2022-07-07 21:43:00 【51CTO】
常规的对表单做统一处理的使用方式就是像 官网示例的那样,只需要通过 rules
属性传入约定的验证规则,并将 Form-Item 的 prop
表单的form-item 活动名称 的 prop属性对应校验规则中的name规则;
< el - form : model = "ruleForm" : rules = "rules" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = "活动名称" prop = "name" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = "活动区域" prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = "请选择活动区域" >
< el - option label = "区域一" value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = "区域二" value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > 立即创建 < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > 重置 < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
rules: {
name: [
{ required: true, message: '请输入活动名称', trigger: 'blur' },
{ min: 3, max: 5, message: '长度在 3 到 5 个字符', trigger: 'blur' }
region: [
{ required: true, message: '请选择活动区域', trigger: 'change' }
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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< el - form : model = "ruleForm" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = "活动名称" prop = "name" : rules = "[{ required: true, message: '活动名称不能为空',trigger: 'blur'}]" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = "活动区域" prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = "请选择活动区域" >
< el - option label = "区域一" value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = "区域二" value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > 立即创建 < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > 重置 < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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< el - form : model = "ruleForm" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = "活动名称" prop = "name"
: rules = "ruleForm.region == '0' ? [{ required: true, message: '活动名称不能为空',trigger: 'blur'}] : [{ required: false}]" >
< el - input v - model = "ruleForm.name" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = "活动区域" prop = "region" >
< el - select v - model = "ruleForm.region" placeholder = "请选择活动区域" >
< el - option label = "区域一" value = "shanghai" > < /el-option>
< el - option label = "区域二" value = "beijing" > < /el-option>
< /el-select>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > 立即创建 < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > 重置 < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
return {
ruleForm: {
name: '',
region: '',
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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validator绑定(rule, value, callback) => {} ,基础用法示例
这是官网给出的示例,展示了如何使用自定义验证规则来完成密码的二次验证。需要注意的是:自定义校验 callback 必须被调用。
< el - form : model = "ruleForm" status - icon : rules = "rules" ref = "ruleForm" label - width = "100px" class = "demo-ruleForm" >
< el - form - item label = "密码" prop = "pass" >
< el - input type = "password" v - model = "ruleForm.pass" autocomplete = "off" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = "确认密码" prop = "checkPass" >
< el - input type = "password" v - model = "ruleForm.checkPass" autocomplete = "off" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item label = "年龄" prop = "age" >
< el - input v - model. number = "ruleForm.age" > < /el-input>
< /el-form-item>
< el - form - item >
< el - button type = "primary" @ click = "submitForm('ruleForm')" > 提交 < /el-button>
< el - button @ click = "resetForm('ruleForm')" > 重置 < /el-button>
< /el-form-item>
< /el-form>
< script >
export default {
data() {
var checkAge = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( ! value) {
return callback( new Error( '年龄不能为空'));
setTimeout(() => {
if ( ! Number. isInteger( value)) {
callback( new Error( '请输入数字值'));
} else {
if ( value < 18) {
callback( new Error( '必须年满18岁'));
} else {
}, 1000);
var validatePass = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( value === '') {
callback( new Error( '请输入密码'));
} else {
if ( this. ruleForm. checkPass !== '') {
this. $refs. ruleForm. validateField( 'checkPass');
var validatePass2 = ( rule, value, callback) => {
if ( value === '') {
callback( new Error( '请再次输入密码'));
} else if ( value !== this. ruleForm. pass) {
callback( new Error( '两次输入密码不一致!'));
} else {
return {
ruleForm: {
pass: '',
checkPass: '',
age: ''
rules: {
pass: [
{ validator: validatePass, trigger: 'blur' }
checkPass: [
{ validator: validatePass2, trigger: 'blur' }
age: [
{ validator: checkAge, trigger: 'blur' }
methods: {
submitForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. validate(( valid) => {
if ( valid) {
alert( 'submit!');
} else {
console. log( 'error submit!!');
return false;
resetForm( formName) {
this. $refs[ formName]. resetFields();
< /script>
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rule: {
id: [{ required: true, message: '请输入id', trigger: 'blur' },
{ validator: this. check, trigger: 'blur' }],
check( rule, value, callback){
checkData( this. query). then( res =>{
if( res. data. data > 0) {
this. query. id = ''
callback( new Error( 'id重复,请重新输入!'));
} else {
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注意适时清空校验规则 resetFields()
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