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Chapter 9 Yunji datacanvas company won the highest honor of the "fifth digital finance innovation competition"!

2022-07-07 20:07:00 InfoQ

In recent days, ,“ The fifth (2022) Digital finance innovation competition ” The results were heavily released ,
Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas company “ Small and micro enterprises post loan risk control warning ” Cases rely on leadership 、 Innovation and demonstration , Won the highest award ——“ Full Court glory Award ”,
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China also won the Award 、 Bank for economic construction 、 Innovation cases of leading banks such as China CITIC Bank .

“ The fifth (2022) Digital finance innovation competition ” By China e-banking network 、 The digital finance joint publicity year , With “ Congealing 「 new 」 Gather together to create digital China ” The theme of , It aims to provide a high-quality communication platform for financial and technology practitioners , Promote in-depth research on cutting-edge issues in the industry , Share innovative achievements and development ideas , Build a new pattern of digital finance .

Since this year, 4 Since the start of the month , The competition received positive response and support from all parties in the digital finance industry . This competition attracts 66 Home bank 、80 Science and technology enterprises participated , received 672 Million page visits and 157 10000 total votes ; In the expert review link , From industry associations 、 Bank 、 Academic institutions 、 Technology enterprises 、 Consulting companies and other fields 30 Expert judges , around “
innovative 、 Effectiveness and benchmarking
” The three dimensions have made a detailed and professional investigation and review of the competition cases .

Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas company  “ Small and micro enterprises post loan risk control warning ” The case was highly recognized by the experts of the jury , Harvest “ Full Court glory Award ” The highest award , As a typical case in the field of intelligent risk control , Become a pioneer demonstration of industry innovation .

Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas company “ Small and micro enterprises post loan risk control warning ”

Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas company  “ Small and micro enterprises post loan risk control warning ” Case study ( hereinafter referred to as “ This case ”) Build a whole process risk early warning system , Can predict the future 3-6 Potential risks of customers within months , Provide reliable reference for customer managers to make decisions , And assist in post loan processing , Improve the ability of risk management and control for banks 、 Provide strong support for asset preservation .

In this case, through the data science platform, the bank wide machine learning modeling threshold is high 、 Low efficiency 、 Difficult to manage 、 Problems such as involuntariness , Promote the unification of the bank wide data modeling architecture and the sharing and reuse of modeling experience , It realizes the cross department collaborative management of bank wide model assets , Provide assistance for the overall digital intelligence upgrading of the bank .

The difference is generally based on “ The rules ” To realize early warning , This case is passed through “ Model ” To build a more perfect risk early warning system . First , adopt “ Model ” It realizes the comprehensive processing of hundreds of variables at the same time , Comprehensively improve the efficiency of data analysis ( This is based on “ The rules ” Can't do ); meanwhile , Through the fusion application of multiple models , Greatly improve the accuracy and stability of the model , It is much better than the level of risk control model in the industry .

Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas The company has been deeply involved in the financial industry for several years , Focus on customer needs , Trends in the financial industry 、 Deep understanding of various business scenarios , And has accumulated rich practical experience in the integration of innovative technologies . future , Nine chapters cloud pole DataCanvas The company will continue to play a leading role in the financial industry , Accelerate ahead AI The application of technology in the financial industry , Promote the upgrading and development of digital intelligence in the financial industry .
