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When easygbs cascades, how to solve the streaming failure and screen jam caused by the restart of the superior platform?

2022-07-07 20:16:00 Tsingsee green rhino video

EasyGBS The platform has live video monitoring 、 Cloud video 、 Cloud storage 、 Retrieval playback 、 Intelligent alarm 、 Voice intercom and other functions , Among them, the platform cascading capability is a very practical function , It can realize the interconnection between platforms 、 Resource sharing 、 Data collaboration, etc . Based on national standard GB28181 agreement ,EasyGBS Lower level platforms can ( Including cameras 、 Support GB28181 Video platform for ) Cascade to EasyGBS, It can also be used as a lower level platform , adopt GB28181 Methods cascade to support GB28181 Our superior platform .

There's user feedback , During on-site use , subordinate EasyGBS There is a problem : If the superior EasyGBS Platform restart , Lower level to higher level streaming will fail , In this way, there will be superiors EasyGBS The video picture of the platform is stuck ( Picture freeze ).

Because the superior EasyGBS Platform restart , But the video screen of the subordinate didn't stop , Will go all the way to the superior EasyGBS Platform streaming , When the superior restarts , It will cause the port connection of the platform to be temporarily closed , Therefore, it is invalid for subordinates to push streams to superiors , There are two situations , cause tcp perhaps udp The connection changes .

1) If it's your own ip, So the superior tcp perhaps udp When the connection is disconnected , It is necessary to transfer the subordinate tcp or udp Simultaneous disconnection . So next time tcp perhaps udp When the connection , There will be no non streaming , Will reestablish the connection and push the stream .

2) Another situation , If the superior is not his own ip, Load balancing . Then you need to judge whether the unique key value is still sending the stream . If it's still flowing and ip And port changes , You need to change the previous tcp perhaps udp To break off , And re-establish a new tcp perhaps udp Connect , The video stream can still be sent to the superior normally .

Both of the above situations will lead to superiors EasyGBS The platform plays pictures stuck . It can be solved in the following two ways :

1) If it's self ip, The solution is as follows :

If sending data stream fails , Can be tcp and udp Give a callback , And disconnect . The reference codes are as follows :

2) If it is not itself ip, The solution is as follows :

Non self ip when , Don't send tcp and udp Failure , In this way, it is necessary to detect the unique key value for judgment .ip Dissimilarity , Just disconnect the previous , And reconnect to the new address . The reference codes are as follows :

EasyGBS The platform has comprehensive functions 、 Comprehensive , It can be used as a business platform , It can also be called as a video capability platform . Flexible platform video capability , It can cover the needs of all video surveillance fields , It has been applied in a large number of projects , Such as bright kitchen and bright stove 、 Safe country 、 Snow project, etc .


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