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[principle and technology of network attack and Defense] Chapter 6: Trojan horse

2022-07-07 18:02:00 Godams

6.1 Malicious code

Malicious code refers to the intrusion into the user's computer system without being known , Damage system 、 The Internet 、 Confidentiality of information 、 Integrity and availability of program or code . Compared with normal code , Unauthorized 、 Destructive and other characteristics .

6.1.1 Computer virus

Insert ⼊ It destroys computer functions and can ⾃ I copied ⼀ Group program code . In accordance with the
Attached to normal software or ⽂ In the piece . Not alone ⽴ shipment ⾏.

Main performance ( characteristic ): Infectious 、 Latency 、 Trigger ability 、 Parasitism 、 Unauthorized 、 Destructive

The structure of computer virus :

  • Boot module ( Basic modules ): Responsible for completing the requested memory required for the normal operation of the virus 、 Modify system interruption and other work .
  • Search module : Find or locate the infected object of the virus
  • Infection module ( Core module ): Self reproduction through infection module
  • Presentation module : Different characteristics of different viruses
  • Identification module ( Auxiliary modules ): Not all viruses contain , It can identify that the system has been infected with viruses

6.1.2 Computer worms

By computer ⽹ Collateral ⾃ I copy , Consume system resources and ⽹ Network resource program

There are the following modules :

  1. Search module
  2. Attack module : Automatic attack through vulnerability , Access permissions
  3. Transmission module : Responsible for worm program replication between computers
  4. Load module : After entering the infected system , Implement information collection 、 Site cleaning, attack and destruction
  5. Control module : Adjust worm behavior , Control the infected host

6.1.3 Trojan horse

finger ⼀ Species and remote computer construction ⽴ Connect , Enable the remote computer to pass ⽹ Network control local calculation
Machine program .

It falls into the following categories :

  1. Password stealing Trojan horse
  2. Launcher type Trojan horse : Install malicious programs in the infected system
  3. Download type Trojan horse : ditto
  4. Surveillance Trojan horse
  5. Proxy Trojan horse
  6. Click type Trojan horse : Guide users to click on features Web Website, etc
  7. Remote control Trojan horse

 Comparison of different Trojans

6.2 Working principle of Trojan horse

⽊⻢ Architecture :C/S framework ,⽊⻢ Program + Control end program
⽊⻢ The program is the server-side program , The control end program acts as the client ,⽤ It is planted to the attacker's remote control ⼊⽊⻢ My machine
device .
Difference from remote control program : Concealment ;⾮ Empowerment .

Hackers use Trojans to invade including 6 A step : Configure Trojan horse 、 Spread Trojan 、 Running a Trojan horse 、 Information feedback 、 Establishing a connection 、 Remote control .

  • To configure ⽊⻢: Configure the listener ⼝、DNS、IP etc. ; Configuration functions ; Configure the installation path 、⽂ Piece name, etc
  • spread ⽊⻢: Through software download 、 Email attachment 、 Communication software, etc .⼜ Subdivide into active planting ⼊ And passive planting
  • start-up ⽊⻢:⾃ Dynamic loading 、 Latent standby . You can modify the registry group policy 、 Add system services 、 Replacement system DLL Such as implementation
  • Information feedback :⽊⻢ shipment ⾏ in the future , The infected host ⼀ Give some information back to ⿊ customer . bring ⿊ Customers can connect to the victim host or feedback ⿊ Information of interest to customers .⽐ Such as account password, etc .
  • build ⽴ Connect : Forward connection or reverse connection . because IP Address scarcity , Many operators adopt ⽤DHCP Agreement for ⽤ Household distribution IP Address . And because NAT technology , Inside ⽹ Address ⽆ Outside the law ⽹ Visited . The attacker ⽆ The law is based on IP Address find the infected host , Reverse connection technology should be used ⽽⽣. The technology can also easily pass through the victim defense ⽕ wall .
  • Remote control :⿊ Customers can use the client side ⼝ And server side ⼝ Between the channel and ⽊⻢ Get in touch with the program , Go in parallel ⾏ Remote control . Including access to ⽬ Mark machine information ; Record ⽤ Household events ; Remote operation .

6.3 Trojan horse hiding technology

  • Hide when loading :
  • Hiding during storage :⽊⻢⽂ Pieces of /⽬ Record hidden : By some means ⼿ Paragraph makes ⽤ Household ⽆ I can't find ⽊⻢⽂ Pieces and ⽬ record . For example, make ⽤ hide , There are also replacement icons
  • Runtime hiding
    • Start hiding : bring ⽬ The standard host is in operation ⾏⽊⻢ The program is not found .
    • Process hiding : hide ⽊⻢ process , Make it impossible in the task manager ⻅.
      • False concealment : Refers to the process of the program still exists , Just let him disappear in the process list .
        Set window ⼝ must not ⻅
        hold ⽊⻢ Register as a service
        Cheat the function of viewing the process
        send ⽤ Variable ⾼ End ⼝
        send ⽤ System server ⼝
      • It's really hidden : Let the program disappear completely , Don't to ⼀ A process or service ⽅ type ⼯ do .
        • Replace the system driver or DLL
        • Dynamic embedding ⼊, send ⽤ window ⼝hook、 Hook up API、 Remote ready-made, etc ⽅ Equation will ⽊⻢ Program inlay ⼊ To be transported ⾏ In the process of
      • Communication hidden : Do not enter directly with the controller ⾏ signal communication , Through special ICMP message 、 Port multiplexing technology or through the middle ⽅ Exchange information .⽐ Such as ⽹ disc 、⽹⻚、 electric ⼦ Mail, etc. .

6.4 The most basic way to find that the host is infected with Trojans

  • Pay attention to the listening port
  • Pay attention to the network connection established by this machine

6.5 Prevention technology for Trojans

Do not cling to ⾏ Any software of unknown origin . Because the software may have been ⿊ Guest tamper .
Don't trust him ⼈. Because he ⼈ May be ⿊ Guest disguised , No ⾃⼰ Friends of .
Put... Into the system ⾏ Reasonable and safe configuration .⽐ Such as display and hide ⽂ Pieces of 、 Extensions, etc .
Install software and system patches in time .
anti-virus software .

