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Browse the purpose of point setting

2022-07-07 19:40:00 Cash it all

In the current operating market , The headache for businesses is what means to sell their products , Why is that ? This is because the current sales model is no longer the previous one where demand exceeds supply , Instead, supply exceeds demand , As technology advances , The manufacturing cost of goods is gradually decreasing , This leads to a large number of goods flooding the market , Users no longer have to worry about not being able to buy goods , Accordingly, the mentality of users has changed , Today's users will carefully consider products , In this way, the goods of merchants will not necessarily be sold , Therefore, the most troublesome problem for businesses is what means to sell their products .

For business headache , Now the most commonly used means is the operation of the integral system , Why is that ? This is because today's users are increasingly choosing products , This will cause users to pay less attention to the product itself , Instead, they value the rights and interests they can enjoy here , If you enjoy good rights , Then there is a great chance that users will survive , If you can't enjoy your rights , Then users may lose , The operation of the integral system is to use the integral to guide the user's behavior , So that users can enjoy the rights and interests of points here , And then promote the retention and transformation of users , So at present, for businesses , The best way to solve the problem of product sales is to operate the integral system .

To sum up the above , Businesses want to sell their products , Then the best way is to operate with the integral system , Use the characteristics of points to guide the retention and transformation of users , In this way, businesses can not only sell their products , And you can also harvest a large number of loyal users , This is very helpful for the long-term operation of businesses , In the operation of the integral system , Users are very concerned about points , As long as you can get points , Then users will pay according to the requirements of the business , Therefore, businesses will set up a variety of points acquisition methods to guide users , for example : Check in points 、 Share points 、 Browse points , Many of them don't understand the purpose of setting browsing points , So today, Xiaobian will tell businesses about the purpose of browsing points settings , Make it easy for users to understand .

There are two main purposes for browsing the point settings , One is to deepen users' understanding of activities , The other is to promote the sale of popular goods , Now let's have a detailed understanding of , Let businesses understand why they set it like this .

Browse the purpose of integral setting 1 : Deepen users' understanding of activities
Set browsing points in the operation of the points system , Businesses must pay attention to a problem , That is what page users should browse ? How long is the browsing time ? How many points can you get ? These three problems are not solved , Then browsing points cannot achieve the effect , Generally speaking, most of the pages you browse are business activity pages , The purpose that can be achieved in this way is to make users understand the business activities , Increase the probability of user conversion , This is the first purpose of browsing the point settings .

Browse the second purpose of integral setting : Improve the sale of popular goods
If the merchant sets the browsing page as the page of popular products , Then you can publicize popular products , As long as merchants' products attract users , Then it can well improve the probability of selling popular goods , It is very helpful for businesses to improve their revenue , This is the second purpose of browsing the point settings .

The purpose of browsing the point setting is to meet the above two points , Merchants must pay attention to , Want to form retention and transformation for users , Then the best way is to operate with the integral system , In the operation of the integral system, we should pay attention to the use of integral , The indispensable way is to set browsing points , This is very helpful for merchants' point marketing , Businesses should be clear about this .


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