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Hongmeng smart home [1.0]

2022-07-07 19:09:00 InfoQ

Application scenarios :

  • Smart home .
This new intelligent home control system created today , Highlight the characteristics of applications in intelligent control and user experience , Create a new situation for domestic smart home system experience . The new system is mainly applied in Hongmeng ecology .
Before starting, you can preview the effect after I finish .

Isn't it cool ?

build OpenHarmony Environmental Science

Complete this chapter Codelab We must first complete the construction of the development environment , This example uses
Development board as an example , Refer to the following steps :
  • obtain OpenHarmony System version
    : Standard system solutions ( Binary system )
  • With 3.0 Version as an example :

  • Set up a burning environment
  • complete DevEco Device Tool Installation
  • complete Dayu200 Development board burning
  • Build development environment
  • Please refer to before starting
    Tool preparation
     , complete DevEco Studio Installation and development environment configuration of .
  • After the development environment is configured , Please refer to
    Use the project wizard
      Create a project ( Template selection “Empty Ability”), choice eTS Language development .
  • After the project is created , Choose to use
    Real machine for debugging

Relevant concepts

Container components
  • Column
  • Row
  • Stack
Basic components
  • Text
  • TextInput
  • Button
  • Image
  • Navigation
  • Border settings
  • Size settings
  • Click Control
  • Layout constraints
  • Background setting
  • Click event
TS Grammatical sugar
OK, next I will explain in detail how to make

Develop teaching

Create good  eTS Project directory

For new projects ETS The table of contents is shown in the figure below .

The role of each folder and file :
  • index.ets
    : Used to describe UI Layout 、 style 、 Event interaction and page logic .
  • app.ets
    : For global application logic and application lifecycle management .
  • pages
    : Used to store all component pages .
  • resources
    : It is used to store resource configuration files .
Next, start the text .
Our main operations are in pages Directory , Then I won't use it 10 Minutes of time , Take you to realize this function .

Take apart

According to the plan , We can show it in layers , use Column The parcel , It can be roughly divided into these steps

You can see the structure of this page :

More details :

import { SettingDetails } from './common/SettingDetails';
import router from '@ohos.router';

struct Index {
  @State title: string = ' Smart home experience '
  @State message: string = ' Now you want to open those settings ?'
  @State desc: string = ' Click on all applicable options . This will help us \n Customize your homepage '
  @State Number: String[] = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
  @State private isSelect: boolean = true;

  build() {

      Column() {
         .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).onClick(() => {
          router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })
       }).margin({ bottom: 60, top: 40 })
         .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).onClick(() => {
          router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })
       }).margin({ bottom: 60 })
         .onClick(() => {

         .margin({ bottom: 60 })
        Row() {

            image: "common/images/setting.png",
            title: "Maintenance\nRequests",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!

          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/grain.png", title: "Integrations\n", isSelected: this.isSelect! })

            image: "common/images/ic_highlight.png",
            title: "Light\nControl",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!

        Row() {
          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/opacity.png", title: "Leak\nDetector", isSelected: this.isSelect! })
            image: "common/images/ac_unit.png",
            title: "Temperature\nControl",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!
          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/key.png", title: "Guest\nAccess", isSelected: this.isSelect! })

         .margin({ top: 100 })
         .onClick(() => {
            router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })

Specific layout

Specific layout design to some details , For example, interval , Frame , Some special cases such as current component size settings , It's basically nesting , Layer by layer .

The code structure


import { SettingDetails } from './common/SettingDetails';
import router from '@ohos.router';

struct Index {
  @State title: string = ' Smart home experience '
  @State message: string = ' Now you want to open those settings ?'
  @State desc: string = ' Click on all applicable options . This will help us \n Customize your homepage '
  @State Number: String[] = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
  @State private isSelect: boolean = true;

  build() {

      Column() {
         .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).onClick(() => {
          router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })
       }).margin({ bottom: 60, top: 40 })
         .fontWeight(FontWeight.Bold).onClick(() => {
          router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })
       }).margin({ bottom: 60 })
         .onClick(() => {

         .margin({ bottom: 60 })
        Row() {

            image: "common/images/setting.png",
            title: "Maintenance\nRequests",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!

          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/grain.png", title: "Integrations\n", isSelected: this.isSelect! })

            image: "common/images/ic_highlight.png",
            title: "Light\nControl",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!

        Row() {
          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/opacity.png", title: "Leak\nDetector", isSelected: this.isSelect! })
            image: "common/images/ac_unit.png",
            title: "Temperature\nControl",
            isSelected: this.isSelect!
          SettingDetails({ image: "common/images/key.png", title: "Guest\nAccess", isSelected: this.isSelect! })

         .margin({ top: 100 })
         .onClick(() => {
            router.push({ url: 'pages/SensorScreen' })


For this page : First, the head

The code is as follows :
 Row() {


       Column() {
         Text('June 14, 2022')
         Text('Good Morning,\nJianGuo',)


The second is personal information , Including avatar and other information :

The code is as follows :

Next is temperature and humidity

The code is as follows :
ow({ space: 120 }) {
        Column() {
       }.margin({ left: 60 })

        Column() {
       }.margin({ right: 60 })
     }.margin({ top: 20 })

import { HomeDetails } from './common/homedetails';
// second.ets
import router from '@ohos.router';

struct Second {
  @State message: string = 'Hi there'
  @State private isSelect: boolean = true;

  build() {

    Column() {
      Row() {

         .onClick(() => {



         .onClick(() => {



      Row() {


        Column() {
          Text('June 14, 2022')
          Text('Good Morning,\nJianGuo',)


      Row({ space: 120 }) {
        Column() {
       }.margin({ left: 60 })

        Column() {
       }.margin({ right: 60 })
     }.margin({ top: 20 })

      Row() {

        HomeDetails({ image: "common/images/lightbull.png", isSelected: this.isSelect! })


      Row() {

        HomeDetails({ image: "common/images/opacity.png" })
        HomeDetails({ image: "common/images/yytem0.png" })


         Text('NEW CONTROL',)




We can , The following piece is encapsulated

The code is as follows
export struct SettingDetails {
  @State  private image: string = "common/images/setting.png"
  @State  private title: string = "Maintenance\nRequests"
  @State private isSelected: boolean = true;

  build() {

  Column() {
        width: 12, color: this.isSelected ? Color.White : Color.Red,
        radius: 20
     .onClick(() => {
        this.isSelected = !this.isSelected;
We can , The following piece is encapsulated

The code is as follows
export struct SettingDetails {
  @State  private image: string = "common/images/setting.png"
  @State  private title: string = "Maintenance\nRequests"
  @State private isSelected: boolean = true;

  build() {

  Column() {
        width: 12, color: this.isSelected ? Color.White : Color.Red,
        radius: 20
     .onClick(() => {
        this.isSelected = !this.isSelected;

Finally, the bottom

The code is as follows :




In this paper , By realizing Zhilian automobile App Example , I mainly explained the following for you ArkUI( be based on TS Extended classes Web Development paradigm ) Components , And route jump .
Container components
  • Column
  • Row
  • Stack
Basic components
  • Text
  • Button
  • Image
  • Navigation
  • Border settings
  • Size settings
  • Click Control
  • Layout constraints
  • Background setting
  • Click event
TS Grammatical sugar
Hope that through this tutorial , All developers can have a deeper understanding of the above basic components .
Later plans :
  • Intelligent interconnection
  • Hardware interaction
  • Animation interaction
