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Attitude estimation (complementary filtering)

2022-07-07 22:16:00 r1ch4rd

Reference material :
A Complementary Filter for Attitude Estimation of a Fixed-Wing UAV
mahony Complementary filter
px4 Source code v1.7.3

Quaternion attitude solution

While looking at the program, talk about the principle :


The process of getting the initial quaternion :
1、 First built on NED Rotation matrix under system
k⃗  k → by z Axis , Direction is D towards , Vertical down

    // Rotation matrix can be easily constructed from acceleration and mag field vectors
    // 'k' is Earth Z axis (Down) unit vector in body frame

    Vector<3> k = -_accel;

i⃗  i → yes NED In a coordinate system x Axis , From Schmidt orthogonalization :

    //'i' is Earth X axis (North) unit vector in body frame, orthogonal with 'k'
    Vector<3> i = (_mag - k * (_mag * k));

Schmidt orthogonalization :

β2=α2(α2,β1)(β1,β1)β1 β 2 = α 2 − ( α 2 , β 1 ) ( β 1 , β 1 ) ⋅ β 1

k⃗  k → It has been normalized, so the denominator is 1

j⃗  j → yes NED In a coordinate system y Axis , from i⃗  i → ,k⃗  k → Cross multiply to get the vertical vector

    // 'j' is Earth Y axis (East) unit vector in body frame, orthogonal with 'k' and 'i'
    Vector<3> j = k % i;

2、 Fill the rotation matrix , And convert to quaternion :

    // Fill rotation matrix
    Matrix<3, 3> R;
    R.set_row(0, i);
    R.set_row(1, j);
    R.set_row(2, k);

    // Convert to quaternion

Four yuan number Q Q And rotation matrix R The transformation of

q0=12(1+r11+r22+r33)q1=14q0(r32r23)q2=14q0(r31r13)q3=14q0(r21r12) { q 0 = 1 2 ( 1 + r 11 + r 22 + r 33 ) q 1 = 1 4 q 0 ( r 32 − r 23 ) q 2 = 1 4 q 0 ( r 31 − r 13 ) q 3 = 1 4 q 0 ( r 21 − r 12 ) }

3、 After correction according to magnetic declination , Normalize quaternions , Initialization complete .

// Compensate for magnetic declination
Quaternion decl_rotation;
_q = decl_rotation * _q;


update(); Update quaternion

1、 Execute the initialization function once , Get the first quaternion

    if (!_inited) {

        if (!_data_good) {
            return false;

        return init();

2、px4 The means of calibration in includes vision , Motion capture , Magnetometer ; The first two belong to external heading information and will not be discussed , Only calibrate the magnetometer .

    if (_ext_hdg_mode == 0 || !_ext_hdg_good) {
        //  Magnetometer calibration 
        //  Convert from volume coordinate system to navigation coordinate system 
        Vector<3> mag_earth = _q.conjugate(_mag);    

        float mag_err = _wrap_pi(atan2f(mag_earth(1), mag_earth(0)) - _mag_decl);// Make a difference with the automatically obtained magnetic declination 
        float gainMult = 1.0f;
        const float fifty_dps = 0.873f;

        if (spinRate > fifty_dps) {
            gainMult = math::min(spinRate / fifty_dps, 10.0f);

        // Project magnetometer correction to body frame
        corr += _q.conjugate_inversed(Vector<3>(0.0f, 0.0f, -mag_err)) * _w_mag * gainMult;


First, convert the magnetometer reading to the navigation coordinate system :

mag_earth=Rnb_mag m a g _ e a r t h = R b n ∗ _ m a g

The output of the magnetometer is the angle between the current body and the geomagnetic field . The measuring principle is similar to that of a compass . Good low frequency characteristics , But it is easily disturbed by the surrounding magnetic field .

px4 of use GPS Information for calibration :
Convert the reading of magnetometer from vector to angle ; This angle is subtracted by GPS The magnetic bias obtained _mag_decl ; Get the magnetic field deviation mag_err;

float mag_err = _wrap_pi(atan2f(mag_earth(1), mag_earth(0)) - _mag_decl);

