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What skills can you master to be a "master tester" when doing software testing?

2022-07-07 17:53:00 Two black

One 、 Excellent basic ability

In fact, all test bosses start from the bottom , Over time , The accumulation of experience gradually turns into a big man . If you want to work steadily in the testing industry , Become a test bull , The first thing to bear the brunt is to have a solid foundation , All foundations are foundations , All the later development and improvement are based on the test foundation .

So the core testing theory :、 Test case design method 、 The direction of the test 、 Classification of tests , From simple functional testing to efficient automated testing 、 Then use the interface tool , To performance test , No matter what web The end project is still app End movement test , It's all based on the foundation , Based on Theory , Core based usage , Only with excellent basic ability can we develop in an orderly and sustainable way . Therefore, all the foundations related to testing must be mastered in a wide range , Then we can make use of the accumulation of experience , Dig deep , Very skilled use .

PS: Here is a collection of self-study tutorials for software testing . This information includes me 2022 Newly recorded in 《 Software testing from zero basis to Automation 》 A full set of tutorial videos . The whole set of content has been packaged to the online disk , The total content is close to 300 individual G. You can add a group at the end of the text to get friends in need

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Two 、 Ability to take charge of projects independently

First of all, it should be worthy of the title of a big man , It must be matched with its ability to independently take charge of a project , The term "independent responsibility" here does not mean that one person has tested the whole project , And overall control , Think globally , It can distribute users in the business field of the whole project , features , Specific scenarios used , Have a comprehensive user awareness . Then conduct as comprehensive a test coverage as possible . So what are the specific things to do to help a project go online independently ? Here is an orderly description of the progress of the project and the testing stage :

  • Participate in requirements review , Carry out product confirmation and R & D plan , Put forward meaningful and effective suggestions , Then write a test plan , And test plan , And testing strategies .
  • Get the product prototype and the product requirements specification ( That is to say, we often talk about requirements documents ) Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the requirements , For example, what are the hidden needs , What are explicit requirements , Try to cover all the details and split the test points , Then in the process of splitting , Some unclear and unclear requirements may be technology related , It may also be a demand point that you don't understand , Talk to the product manager or project manager , And developers to confirm , communicate , clear , And then finally clarify the core requirements , Then split it effectively .
  • After demand splitting , Write test cases , And then execute , A reasonable division of labor can be carried out , Control the overall test progress , Test range , Test coverage, etc , Then at this stage, you can use some continuous integration tools , Carry out the release task , management , Control, etc. to ensure work efficiency . Then the defect report is bug Submit to the management team in time , For submitted bug Tracking , Regression, etc
  • Control the risks of the whole project , Postponement, etc , We should also make a reasonable balance between quality and progress , Give timely feedback , Make reasonable adjustment and arrangement according to the specific actual situation .
  • All test contents are completed , Submit defect report , Analyze defect layout , whole , Reasonably analyze the weakness of the project, optimize and improve the overall quality .
  • Start publishing 、 go online , Publishing process . Put the online steps , Complete record details , Make sure there are no operational errors .
  • Testing inside the company , That is, the common alpha test and beta test stages , The core is to test the production environment , Then go online , The core of online post is log information and data monitoring , Prevent and avoid problems . Finally, the feedback process of online problems, etc , Then the project will be rechecked , That is, the final summary meeting , It mainly makes a systematic evaluation of the overall project and compares the final results , To help the later iteration update to optimize and accumulate .

