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pom. XML configuration file label: differences between dependencies and dependencymanagement

2022-07-07 20:00:00 Whiteye too white

dependencyManagement Dependency management

Usually in the top-level parent of a project pom Use in dependencyManagement,
Use pom.xml Medium dependencyManagement Element allows all subprojects to reference a dependency without listing the version number . In this way, the dependent version number in the child project will use the parent project pom The dependent version in the file .

When a dependency of a subproject does not specify a version number ,maven Will go up the father and son level , Until you find someone who has dependencyManagement Elements of the project , And then it will use this dependencyManagement The version specified in the element .

The good thing is : If multiple subprojects refer to the same dependency , You can avoid declaring a version number in each used subproject , So when you want to upgrade or switch to another version , Just update in the top-level parent container , It doesn't need to be modified one by one ; In addition, if a sub project requires another version , You just need to be yourself pom Just state the version number in .

Be careful :

  • dependencyManagement It's just a statement of dependency , No introduction , So the child project needs to display the required dependencies for the declaration
  • If you don't declare dependencies in subprojects , Is not inherited from the parent project ; Only the dependency is written in the subproject , And no specific version was specified , Will inherit the item from the parent project , also version and scope Read from parent pom.
  • If the version number is specified in the subproject , Then you will use the... Specified in the subproject jar edition .

dependencies Dependency relationship

Introduce automatic declaration in dependencies All the dependencies in , It is inherited by all subprojects by default . If no dependencies are written in the project , From the parent project
Inherit ( All properties inherit ) Declared in the parent project dependencies Dependencies in .

1. Single module

<!-- Just manage the version number , It won't actually introduce jar-->
            		<!--jar Package identity limit -->
                <!-- Declaration of version number -->
<!-- Will actually download the declared dependencies jar package -->
                <!-- Do not declare version  label , Will inherit dependencyManagement-->

2. Multi module situation

Parent module pom.xml

<!--parent-module Parent module pom.xml-->
    <!-- Unified management jar Package version . Focus on the parent module properties All dependent version numbers are defined in the tag .-->
    <!-- Define the version number of the public dependency -->

Sub module pom.xml

<!--son-module Sub module pom.xml-->
<!-- Inherited parent class -->  
    <!-- Declare the identity information of the parent class -->
    <!-- Declare the of the parent class pom File path -->
<!-- Dependency relationship -->  
        <!-- If not declared, inherit the parent class version、scope-->
        <!-- Declaration does not inherit the parent class version-->
        <!-- Inherited parent class scope-->
        <!-- If not declared, inherit the parent class version-->

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