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State mode - Unity (finite state machine)

2022-07-07 19:13:00 Just be interesting

The state pattern ( Finite state machine )

State mode is an object mode , He extracts complex logical judgments into objects in different states , Allow state objects to change their internal state , Change their behavior . The change of state and the behavior of each state are the core of state mode .

Here we need to talk about the form of a state mode that is often used in games . It is finite state machine , Finite state machine is used as the management of different states of objects ( game AI Finite state machines are also often used ). Its main idea is that the program can only be in a limited number of states at any time . In any state , Program behavior will change with the state , Change . And the switching between States is pre designed .

The predefined state switching rule is called Transfer .


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  • State interface - Define state behavior and state switching
  • Specific state - Realize state behavior and state switching
  • System - Responsible for state switching, actual state calling and state management .

Realization ( Finite state machine )

Here we will implement a finite state machine , The state machine is divided into four parts

  • State enumeration
  • State interface and state class
  • Condition interface and condition class
  • State system

We used Generic To enhance the reusability of finite state machines , Use factory To create a state machine ( Avoid complex creation process , Stay on the caller side to pollute the code )

For convenience , I just enumerated Idle( idle ) and Chase( chase ) Two kinds of state

  • The first part

State enumeration

    public enum StateId
  • The second part

State interface

    public interface IState<T>
        where T : Enum
        // Get the corresponding state class Id
        T Id {
     get; }
        // Before entering the state , Call this function 
        void OnEnterState();
        // In the state of , Call this function 
        void OnUpdateState();
        // Before the status exits , Call this function 
        void OnExitState();
        // State transition functions , Use this function to determine whether to transfer the state 
        bool TransitionState(out T id);

Enemy abstract state

    public abstract class EnemyState : IState<StateId>
        private readonly StateId _id;
        private readonly ITransitionState<StateId> _transitionState;

        protected EnemyState(StateId id, ITransitionState<StateId> transitionState)
            _id = id;
            _transitionState = transitionState;

        public StateId Id => _id;
        public virtual void OnEnterState() {
        public abstract void OnUpdateState();
        public virtual void OnExitState() {

        public bool TransitionState(out StateId id) => _transitionState.Transition(out id);

The reason why there are so many abstract classes , It is to separate the state condition logic from the state behavior logic , So that subclasses do not need to pay attention to state transition , Just focus on implementation . The implementation of state transition is transferred to the condition class ( Realize the separation of state judgment and state behavior ).

Specific status class (Idle,Chase)

    public class EnemyIdleState : EnemyState
        public EnemyIdleState(ITransitionState<StateId> transitionState) : 
            base(StateId.Idle, transitionState)

        public override void OnUpdateState()
    public class EnemyChaseState : EnemyState
        private float _chaseSpeed;
        private float _chaseRange;
        private GameObject _go;
        private GameObject _chaseTarget;
        // Physical cache 
        private Collider[] _colliders = new Collider[1];

        public EnemyChaseState(float chaseSpeed, float chaseRange, GameObject go, ITransitionState<StateId> transitionState) : 
            base(StateId.Chase, transitionState)
            _go = go;
            _chaseSpeed = chaseSpeed;
            _chaseRange = chaseRange;

        public override void OnEnterState()
            _chaseTarget = null;

            int num = Physics.OverlapSphereNonAlloc(_go.transform.position, _chaseRange,
                _colliders, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player"));

            if (num != 0) _chaseTarget = _colliders[0].gameObject;

        public override void OnUpdateState()
            // Move 
            var position = _go.transform.position;
            position += _chaseSpeed * Time.deltaTime * (_chaseTarget.transform.position - position).normalized;
            _go.transform.position = position;
            // rotate 

        public override void OnExitState()
            _chaseTarget = null;
  • The third part

Conditional interface

    public interface ITransitionState<T>
        where T : Enum
        bool Transition(out T id);

Specific condition interface (IdleTransition,Chase Transition)

    public class EnemyIdleStateTransition : ITransitionState<StateId>
        // Own game object 
        private GameObject _go;
        // Reconnaissance range 
        private float _scoutingRange;
        // Reconnaissance range interval ( Each frame call , Not conducive to program performance )
        private readonly float _scoutingTime = 0.2f;
        private float _currentTime;

        public EnemyIdleStateTransition(GameObject go, float scoutingRange)
            _scoutingRange = scoutingRange;
            _go = go;

        public bool Transition(out StateId id)
            _currentTime += Time.deltaTime;

