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Policy mode - unity

2022-07-07 19:05:00 Just be interesting

The strategy pattern

The strategy pattern is an object behavior pattern . This mode Define a series of algorithms , Encapsulate it , Make these algorithms complete specific tasks , Can replace each other . Through a scenario class , Separate its algorithm implementation from business logic , Dynamically switch different algorithms for management .

Strategic patterns are also very common in life , Such as the way of travel , When you need to reach a destination , We need a way to achieve , Cycling , Take the bus, etc , They all achieve the same task , But the way of implementation is quite different . In the program , Sorting is very common , Different sorting methods have different specific ( Like fast platoon , Homing , Stacking and so on ), Through different scenes , We can choose these sorts flexibly .


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  • Abstract strategy (IStrategy)- Declare the general interface of the algorithm , Delegate algorithm implementation to subclasses .
  • Specific strategies (Concrete Strategy)- Implement specific algorithms .
  • scene (Context)- Dependent policy references , Do not realize the function , The method responsible for calling the policy interface .

The algorithm itself needs to be independent


Example : Scene: the switch (Scene Switching)

Scene: the switch ( Abstract strategy )

    public interface ISceneSwitch
        void SceneSwitch();

Switch algorithm ( Specific strategies )

	// Fade switch 
    public class FadeSwitch : ISceneSwitch
        public void SceneSwitch()
            Debug.Log("Scene Fade Switch");
    // Circular switch 
    public class CircularSwitch : ISceneSwitch
        public void SceneSwitch()
            Debug.Log("Circular Scene Switch");

scene ( scene )

    public class Scene
        private ISceneSwitch _sceneSwitch;

        public ISceneSwitch SceneSwitch
            set => _sceneSwitch = value;
        public Scene(ISceneSwitch sceneSwitch)
            _sceneSwitch = sceneSwitch;

        public void SceneSwitching()


    public class StrategyExample : MonoBehaviour
        private void Start()
            Scene scene = new Scene(new FadeSwitch());

            scene.SceneSwitch = new CircularSwitch();

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Application scenarios

  • When the client needs dynamic switching algorithm , And different algorithms realize a specific task
  • When a large number of conditional branch statements are used to perform tasks , We can use strategy patterns
  • The algorithm itself needs to be separated from the business logic , And the algorithm implementation does not depend on context

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Avoid using multiple branch statements , Such as if…else,switch…case etc. , The code is simpler .
  • It satisfies the open close principle , When extending the new algorithm , There is no need to change the client code .
  • Separate business logic and Algorithm


  • Make the system more complex
  • The client itself needs to understand the differences between different policy algorithms

The difference from other models

  • The bridge and Strategy Very similar , And they delegate tasks to reference objects , But the essence is different , Bridging focuses on separating functions , Interact with each implementation reference through abstract classes , To complete the corresponding functions , The essence is to combine various functions into a large structure , And the idea is mainly to replace inheritance by composition to complete the separation of abstraction and implementation . The strategic model focuses on only one , That's it The algorithms can switch between each other in operation , And they don't interfere with each other , Algorithm implementation and business logic separation .
  • Template method and Strategy They are all different implementations of algorithms . But the idea is different , The template method itself is on an algorithm skeleton , Rewrite specific steps , The algorithm itself is sequential . And the algorithm implementation of strategy , It can be completely different , As long as you complete a specific task . Template methods are class inheritance , Strategy is a combination of objects . Template method algorithm is static , The strategy algorithm is dynamic .
  • state and Strategy It's all about function switching at runtime . Function switching of state , It is mainly the state change that makes the function switch , The strategy is to actively switch . There is no clear separation between function realization and state switching , It can cooperate with the strategic mode , Realize the separation of implementation and switching .

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