Wrote a Markdown Command line gadgets , I hope it can improve the efficiency of sending documents by garden friends !


The author uses Typora To write the Markdown Blog post in format , Pictures are stored in local relative path ( I'm too lazy to toss the totem bed ).

After a long time, I found two obvious pain points :

  • When deleting pictures, the actually stored pictures may not be deleted
  • When uploading a blog Garden, you need to upload pictures manually one by one

Although there are similar tools in the community , But how much I feel is not easy to use , I just made a gadget by myself .

Delete pictures that are not used locally

Support more Markdown file , Multi level file nesting !

Upload pictures in batches to the blog Garden

Does not overwrite the original Markdown file .


Download address and use document migration github/marker, If it helps you , Might as well point Star Give me a pep talk , thank ~

If you have any questions, please ask issue.

Reference resources




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