is best understood , No matter how satisfied with the tool selected above , If it exceeds the organizational budget, it cannot be achieved .

If the organization has finally decided to purchase the tool , It is recommended to download and use the trial version of the tool , To analyze its performance , And whether it is worth investing so much money . After trial , If you find any problems with the tool , Then don't spend too much time on it , Instead, look for another automated testing tool . Only when determining the function and performance of the tool , Just buy this tool .


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