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Basic operation of chain binary tree (implemented in C language)

2022-07-07 18:55:00 Brant_ zero


One 、 Creation of chain binary tree

1.1 Define node structure

1.2 Node creation

1.3 Links to nodes

Two 、 Depth traversal of trees

1. Before the order 、 Middle preface 、 After the sequence traversal

1.2  Traversal sequence diagram of three ways

2. Code implementation

3. Traversal detection

3、 ... and 、 Sequence traversal of trees

3.1 Sequence traversal

3.2 Identification of complete binary tree

Four 、 The basic functions of trees

4.1 The number of nodes in the tree

4.2 The number of leaf nodes in the tree

4.3 The first k Number of layer nodes

4.4 Find the node of the tree

4.5 Depth of tree

4.6 Destruction of trees

This blog is about the most common chain binary tree , The function of this structure in practical application is not great , But we still have to learn this structure . The purpose of learning this structure is to lay a foundation for us to study more complex tree structures in the future . I don't say much nonsense , Just start .


One 、 Creation of chain binary tree

1.1 Define node structure

1.2 Node creation

1.3 Links to nodes

Two 、 Depth traversal of trees

2.1 Before the order 、 Middle preface 、 After the sequence traversal

2.1.1 Traversal sequence diagram of three ways

2.1.2 Code implementation

2.1.3 Traversal detection

3、 ... and 、 The basic functions of trees

3.1 The number of nodes in the tree

3.2 The number of leaf nodes in the tree

3.3 The first k Number of layer nodes

3.4 Find the node of the tree

3.5 Depth of tree

3.6 Destruction of trees

Four 、 Sequence traversal of trees

4.1 Sequence traversal

4.2 Identification of complete binary tree

One 、 Creation of chain binary tree

First, let's create a tree , There are three steps to create a tree :① Define the structure of nodes in the tree ② Create a new node ③ Link nodes ; In this way, a tree can be built .

1.1 Define node structure

// Node creation 
typedef int BTDataType;
typedef struct BinaryTreeNode
	struct BinaryTreeNode* left;
	struct BinaryTreeNode* right;
	BTDataType data;

1.2 Node creation

BTNode* BuyNode(BTDataType x)
	BTNode* node = (BTNode*)malloc(sizeof(BTNode));
	node->data = x;
	node->left = NULL;
	node->right = NULL;
	return node;

1.3 Links to nodes

BTNode* CreatBinaryTree()
	BTNode* node1 = BuyNode(1);
	BTNode* node2 = BuyNode(2);
	BTNode* node3 = BuyNode(3);
	BTNode* node4 = BuyNode(4);
	BTNode* node5 = BuyNode(5);
	BTNode* node6 = BuyNode(6);
	// link 
	node1->left = node2; //         1 
	node1->right = node4;//     2       4
	node2->left = node3;//   3   #    5    6
	node4->left = node5;// # #       # #  # #
	node4->right = node6;
	return node1;

Two 、 Depth traversal of trees

We have created the tree , Next, let's take a look at the links of our tree , At this point, we need to traverse the tree . But the structure of trees is special , Different from the array we learned before , Traversal is very convenient . Therefore, the following traversal methods are extended .

1. Before the order 、 Middle preface 、 After the sequence traversal

The access order of the three ways

Before the order ——( root --> The left subtree --> Right subtree )

Middle preface ——( The left subtree --> root --> Right subtree )

In the following order ——( The left subtree --> Right subtree --> root )

1.2  Traversal sequence diagram of three ways



2. Code implementation

This ergodic regularity is strong , We can easily write it using recursion , And divide each into NULL Print a # As a substitute for .

The former sequence traversal

// The former sequence traversal 
void PreOrder(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
		printf("# ");
	printf("%d ", root->data);

In the sequence traversal

// In the sequence traversal 
void InOrder(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
		printf("# ");
	printf("%d ", root->data);

After the sequence traversal

// After the sequence traversal 
void PostOrder(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
		printf("# ");
	printf("%d ", root->data);

3. Traversal detection

3、 ... and 、 Sequence traversal of trees

After completing the above three depth traversals , Someone must want to ask , If I want to traverse layer by layer, how can I achieve it ?

The implementation of sequence traversal can only be realized with the help of queues , How to realize it? Let's look down .

3.1 Sequence traversal

thought :

① Put the root node in the queue .