*arctan and arcsin The result is [π2,π2] [ − π 2 , π 2 ] , This does not cover all orientations ( But for the θ θ The value range of angle has met ), So we need to use atan2f Instead of arctan, The value range becomes [π,π] [ − π , π ] .
**_wrap_pi Yes, it will [0,2π] [ 0 , 2 π ] Mapping to [π,π] [ − π , π ] On .

take mag_err Convert to the body coordinate system , And multiply by the weight

Rbn00mag_err_w_mag R n b ∗ [ 0 0 − m a g _ e r r ] ∗ _ w _ m a g

_q.normalize(); Quaternion normalization , The normalization here is used for correction update_mag_declination Deviation after .

3、 Accelerometer calibration

    Vector<3> k(
        2.0f * (_q(1) * _q(3) - _q(0) * _q(2)),
        2.0f * (_q(2) * _q(3) + _q(0) * _q(1)),
        (_q(0) * _q(0) - _q(1) * _q(1) - _q(2) * _q(2) + _q(3) * _q(3))

k k Represents the vector of gravity vector in the body coordinate system :

k = [ k x k y k z ] = R n b [ 0 0 1 ] = [ 2 ( q 1 q 3 q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 2 q 3 + q 0 q 1 ) q 0 2 q 1 2 q 2 2 + q 3 2 ]

eacc e a c c By Δqacc Δ q a c c and k k Cross multiply to get ; Δ q a c c It is obtained by the accelerometer through low-pass filtering .

corr += (k % (_accel - _pos_acc).normalized()) * _w_accel;

_accel Is the accelerometer reading ;
_pos_acc Is estimated by location (GPS) The acceleration obtained by differentiation ;
_accel - _pos_acc Represents the acceleration vector of the aircraft minus its horizontal component ;
k And (_accel - _pos_acc) Cross riding , Get deviation ;

Program so far ,corr=eacc+emag c o r r = e a c c + e m a g

4、 Correct the gyroscope

    // Gyro bias estimation
    if (spinRate < 0.175f) {
        _gyro_bias += corr * (_w_gyro_bias * dt);// The correction value here is  mahony  Filtered  pi  Controller   Integral part ; 

        // Gyro deviation upper limit 
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            _gyro_bias(i) = math::constrain(_gyro_bias(i), -_bias_max, _bias_max);


5、_gyro_bias Over time , Non return to zero

_gyro_bias=(eacc+emag)wgyro_biasdt _ g y r o _ b i a s = ( e a c c + e m a g ) ∗ w g y r o _ b i a s ∗ d t

_rates = _gyro + _gyro_bias;

ω=ωgyro+δ ω = ω g y r o + δ

corr += _rates;

PI The control of the P term ,corr=_rates+corr+kicorrdt c o r r = _ r a t e s + c o r r + k i ∫ c o r r d t
At this time corr c o r r Angular velocity obtained for final calibration

_q += _q.derivative(corr) * dt;

6、 First order Runge Kutta derivation :

q˙=f(q,ω) q ˙ = f ( q , ω )

ω=corr ω = c o r r

q(t+T)=q(t)+Tf(q,ω) q ( t + T ) = q ( t ) + T ⋅ f ( q , ω )

So we get quaternion update matrix :

q(t+T)=q0q1q2q3+T20ωxωyωzωx0ωzωyωyωz0ωxωzωyωx0q0q1q2q3 q ( t + T ) = [ q 0 q 1 q 2 q 3 ] + T 2 [ 0 − ω x − ω y − ω z ω x 0 ω z − ω y ω y − ω z 0 ω x ω z ω y − ω x 0 ] [ q 0 q 1 q 2 q 3 ]

    // Check whether quaternions diverge , If it is divergent, use the last updated q

    if (!(PX4_ISFINITE(_q(0)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(1)) &&
          PX4_ISFINITE(_q(2)) && PX4_ISFINITE(_q(3)))) {

        _q = q_last;
        return false;
