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The moveposition function of rigidbody2d of unity2d solves the problem of people or screen jitter when moving

2022-07-07 18:55:00 Cingke is true

This is a 2d Rigid body movement function

public void controlHero()
        if ((ETCInput.GetAxis("Vertical") != 0) || (ETCInput.GetAxis("Horizontal") != 0)){
            rigidbody2D.MovePosition(rigidbody2D.position+Time.fixedDeltaTime*new Vector2(ETCInput.GetAxis("Horizontal"),ETCInput.GetAxis("Vertical")) * speed );
        // as everyone knows , When the character moves, multiply by Time.fixedDeltaTime, Equivalent to logic in FixedUpade Call in , Every interval 0.02s Move once ;

I started with FixedUpdate() Call in , As a result, the character shook unexpectedly , It has been changed many times , Think it's not smooth enough to move , Only later did I know , Consider the following rendering of the camera , Generally, the camera follows LateUpdate in , And I used cinemachine Also in LateUpdate in , Decisively changed to in LateUpdate Call the mobile function in , No shaking .

 private void LateUpdate()

Okay, put it on Update It's fine too


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