② Pop up the header element and print , Then put the left node and the right node of the queue header element into the queue in turn

③ Repeat until the queue is empty , You can traverse the entire tree layer by layer .

        because , If the left subtree or right subtree is empty , You won't put it in the queue , In this way, the front nodes will be out of the queue in turn according to the law of forward first out , It can achieve the purpose of our sequence traversal .

// Sequence traversal 
 // thought    Put a root node    Pop up a root node   Connect and store the left node and the right node ,
 // When the queue is empty, it will not be put 
void LevelOrder (BTNode* root)
	Queue q;
	if (root)
		QueuePush(&q, root);
 // If the queue is not empty, continue the above operation 
	while (!QueueEmpty(&q))
		// The right data 
		BTNode* front = QueueFront(&q);
		printf("%d ", front->data);
		if (front->left)
			QueuePush(&q, front->left);
		if (front->right)
			QueuePush(&q, front->right);
	QueueDestroy (&q);

3.2 Identification of complete binary tree

Perfect binary tree :n-1 Layer is full , The last layer of discontent , Full binary tree is a special kind of complete binary tree .

thought :

① According to the rules of sequence traversal , Set the root node 、 The left subtree 、 Put the right subtree into the queue

② If the header data is NULL, Then stop inserting into the queue .

③ Check the queue , If NULL There are non NULL node , Then it means that the tree is not a complete binary tree , Until the queue is empty ( That is, after the last node of the complete binary tree, it is all NULL node ).

Look at this first GIF chart , Then you can combine the code to see and understand .

// Judge whether the current tree is a complete binary tree 
 // If there is non empty after empty , It's not a complete binary tree 
bool TreeComplete(BTNode* root)
	Queue q;
	if (root)
		QueuePush(&q, root);
	while (!QueueEmpty(&q))
		BTNode* front = QueueFront(&q);
		if (front)
			QueuePush(&q, front->left);
			QueuePush(&q, front->right);
			// If it is empty, it will jump out of sequence traversal 
		//1. If there are all complete binary trees behind 
		//2. If there is non empty after empty , Is not a complete binary tree 
		while (!QueueEmpty(&q))
			BTNode* front = QueueFront(&q);
			if (front)
				return false;
	return true;

Four 、 The basic functions of trees

It's not enough to traverse the tree , Let's implement more common functions .

4.1 The number of nodes in the tree

// Find the number of nodes 
int TreeSize(BTNode* root)
	return root == NULL ? 0 : TreeSize(root->left) + TreeSize(root->right)+1;

4.2 The number of leaf nodes in the tree

// Two ways to find the number of leaf nodes   
int TreeLeafSize1(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
		return 0;
	return ((root->left == NULL) && (root->right == NULL)) ? 1 :
		TreeLeafSize1(root->left) + TreeLeafSize1(root->right) ;

4.3 The first k Number of layer nodes

// Please k Number of layer nodes 
//1. Transform to find the left subtree k-1 layer , Right subtree k-1 layer 
int KLeveSize(BTNode* root, int k)
	if (root == NULL)
		return 0;
	if (k == 1)
		return 1;
	return KLeveSize(root->left, k - 1) + KLeveSize(root->right, k - 1);

4.4 Find the node of the tree

// Find the node of the tree 
BTNode* TreeFind(BTNode* root, BTDataType x)
	if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (root->data == x)
		return root;
	/*if (TreeFind(root->left, x) )
		return TreeFind(root->left, x);
	if (TreeFind(root->right, x))
		return TreeFind(root->right, x);*/
	// The above method will traverse deep twice    Not recommended 
	BTNode* LeftNode = TreeFind(root->left, x);
	if (LeftNode)
		return LeftNode;
	BTNode* RightNode = TreeFind(root->right, x);
	if (RightNode)
		return RightNode;
	return NULL;

4.5 Depth of tree

// Find the depth of the binary tree 
int TreeDepth(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
		return 0;
	int left = TreeDepth(root->left);
	int right = TreeDepth(root->right);
	return left > right ? left+1 : right+1;

4.6 Destruction of trees

// Destruction of binary tree 
// Post order traversal destruction 
void TreeDestory(BTNode* root)
	if (root == NULL)
	// Should not be in    Check the use of 
	//free Print the release before 
	printf("\n%p :  %d ", root,root->data);

Compared with the previous stack and queue, the binary tree is more difficult , Be familiar with recursion , You can slowly digest it in combination with drawing . The code of recursive classes is not easy to debug , You can observe by printing in combination with depth traversal , Or read the code on the computer drawing board to understand .

This blog is over , Binary tree is still very difficult , Next, I'll do some exercises and start learning pile , I hope you will continue to pay attention .


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