            if (_currentTime >= _scoutingTime)
                _currentTime = 0f;
                if (Physics.CheckSphere(_go.transform.position, _scoutingRange, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player")))
                    id = StateId.Chase;
                    return true;

            id = StateId.Idle;
            return false;
    public class EnemyChaseStateTransition : ITransitionState<StateId>
        // Out of the pursuit distance 
        private float _outChaseDistance;
        // Own game object 
        private GameObject _go;
        // Out of range interval ( Calling every frame is bad for program performance )
        private readonly float _outChaseTime = 0.2f;
        private float _currentTime;

        public EnemyChaseStateTransition(GameObject go, float outChaseDistance)
            _outChaseDistance = outChaseDistance;
            _go = go;

        public bool Transition(out StateId id)
            _currentTime += Time.deltaTime;

            if (_currentTime >= _outChaseTime)
                _currentTime = 0f;
                if (!Physics.CheckSphere(_go.transform.position, _outChaseDistance, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player")))
                    id = StateId.Idle;
                    return true;
            id = StateId.Chase;
            return false;
  • The fourth part

Finite state machine system class

    public class FsmSystem<T>
        where T : Enum
        private Dictionary<T, IState<T>> _stateDic;
        private T _currentStateId;
        private IState<T> _currentState;

        public T Id => _currentStateId;
        public FsmSystem()
            _stateDic = new Dictionary<T, IState<T>>();

        public void Add(IState<T> state)
            if (state == null) return;
            if (_stateDic.ContainsKey(state.Id)) return;

            _stateDic.Add(state.Id, state);

        public void Remove(T id)
            if (!_stateDic.ContainsKey(id)) return;


        public bool Enable(T id)
            if (!_stateDic.ContainsKey(id)) return false;

            _currentStateId = id;
            _currentState = _stateDic[id];
            return true;

        public void Update()
            if (_currentState.TransitionState(out T id))
        // Transition state function 
        private void TransferState(T id)
            if (!_stateDic.ContainsKey(id)) return;
            _currentState = _stateDic[id];
            _currentStateId = id;


    public class FsmFactory
        public static FsmSystem<StateId> CreateEnemyFsm(GameObject go, float chaseRange, float chaseSpeed, float outChaseRange)
            var fsm = new FsmSystem<StateId>();
            // Create conditions , And add the corresponding parameters required by the condition 
            var idleStateTransition = new EnemyIdleStateTransition(go, chaseRange);
            var chaseStateTransition = new EnemyChaseStateTransition(go, outChaseRange);
            // Create a state of , And add the parameters required for the status , And bind conditions to States 
            var idleState = new EnemyIdleState(idleStateTransition);
            var chaseState = new EnemyChaseState(chaseSpeed, chaseRange, go, chaseStateTransition);

            return fsm;

Calling end

    public class StateExample : MonoBehaviour
        // Pursuit speed 
        [SerializeField] private float _chaseSpeed = 3.0f;
        // Pursuit range 
        [SerializeField] private float _chaseRange = 4.0f;
        // Out of pursuit distance 
        [SerializeField] private float _outChaseRange = 5.0f;
        // At this time, the State 
        [SerializeField] private StateId _stateId;
        private FsmSystem<StateId> _system;

        private void Awake()
            _system = FsmFactory.CreateEnemyFsm(gameObject, _chaseRange, _chaseSpeed, _outChaseRange);

        private void Update()
            _stateId = _system.Id;

Set player object to Player layer

design sketch
 Insert picture description here
 Insert picture description here

Because I can't make an action diagram, I can only make do with it , There's no problem with the code , The effect is not bad .

Application scenarios

  • Game enemy AI
  • It needs to be changed according to different states , Have different behaviors .
  • If a class needs to change its behavior according to the current value of the member variable , When a lot of judgment conditions are needed , You can use state mode .

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Separate the state , Principle of single responsibility
  • Simplify the judgment of conditions


  • Implementation is too cumbersome
  • Too many classes , It is easy to cause system complexity

Relationships with other models

  • The state pattern Be regarded as The strategy pattern An extension of , The state mode itself is different from the policy mode , Policy classes are independent , They don't interfere with each other . And the states need to be switched , There is a dependency between States . But the essence is based on the mechanism of combination .
  • Bridging mode The state pattern The interface of is very similar . Bridging patterns focus on realization and abstraction , Different implementations are not related , Realize their own business logic , Abstract objects and combine them . In essence, both are implemented based on the combination mechanism . Delegate work to objects .
  • The creation of state machine can be done by factory pattern .
  • State machines can use bridging patterns to separate state transitions from state implementations .

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