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Continuous test (CT) practical experience sharing

2022-07-07 18:49:00 Polink beihui information


The traditional automobile industry is developing in the direction of Internet automobile

In the automotive industry “ New four modernizations ” Driven by the trend , Traditional distributed EE The architecture is developing towards domain centralized architecture , With the introduction of the concept of domain controller , The software will also be classified and integrated according to the corresponding functional domain , The amount of domain controller code is also increasing .SOA The development mode realizes the decoupling between the software function modules , Help the software team shorten the development cycle , Fast iteration software version .OTA The upgrade technology rapidly deploys the software to each domain controller , Provide guarantee for rapid iteration of software products . With the change of development mode , Iterative testing becomes short and frequent , Continuous testing will provide rapid quality assurance for software products .

What is continuous testing ?

Continuous testing comes from DevOps(Development and Operations) It is advocated in the book CI( Continuous integration )- CO( Continuous deployment ) - CT( Keep testing )- CD( Continuous delivery ), Through process and continuous integration / Continuous testing tool platform , automation “ Software delivery ”, Make build 、 test 、 Faster release of software 、 Frequent and reliable .

Why does the automotive industry need continuous testing ?

In the traditional automobile software development model , Testing methods include manual testing and automation after writing test scripts manually / Semi automated testing . It is characterized by “ people ” Centered , Repetitive manual testing by test engineers 、 Constantly update test scripts or configurations 、 Record test problems and test status tracking . Test cycle and quality , Depends on the number of test engineers 、 Experience, ability and number of tools .

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chart 1: Traditional testing process

The method of continuous testing takes people 、 Testing process 、 Combination of testing tools , Through the combination of a series of test tool chains and automated test engineering , The test process begins when the new version of the software is submitted , Quickly find software defects , Solve the contradiction between testing and development in time , Help the software development team achieve the goal of software product speed and quality .

This article will focus on continuous testing , Share based on Jenkins and Vector Practical experience of software and hardware implementation .

Introduction to test scheme

System framework

 Insert picture description here

chart 2: System diagram

The main function

Test process management

  • Test project management module 、 Test requirements management module 、 Test case management module 、 Test task management module 、 Test defect management module 、 Test report management module 、 Remote device management module

Continuously verify the scheduling management

  • Test object 、 Test equipment scheduling management 、 Code version library call management 、 Test process construction and implementation

IDL Script conversion tool integration

  • Generate test script through test data file

The test script / Test data version control management

  • be based on GitLab/SVN Or self built database management test script / Test data , Build an effective knowledge base

Data flow engine driven test data analysis

  • Analyze based on test data , Get test results

The test report engine automatically tests reports

  • Generate customized test reports based on test data analysis results

Case introduction

be based on Jenkins and Vector Tool implementation CAN/CANFD/LIN/FlexRay/ETH Network and diagnostic testing .
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chart 3:CT technological process

The core of continuous testing is to automatically 、 Intelligently organize , And provide status query 、 Notification and other services , The implementation steps are as follows :

  • test plan : Establish the corresponding test plan according to the software version submitted by the developer
  • Test environment construction : The test tool chain is connected with the test object , Meet the requirements of the test environment
  • Update test cases : Establish a test case library corresponding to the software version , And version management , Facilitate regression testing
  • The test triggers : Monitor developer submission status , The end of submission is the beginning of the test , use Jenkins Manage the process of test execution
  • Test sample / Equipment management : Automatic slave test sample / Select the environment in which the test can be executed in the device library , Improve the utilization of testing resources
  • Automated test case scripts : According to standardized test cases and databases , Automatically generate testable projects
  • Data acquisition and analysis : Use automated test engineering instead of test engineers to perform tests manually , Both shorten the test cycle , It also avoids the problems of false detection and missing detection caused by manual testing ; Analyze the test data , Automatically generate test reports and test problems , Avoid the repetitive work of test engineers to manually enter test problems
  • Test report version management : The test case 、 Test Engineering 、 Test report 、 The test data corresponds to the software version , It is convenient to trace and locate test problems
    The following will be prepared from the test 、 The test triggers 、 The steps of setting up a test environment are introduced in detail from three aspects: test execution and test problem recording .

Test preparation

The test preparation process configures various tools that need to be used in the test execution , It includes the following process :

  • Test plan establishment : Use beihui self research PAVELINK perhaps JIRA Wait for the test management software to establish a test plan , Contains the test software version information , Test case library , Test responsible person, etc
  • Update test cases : Establish a test case library according to the newly released software version , Use GitLab/SVN Version management
  • Test sample / Equipment management : Manage test samples / Equipment status and test progress
  • Test environment construction : Test equipment and test samples for test environment debugging , To support automated testing . Use of test tools Vector Bus interface devices and CANoe Software
  • Jenkins Test process management : To configure Jenkins Job, Manage the process of test execution
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chart 4: Traditional bus network and Ethernet test system

The test triggers

The automated test process passed Jenkins Job Configuration management .Jenkins Job Can be manually 、 timing 、 monitor GitLab/SVN Version or by Jenkins API Trigger call, etc . This program monitors and tests the software version of the sample , After the software is upgraded to the specified version , Use Jenkins API The scheduling mode triggers the start of the test process .
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chart 5:Jenkins API

Test execution and test problem record

Jenkins Job Define a test process , Include the generation of automated test scripts 、 The test execution 、 Test question record .

  • Automated test script generation : Generate test scripts by parsing database files

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chart 6: Test scripts are automatically generated
  • The test execution : adopt CANoe Software COM The method of interface call realizes the choice of test case Engineering 、 The test execution 、 Read back test data and test results

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chart 7:CANoe COM Interface specification
  • Test question record : The test results read back are automatically uploaded to the test problem management system , Use beihui self-developed PAVELINK Test results of platform update test cases , Upload test data and create new test questions

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chart 8:PAVELINK Problem management platform
  • Jenkins With email sending function , At the end of the test execution , The test results and other information can be sent to the relevant responsible person by email .

Continuous testing is not equivalent to automated testing , Continuously test a series of processes , Include automated testing , Automated testing is a key step in continuous testing . By combining with software development iteration in the process , Quickly find software defects .

At the end

Using continuous testing can solve the problem of long manual testing cycle , Improved testing efficiency , Improve the productivity of testers . At the same time, control the test output and software development version , Meet the requirements of forward development and test management .

Continuous testing as a tool to improve testing efficiency , It does bring “ One button ” Work experience of hosting and executing tests . But as a tool , Continuous testing cannot meet all test scenarios . First , Continuous testing requires executable test cases to be automated , If you need to manually input parameters or change the test environment during the test , It is difficult to achieve the effect of improving the efficiency of testing . secondly , The test script can be generated automatically or the test script does not need to be modified , Facing the software products of each iteration , Writing or modifying test projects manually will also bring heavy workload to testers .

There are many and complex tool chains used in continuous testing , The overall stability of the test system needs special attention . Therefore, whether to conduct continuous testing needs to analyze the test scenario first , Nor can we abandon the accuracy of testing in order to pursue sustainability .

Beihui information follows the market trend , I have also accumulated a lot of experience in continuous testing , In addition to based on Jenkins Continuous testing program , Beihui information also self researched based on CANoe Software test management tools , Looking forward to communicating with colleagues in the industry .

【1】 Talk about cars OTA test : An overview
【2】 SOA framework / Test phase interface description language conversion scheme
【3】 White paper on the development of automotive basic software in China 2.0
【4】 Jenkins Authoritative guide

author : Beihui information - Crazy Pipi

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