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Meta force force meta universe system development fossage model

2022-07-07 21:24:00 InfoQ

“ The smart contract program is not just a computer program that can be executed automatically , It is itself a system participant , Respond to the received information , Can receive and store value , You can also send out information and value . This program is like a person who can be trusted , Can temporarily keep assets , Always follow the rules in advance .”Meta Force Ask ah Peng about the development of the force element Universe System :132.. Wei 4z77 Heft z558,Meta Force The development technology of the force element universe

Classic Classic matrix simple version system explanation

Later, it was launched in succession boost Strengthen the matrix +Force Force matrix

The model is in the original FORSAGE We have made integration and upgrading on the basis of ! Gold in BSC Use... On the chain BUSD Participate in , Follow up ForceCoin Later Force Token participation .

The level is divided into 1-12 level ( Half price of matrix in pre startup stage )

S3 The order of the matrix 1,2 people 100% Of BUSD Commission to you 3 Someone will help you re cast , Your matrix emptying cycle 100% Commission to the family

S6 The order of the matrix 1,2 people 100% Commission to the family .3,4,5 people 100% Take the Commission yourself , The first 6 Someone helps you reset the matrix to slide down ( Slide up and down, left and right side lines, online and offline. You will judge the nearest empty point by yourself )

PS:( Automatic upgrade switch )

When the automatic upgrade switch is turned off , Your most advanced matrix ( except 12 Level matrix ) Each cycle after filling the cycle once shall be deducted ( See the black part of the above figure )25% The total Commission will be paid to Force Ecological Development Fund , be left over 75% Directly into your / Or other participants' wallets .

When you keep the auto upgrade switch ( recommend ) after , Then when your most expensive matrix circulates once , It will automatically open the matrix of the next level with your profit , No deduction 25% The extra cost of .(12 Except for the highest level matrix, because all your matrices have been turned on )

Intelligent contract ,Smart Contract, It's a way to spread information 、 A computer protocol for verifying or executing contracts .

Smart contracts in the blockchain field have the following characteristics :

The rules are open and transparent , The rules and data in the contract are visible to the outside ;

All transactions are publicly visible , There will be no false or hidden transactions .

So we often say that blockchain technology has “ Open and transparent ”“ No tampering ” Characteristics , These are actually given to the blockchain by smart contracts .

There is a consensus in the world of programmers : Compared to programs and machines , People are more uncontrollable .

And the traditional contract behavior , People make the rules , It's up to people to perform . Of course , Encounter boundary problems or exceptions , It is also defined by people .

But with smart contracts , These become different .

Developers make a set of rules through smart contracts , And then publish it online , People interact with smart contracts , The machine completes the part of the business , In this way, the cheating behavior that may be caused when people do the execution is avoided .

Statically typed programming languages ——Solidity, It is the programming language of Ethereum's smart contract , Virtual machines running in Ethereum Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM) On .

through Solidity, Developers can write self executing applications , This program can be regarded as an authoritative and unrepentable trading contract , For people who already have the ability to edit programs , To write Solidity The difficulty of writing is like writing a general programming language .

About the application of smart contracts , big-name ICO Is one of them .

except ICO outside , Combine with the Internet of things to enable smart home 、 Voting and so on , They are all application scenarios of smart contracts . In other words , Be able to use machines to implement established rules 、 Increase of efficiency , And can avoid human cheating , Basically, they are application scenarios of smart contracts .
