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Build an "immune" barrier in the cloud to prepare your data

2022-07-07 22:42:00 Hua Weiyun

Affected by the epidemic , The cloud transformation process of organizations is accelerating , However, the continuous business on the cloud has brought many challenges to data security .

So , Huawei cloud loves to count together , Work together to build a foundation for organizational data security “ Immunity ” barrier .

One 、 Huawei cloud loves to count together , Help organize data protection

In the process of cloud transformation , Many enterprises begin to use hybrid cloud or multi cloud , Data will also exist in both local data centers and public clouds . Due to the high cost of network bandwidth and public cloud export traffic , Traditional data protection schemes deployed locally , It is difficult to achieve rapid and economical protection of public cloud data . Regarding this , Huawei cloud loves to count together , Heavy launch of data protection services —— Love number AnyBackup Cloud backup Huawei cloud store On sale ), For business and data under hybrid Cloud Architecture , Provide Efficient and economical Protect , help Force organizations to establish data security barriers , Comprehensive escort data security .

Love data protection services Technology architecture based on any cloud to any cloud , Cloudy for the organization 、 Workloads in hybrid cloud environments provide Economics 、 Easy to use 、 Secure data protection services . No hardware resource preparation , No cumbersome installation and deployment , There is no need for complex post service operation and maintenance ,7 Minutes to open the service , Start the journey of data protection . Love data protection services help organizations even during the epidemic , Can also achieve ease 、 Flexible data protection .

Two 、 Love data protection service application scenarios

In the era of digital economy , Data has become an important factor of production , It is of great significance to the survival and development of the organization , However, data security has always faced many challenges .

1、 Blackmail virus attacks cause data to be locked

In recent years , Blackmail virus rampant , It not only threatens the data and property security of organizations , It may also expose organizations to the risk of business shutdown at any time . Looking back at the organizations that have been attacked by blackmail virus , Most of them suffered huge economic losses , Even the risk of data loss .

2、 Data loss caused by human operation

One side , Internal employees of the organization often delete databases and run away ; On the other hand , Even if it's not subjective , Data deletion or damage caused by human error is also unavoidable . Loss of important data , It will not only affect the operation of normal business , It will also affect the social credibility and even the industry status of the organization .

3、 Data cannot be used due to hardware failure

With the long-term use of computers , Hardware failure is inevitable , The resulting data cannot be used , It is also a potential data security hazard with great threat .

Data is the most valuable intangible asset of an organization , Considering all kinds of hidden dangers threatening data security , Organizations need to plan ahead , Deploy data protection solutions , Protect local or cloud businesses and data .

3、 ... and 、 Love data protection services help you “ Be prepared against want ”

Love data protection services The hybrid cloud data protection scheme provided , Data can be safely and efficiently backed up to Hua For the cloud OBS Object storage in :

【 Local data backup on the cloud 】 For data in the local environment , Data can be backed up directly to the public cloud , convenient 、 Quickly enjoy the security guarantee brought by data protection services ;

【 Fast backup of data in the cloud 】 For data in the public cloud , You can choose object storage in the same region as the backup medium , Improve overall backup efficiency , Achieve more efficient data protection .

Love data protection services , Committed to establishing an impeccable security barrier for the organization's business and data .

As Huawei cloud store Big data infrastructure service provider , On the basis of deep insight into customer needs, love digital launched love digital data protection services , Help customers' journey of digital transformation .

future , AI Shu will cooperate with Huawei cloud to provide customers with more innovative products and technology platforms 、 government 、 Global data capabilities for insight and protection , Create a data-driven organization with all walks of life .

Product links mentioned in the article : Love number AnyBackup Cloud backup (30 Day free trial , Click experience !)

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