3、 ... and 、 Test the capabilities of the framework :

There are many kinds of testing frameworks , But they are basically the same , Whether it's the tools and frameworks for testing, it doesn't depend on how many , But mastering several is the core purpose , Because it is mainly based on the most used and most efficient . If appropriate, you can also design your own test framework to expand, rewrite and add functions , Many testing frameworks provide relative extension methods and tools . Next, we will introduce several common and useful testing frameworks as follows :

A:Selenium(Web automation 、 Reptiles )

Is one of the most widely used Web Application Automation (ui automation ) The framework for testing , It can simulate almost all user operations on the browser .

characteristic :

A. Open source software : Open source code can add some functions of the tool as needed
B. Cross platform :linux 、windows 、mac
C. Core functions : That is, automated testing can be performed on multiple browsers
D. Multilingual :Java、Python、C#、JavaScript、Ruby etc.
E. Mature and stable : It has been google , Baidu , Tencent and other companies widely use
F. Powerful : It can realize most of the functions of similar business tools , Because of open source , Customization function can be realized

B:Pytest( White box testing , Interface automation ,web automation )

pytest yes python A unit testing framework of , Same as own unittest The test framework is similar to , Compared with unittest The framework is simpler to use , More efficient

characteristic :

A. Very easy to get started , Easy entry , The document is rich , There are many examples in the document
B. Support simple unit testing and complex functional testing .
C. Support parameterization .
D. Some tests can be skipped during test execution , Or for something that fails in anticipation Case Marked as failed
E. Support repeated execution failure Case.
F. Support run by Nose,Unittest Written tests Case
G. There are many third-party plug-ins , And you can customize the extension H. Easy integration with continuous integration tools .

C:Appium( The mobile end UI automated testing )

Appium Is an open source tool for automated testing, mainly used for app A tool for automated testing of mobile terminals , Support iOS and android Mobile native applications on the platform 、 Move Web Applications and mixed applications .

characteristic :

A. First choice for mobile testing , Basically in app The utilization rate of automated testing tools accounts for 90% above
B. Support for multiple platforms ,ios,Android, wait
C. Support for multiple programming languages , such as python,java,c#,js,ruby And so on
D. Cross platform tools , It allows testers to use the same interface 、 Write automated test code based on different platforms , It greatly increases the reusability of code between test suites .

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Four 、 Ability to program code

Master at least one language proficiency , But the preferred code language for automatic scripting is definitely python, The second is java, Then, in addition to the programming ability, there is also the skilled operation of the operating system Windows also Linux operating system , And the construction of test environment, etc. must also be mastered easily . There are also data related, such as common mysql、oracle、sqlserver、sqlite You must be proficient in using .

5、 ... and 、 Performance testing

1、 The basic theory of performance testing

It must be mastered , For example, the common methods of performance testing are server performance testing , Front end performance test ,app Performance testing, etc , And the specific test process also needs to be proficient in using . Then we should clarify the common performance indicators , Such as response time 、TPS、 Error rate 、 Number of concurrent users , And system resource indicators :CPU、 Memory 、IO、 Network throughput ( network bandwidth ) wait

2、 Performance testing and pressure testing tools

The preferred Jmeter, perhaps LoadRunner, The main function is that performance testing tools are generally used to monitor and collect data in pressure measurement , Find performance problems based on sensitivity to data . Then cooperating with the development or project manager to conduct performance tuning requires a comprehensive familiarity with the system and rich experience in common tuning , We need to constantly think and explore to locate the performance bottleneck . secondly linux Relevant common commands should also be able to use , For example, some monitoring commands , There is also a need to master the knowledge of services and containers , For example, common Docker The principle of command and deployment ,Tomcat Cloud services and so on . Secondly, there are middleware RabbitMQ、KafKa Also be able to use . The last word is about the analysis of problem location , There is also analysis and tuning and configuration modification of various parameters .

Learning resource sharing

Finally, thank everyone who reads my article carefully , Watching the rise and attention of fans all the way , Reciprocity is always necessary , Although it's not very valuable , If you can use it, you can take it

These materials , For those who want to advance 【 automated testing 】 For our friends, it should be the most comprehensive and complete war preparation warehouse , This warehouse also accompanied me through the most difficult journey , I hope it can help you ! Everything should be done as soon as possible , Especially in the technology industry , We must improve our technical skills . I hope that's helpful …….

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