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Robot engineering lifelong learning and work plan-2022-

2022-07-07 17:40:00 zhangrelay

about 1980 People born after years , Include 90 after ,00 after ,10 Later , Will fully enter the era of lifelong learning and work .

This is the gift of the times , My heart is full of gratitude and gratitude ^_^ That's great

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In fact, it's not just robotics , Ordinary people working in all industries will enter the stage of lifelong learning and work in the future .

0-18: Complete all kinds of studies and enter the University , Choose robot major .

19-28: Start the study and research of robot related majors , Complete bachelor + master + doctorate .

future ,20 after , Doctors will be very common .

Doctor enrollment starts from 1 Wan to 10 Ten thousand to 100 ten thousand

29-80: Devote yourself to society , Open a new chapter in work ( Of course, because knowledge iteration is fast , You need to keep learning at work , Otherwise, you will not be able to keep your job )

Above is 0-80 Age range , The life of an ordinary robot engineer , Think it's a little exciting ^_^

Lifelong learning and work refers to the need of every member of society to adapt to social development and achieve individual development , Throughout one's life , Continuous learning and working process .

In a word , It's never too old to learn .

20 Century 60 Since the mid-s , It is strongly advocated by UNESCO and other relevant international institutions 、 Promote and popularize ,1994 year ,“ The first World Conference on lifelong learning and work ” Held in Rome , Lifelong learning and work form a consensus all over the world . Lifelong education has been widely spread all over the world as an extremely important educational concept . Many countries are formulating their own educational policies 、 Policies or the framework of the national education system , Are based on the concept of lifelong education , Based on the basic principles of lifelong education , And take the realization of these principles as the main goal . In today's society , If you want to talk about what kind of educational theory or educational trend of thought most shocked the world , There is no doubt that lifelong education .

“ Lifelong education ” This term comes from 1965 During the International Conference on the promotion of Adult Education held under the auspices of UNESCO , By the director of UNESCO Adult Education Bureau, Paul of France · Langrand (Parl Lengrand) Since it was formally proposed , Just a few years , It has been widely spread all over the world , near 30 The discussion on the concept of lifelong education over the years has been controversial , Even so far, there is no unified authoritative conclusion . This fact not only reflects the attention and importance of this new educational concept in the world from a certain aspect , At the same time, it is also confirmed that there is still a gap between theory and practice in the comprehensive explanation and rigorous demonstration necessary for the concept to form a scientific concept . Several concepts of lifelong education :

What lifelong education means , It doesn't mean a specific entity , It generally refers to a certain idea or principle , Or it refers to a series of care and research methods . In summary , That is to say, it refers to the sum of the education of one's life and the education of the whole personal and social life .

—— Paul · Langrand

Lifelong education should be for individuals or groups to improve their living standards , And through each individual's life experience of a kind of human 、 Social 、 Professional process . This is in all stages and fields of life , The purpose is to inspire and improve , And include all formal (formal)、 Informal (non-formal) And irregular (informal) Study and work , A comprehensive and unified concept .

——R.H. David ( He used to be a full-time researcher of UNESCO Institute of Education )

The third authoritative view is from 1972 He has been the Minister of lifelong education of UNESCO since E. Gilby proposed . Gilby believes :“ Lifelong education should be the integration of school education and education and training after graduation ; It is not only the development of the relationship between formal education and non formal education , But also personal ( Including children 、 youth 、 adult ) Achieve its maximum cultural and educational goals through community life , And constitute an element centered on education policy .”

——E. Jerby ( He once served as the Minister of lifelong education of UNESCO )

These three views are different in expression and emphasis , But one thing is consistent : They all believe that lifelong education includes the sum of all kinds of education received in one's life .

Here , We would like to quote the report of the International Development Commission 《 Learn to survive 》 The definition of lifelong education in :“ The concept of lifelong education includes all aspects of Education , Including everything , The whole is greater than the sum of the parts , There is no eternal part of education in the world that is not lifelong but not fragmented . In other words , Lifelong education is not an education system , But the principles on which a systematic and comprehensive organization is based , This principle runs through the development process of each part of this system .” The common view about lifelong education is that lifelong education is :“ The sum of all kinds of training people have received in their life ”, It refers to the beginning of human life , End at the end of human life , Including all stages of human development and all aspects of educational activities . It includes all kinds of education at all levels received by a person at different stages of development from infancy to old age , It also includes horizontal from school 、 family 、 Education received in different fields of society , Its ultimate goal is “ Maintain and improve the quality of personal social life ”.

International 21 The Century Education Commission pointed out in its report to UNESCO :“ Lifelong learning and work are 21 Century people's pass .” Lifelong learning and work also refer to “ Learn to seek knowledge , Learn to do things , Learn to live together , Learn to behave .” This is 21 The four pillars of education in the 21st century , It is also the pillar of everyone's life growth .

Next door countries have begun to implement :

